VELO M&O Memorandum of UnderstandingV0.0

10 March 2008

LHCb VELO Maintenance and Operation Category B

Memorandum of Understanding

  1. Bay, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

R. McNulty, UniversityCollegeDublin

T. Bowcock, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

H. de Vries, NIKHEF, Netherlands

P. Collins, CERN

C. Parkes, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

S. Stone, University of Syracuse, USA

  1. This is a non-binding agreement.
  2. The current parties to this agreement are
  3. EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
  4. University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
  5. University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
  6. NIKHEF, Netherlands
  7. CERN
  8. University of Syracuse, U.S.A.
  9. UniversityCollegeDublin, Eire
  10. NIKHEF represents itself and though a separate agreement the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands. For this MOU NIKHEF will be regarded as a single institute.
  11. Definitions:
  12. The VELO Institutes refers to the parties in section 2
  13. This Memorandum of Understanding will be referred to as the MOU.
  14. Maintenance and Operation (M&O) category A (Cat A)is not project specific. Expenditure to understood to be dealt with under Cat A is listed in section 19.
  15. M&O Category B (Cat B) is project specific and arranged within the sub-detector project. M&O Cat B is the domain of this MOU.
  16. VESPA in this document refers to a proposed newvertex detector due for possible operation circa 2015.
  17. This MOU will remain in place until 1stApril 2010.
  18. The contents of this MOU are public and will be transmitted to the LHCb Management and to funding agencies if required.
  19. Changes to the MOU require unanimous agreement by the VELO Institutes. If agreement cannot be reached this will be referred to the LHCb Management.
  20. Approved changes will be documented in a revision to the MOU
  21. In the case an institute wish to join the VELO project the M&O must be changed. In this case a new MOU will be prepared by the Project Leader withagreement (section 6) of all VELO institutes and the institute that wishes to join the VELO and the LHCb management.
  22. The list of topics covered by the MOU is listed below. Changes to this must ber approved by VELO institutes(point 7)
  23. The activities to be undertaken under this MOU apply to the following named hardware sub-systems and components and activities
  24. Motion control and mechanics including RF foil
  25. Vacuum
  26. Cooling
  27. Silicon Modules (Repairs)
  28. Low Voltage
  29. High Voltage
  30. Cabling
  31. Temperature boards
  32. Repeater boards
  33. TELL1 boards
  34. ARX boards
  35. Hardware Interlock
  36. Testbeam
  37. Irradiation including zap tests
  38. CERN Lab. Infrastructure
  39. Storage and disposal of VELO modules
  40. The activities to be undertaken under this MOU apply to the following named software and firmware projects
  41. ECS
  42. TELL1 firmware
  43. DAQ
  44. This MOU covers the replacement of the VELO by the experiment after approximately 6-fb. Currently this involves
  45. Production of 44 VELO modules
  46. Production of short kapton cables
  47. Reception and testing of VELO modules at CERN
  48. Infrastructure for assembly at CERN
  49. This MOU covers the following VELO shift activities only
  50. VELO expert shifts
  51. VELO cooling
  52. This MOU does not cover general LHCb shifts as may be required by the collaboration.
  53. This MOU does not cover responsibilities listed below. This list is not exhaustive.
  54. General LHCb VELO software
  55. Contributions to LHCb core software including tracking and vertexing
  56. Contributions to LHCb software and in particular participation in analyses or physics groups or in the evaluation of VELO specific systematics.
  57. Software responsibilities such as VELO alignment or evaluation of FIR coefficients.
  58. Participation in the maintenance of VELO databases
  1. The following table summarizes the responsible institutes for activities in Sect 11-13.

Motion Control and Mechanics / NIKHEF
Vacuum / NIKHEF
Cooling / NIKHEF
Si Modules / Liverpool
Low Voltage / Liverpool (to Sept 08)
High Voltage / Glasgow
Cabling / CERN
Temperature boards / CERN
Repeater boards / CERN
TELL1 boards / Lausanne
ARX boards / CERN
Hardware Interlock / NIKHEF
Testbeam / Syracuse
Irradiation / CERN
ECS / CERN (to Sep 09)
Tell1 Firmware / Lausanne
VELO modules / Liverpool
VELO kaptons / Liverpool
VELO module reception / Glasgow
  1. The following table contains:
  2. The average number of the capital and consumables costs in at each of the M&O category to the VELO institutes for Financial years 2008/2009 and FY 2009/2010
  3. The total manpower dedicated to M&O B over 2 years
  4. The indicative cost of this manpower
  5. The nominal shift allocation for cooling and non-cooling shifts

Non Cooling / Cooling
Phd Equiv / FTE / Capital / Consumables / Total / Indicative / 1485 / 195
Collaborator / /Year[1] / M&O B / (kCHF) / (kCHF) / (kCHF) / FTE cost [2] / % Shifts / % Shifts
CERN / 4 / 4.9 / 73.5 / 0.0 / 73.5 / 490 / 13% / 0
Dublin / 2 / 1.4 / 155.0 / 0.0 / 155.0 / 140 / 7% / 0
EPFL / 2 / 1.5 / 127.0 / 0.0 / 127.0 / 150 / 7% / 0
Glasgow / 5 / 2.3 / 88.2 / 30.0 / 118.2 / 230 / 17% / 0
Liverpool / 9 / 10.6 / 158.8 / 54.0 / 212.8 / 1060 / 30% / 0
MSU / 0
NIKHEF / 7 / 2.9 / 69.0 / 0.0 / 69.0 / 290 / 10% / 100%
Syracuse / 5 / 2 / 12.0 / 0.0 / 12 / 200 / 17% / 0
Total / 34 / 25.6 / 683.5 / 84.0 / 767.5 / 2560.0 / 100% / 100%
[1] / Average for years 2008/2009 and 2009/2010
[2] / Estimate 100kCHF/FTE