Committee Management –AGM

Using the constitution to guide meetings, structures & processes.

This is an example of how one community radio station refers to its constitution to guide its operations.


The governance policy is intended to make clear the content of the radio station’s constitution.


The Board’s role is to collectively do the following:

  • represent the community
  • set the station’s strategic direction
  • uphold its values
  • establish policies and procedures
  • approve the annual budget
  • monitor the radio station’s performance
  • establish the organisation structure, including appointing a chief executive officer (CEO) and subcommittees
  • settle disputes
  • evaluate its own performance and the performance of the CEO

Governance Procedures:

1. Each year in January, the board and the staff (can include volunteers) of the radio station meet to review strategy, assess performance and prepare for the coming year. Before the strategic planning session, research is done on demographics of the broadcast area and community need so the most up to date information can be considered. The station will also email local community organisations asking for input and ideas about the station’s operation.

2. The Board also conducts a full annual review of policy and procedures at the board level. This can be delegated to a subcommittee. The board has a broad overview role to ensure the procedures support the strategic direction the board is setting, and that all policies are in place to manage the compliance and operational risk for the organisation.

3. The manager and staff are active participants in the discussions, and provide an operational context to the board’s strategic discussions.

4. Once the policies and procedures are reviewed and agreed by the board, the manager calls a station meeting reviews the policies and procedures with all staff and volunteers, and makes sure that reporting mechanisms are in place to coordinate all activities according to the operational plan.

5. The secretary is responsible for ensuring that the station handbook is updated.

Activity - Annual General Meetings

1. Find out all you can about the station’s Annual General Meeting

Task Sheet: Annual General Meetings

Question / Comments
When does your station’s AGM need to be
When do members have to receive
notification of the AGM?
What is the process for nominating as a
Board member?
Was the audited statement prepared on
time for the last AGM?
Were there any qualifications about the
station’s finances in the auditor’s report? If
so, try and find out what steps have been
taken to address these?
What is the quorum for your station’s
AGM? Is it difficult to achieve a quorum? If
so, what steps could be taken to address
this problem?
Is your station’s AGM partly a social
occasion? If not, do you think it would be
a good idea to make it so?
After the AGM, which government
agencies need to be notified of changes to
Board membership and/or sent
information about the meeting?

2. Write brief notes about ways the organisation and conducting of AGMs at your station could be improved.

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For further resources and training on community radio governance visit or email