Minutes of the Meeting of the

San Fernando Valley Engineer’s Council

Executive BoardBoard of Directors

The The Valley Inn, Rumble RoomNumero Uno PizzaValley Inn

Sherman Oaks

Monday, January 12FebruaryTuesMondayday, April 20March 14 9, 20042005

The meeting was attended by Lisa Bergovoy, Paul Landry, The meeting was attended by Directors Patrick Berbon, Larry Dalton, Ken Futernick, Mike Garland, Bill Johnson, Walt Korp, Paul Landry, Chuck Olsefsky, Bill Johnson, Walt Korp, Charles Volk, Bob Tarn and special guest Peter Wang Quality Manager frChuck Olsefsky, Patrick Berbon, Charles Volk, Bob Tarn, Mike Garland, Larry Dalton, Ken Futernick, Walt Korp, Bob Egermeier, Victor Aguilar, and Jareth Holtom Fadel Engineering.

Guests: SHPE/SFV members Sam Fernandez and Juan Aguirre, and teachers/mentors from Canoga Park High School Debbie Bennett & Katerina Chalkidou., and Charlie Volk. Don Sepulveda was in attendance, representing the IAE, and Explorer Post Advisor Debbie Bennett was a special guest.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Bob Tarn, at 6:12 PM at 6:00 2830pm..


The agenda was approved, as amended Bob distributed an agenda for the meeting. After review by those present, it wasand approved.. with the addition of several new correspondance items introduced by Bobout modification.

Minutes of Previous Board Meeting

The minutes of the December 2JanMarch 8February 1uary 12, 20035, BOD meeting werewasere approved as submitted by the President without with a correction to the datemodification.

Treasurers Report

The A Treasurer’s Reports for the months of statement for the month of December, 2003, and JanMarchFebruary, 2005, and the proposed budget for 2004/2005asIt was moved by was not available for review, but will be provided before our February BOD meeting.Ken Futernick to was accepted for auditaccept & approve the Treasurers Report. This motion was seconded by Charles Volk. Motion carried. Bob Tarn requested reimbursement for part of his February cell phone bill, and provided documentation of calls made for the benefit of the council. The board agreed to reimburse him $75 for this expense. Details of the ‘04/’05 budget were discussed

and it was approved as presented.


Bob distributed the following correspondence for information/discussion.

·  Minutes of Symposium Planning Committee meetings (12/10/2003 & 1/7/2004).

·  Memo to NASA/HQ Public Affairs re: Sean O’Keefe invitation.

·  Letter in support of CPHS Explorer Post 3142 Toyota Grant Application.

·  Correspondence with LA County Science Fair Committee re: 2004 event.

Letters from CSUN re: General Scholarship Fund 2003 recipient.

·  Resignation of Ray F. Straub from the Board of Directors, and SME request for appointment of Walt Korp as their representative to the board.

Affiliation Activities

Don Sepulveda discussed the status of the IAE annual EWeek banquet. Due to some organizational issues, there will be no IAE banquet this year, but they will back into full swing in 2005. The OCEC is planning to conduct a banquet this year for their members and the LACES.

Walt Korp was elected Director-at-Large, representing the SME #173 (in addition to Director-at-Large Ken Futernick, who continues to represent SME #173).

Board of Directors Membership

Mike distributed an updated SFVEC Contact List, dated November 14, 2003. Each member was asked to review the contact information that we have on record, and to submit corrections to Mike.

After some discussion and a short biography by Walt Korp, Paul moved to accept and appoint Walter Korp as Secretary for the unexpired term vacated by Ray Straub. The motion was seconded by Larry and passed unanimously.

It was moved by Paul to appoint Dean Mau of CSUN as Honorary Chairman of the Board. The motion was seconded by Larry and passed unanimously.

Standing Committees

Charitable Giving Committee Report

Bob introduced Ms. Debbie Bennett, faculty leader of Engineering Explorer Post #3142 at Canoga Park High School (CPHS) and presented her with a letter of support from the San Fernando Valley Engineers' Council in relation to the Toyota grant for computer based chemistry class at CPHS.

It was moved by Paul to advance $300 to Post #3142 to be used for Space Set program scholarships in the name of Lloyd Higginbotham. The motion was seconded by Larry and passed unanimously.

It was decided that Bob would represent the council at the 2004 LA County Science Fair event.

After some discussion it was decided to add logos from supporting Societies to the back of the 'MATH COUNTS' T-shirts under a larger Engineers' Council Logo for a contribution of $100. Ken so moved, Paul seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

After their presentation to the BOD, Debbie and Katerina were excused from the meeting.

Communications Committee Report

For publicity purposes, Ken Futernick presented a symposium promotion plan that will involve repeated communications with the council contact list, including telephone calls. The board also discussed the request from the Banquet Planning Committee for a newspaper article in the Community Section. Ken agreed to pursue a press release to the Daily News, but expressed doubt that would help. Bob agreed to provide names and telephone numbers of council contacts to Ken for his telephone contact approach.requested access to photo’s from previous year’s banquets, and Bob took the action to get them to him.

Charitable Giving Committee

·  We are above 40% participation by board members in the Higginbotham Fund. Based on this overwhelming support by the board, we decided it was time to begin Phase II of the campaign. Bob took the action to convene a meeting of the longest standing members to identify our “most likely contributors”.

·  We received three high school scholarship applications (El Camino, Birmingham, and Canoga Park). All were approved for $250 scholarships.

·  Walt Korp and Ken Futernick reported on their experience volunteering as science fair judges for the LA County Science Fair. They recommend that we field more judges next year, and would certainly volunteer again themselves.

·  Mike reported that one of our San Fernando Valley MathCounts winners went on to compete nationally in the competition this year.

·  Bill Johnson passed around the Westec Century Club brochure, showing the SFVEC as a “founding member”. He recommended that we make a contribution to the Century Club, which motivates students to select engineering careers.

Constitution & By-Laws

·  Resignation letter was received from Peter Wang (ASQ SFV). The Rresignation was accepted.

·  Nomination letter was received from SME #27 (Los Angeles Chapter Chair Kris Baron), appointing Jagadish Kariyappa to represent the society on the SFVEC. Jagadish was elected to a new 3-year term representing SME #27.

·  Nomination letter was received from SWE Antelope Valley (President Tracy Hawkins), appointing Lisa Bergovoy to represent the society on the SFVEC. Lisa was elected to a 3-year term as Director-at-Large, representing SWE Antelope Valley.

·  Called for nominations for open SFVEC Executive Committee positions. Received the following nominations:


o  Paul Landry (nominated by Walt Korp)


o  Walt Korp (nominated by Ken Futernick)

o  Patrick Berbon (nominated by Bob Tarn)


o  Lisa Bergovoy (nominated by Ken Futernick)

o  Bob Tarn (nominated by Paul Landry)

·  Nominations were closed.

·  Discussed conduct of elections. A ballot will be distributed with the minutes of this meeting. All voting board members will be requested to complete a ballot and return it to BOTH either Paul Landry orAND Mike Garland. Ballots may be returned by US Mail, e-mail, or brought to the April Board of Directors Meeting (to be scheduledApril 5). No ballots will be accepted after the April Board of Directors Meeting.

·  Chas. Volk was appointed Assistant Treasurer.

Charitable Giving Committee

·  Advisor Bob Egermeier introduced outgoing Post President Jareth Holt, and incoming Post President Victor Aguilar. Engineering Explorer Post #3142 presented the Post Charter to the SFVEC Board of Directors, and made a brief report of post activities.

·  Discussed plans to support the LA County Science Fair judging on April 21 & 22. Walt Korp and Ken Futernick have signed up to be judges, and others were encouraged to join the fun, and/or solicit judging help through their societies.

·  Larry Dalton showed the LAUSD Science Bowl recognition of major sponsors, including Engineers’ Council listing in the competition program and on the competitor t-shirts. Thank you, Larry!

·  Paul Landry reminded the board that it is time to get moving on the High School Scholarships that have been budgeted for this spring. Bob Tarn took the action to send the application form out to the schools that participated last year (note: Lisa Bergovoy has since offered to solicit applications from Lancaster High School).

Communications Committee

·  Ken Futernick showed a copy of the March 14 edition of the San Fernando Valley Business Journal, containing a very flattering article regarding the Engineers Week Banquet. Thank you, Ken!

·  Ken discussed his future plans to get recognition of our member societies with monthly articles in this publication. Interested societies should provide a point of contact to Ken.

Technical Symposium Committee

·  Charlie reported that the symposium was excellent, and feedback has been very positive.

·  We discussed making a commitment for conducting a symposium next year, and decided to continue the discussion to the next BOD meeting.

·  Bob suggested referring to the activity as a “seminar”, giving it more of a “continuing education” connotation, which might help more professionals get attendance support from their employers.

Recognition Technical Symposium Committee

Charles H. Volk will continue as chairman and will make a report next month.

Technical Symposium Committee

Charles H. Volk will continue as chairman and will make a report next month.

Technical Symposium Planning Committee Report

Charles H. Volk will continue as chairman and will make a report next month.Charlie reported that the committee had progressed to the point that 11 distinguished speakers have been scheduled, and a preliminary schedule for the two-day event had been distributed (and is posted on the web site). A 12th speaker is still a possibility.

Honors & Awards Committee Report

Bob passed around a spreadsheet showing the awards approved by the Honors & Awards Committee. Without objection, the BOD agreed to accept these awards for presentation at the Feb. 28 EWeek banquet.

Roger Belt has accepted the chairmanship and the committee will meet separately. Although frames for this year have already been purchased for ~$1,300, Bob presented a proposal from Boeing’s certificate printer for award assembly, including frames. The BOD found the price to be very attractive (~$1000 for frames and assembly), particularly since we would then avoid ~$700 in annual storage costs for framing materials. The Boeing arrangement with the vendor will not permit them to bill the council, so Boeing would be asked to pay for the certificate framing costs. The souvenir program is printed by a Boeing vendor that can bill the council directly, so the council will ask to pick up that cost. The net result will be almost a “wash”, but with much less work to do by the BOD during the week before the banquet. We will definitely go this route next year.

Banquet Committee

·  All feedback has been very positive. There were audio problems in the hall, making it difficult for people in the very back to hear the speakers. A/V Masters recommended that they provide the sound system (more $$) next year.

·  Bob Tarn read a very enthusiastic note from Bob Kennington, Director of Engineering at EAFB, and passed around the on-line news article appearing in the Boeing News Now, Canoga Park Edition. He also reported that awards mailed to Bob Budica and Sean O’Keefe were damaged by UPS (pronounced “Oops!”); replacements will be made.

·  Walter Korp reported that attendance at the Ventura & Santa Barbara Counties EWeek Banquet was approximately 250.

·  Action: Bill Johnson to report on attendance at the LACES Banquet, and find out how many were in attendance at the OCEC Banquet. Inquiring minds want to know!

·  Bob requested budget for gifts to Mickey Knobloch and Dan Beck for their special banquet support. $100 for each was approved by the board.

Banquet Planning Committee Report

·  Paul F. Landry has accepted the chairmanshipDiscussion was held about including Symposium activities in the weekly meetings scheduled to start Monday 19 January 2004. A motion to make this official was made by Paul, seconded by Larry and passed unanimouslyand will review the data collected with the committee re: Award limits and/or program duration limits. Bob presented his analysis of the economic impact of the award limits that he proposed at the last meeting. Based on his crude assessment, the recognition program time would have been reduced by 20 minutes, but the revenue from the banquet would have been reduced by 18% (translating into about $2,400). Bob withdrew his suggestion of imposing award limits. Further discussion of program duration control was deferred to the Banquet Planning Committee.

Mike discussed options for a special gift souvenir .for attendees at our next banquet, which will be our 50th Anniversary Honors & Awards Banquet. Medallions or engraved wine glasses were discussed. The approved budget includes $3,000 for this gift item.Bob Tarn closed the meeting at 8:07 PM.

Communications Committee

Ken Futernick has accepted the chairmanship and will work to make a presentation next meeting.

Bob reported that based upon the number of nominations the attendance should be close to 600. It is desired to limit attendance to 640, in order to avoid overcrowding the room at the Sportsmen’s Lodge. Therefore, it was estimated that we have only 4 tables left to sell. Larry Dalton reported that IEEE would be reserving at least one table, and possibly 3.

There was discussion about the propriety and advisability of stating clearly in the literature that banquet speakers will be “comped” to dinner and a seat at the Banquet. It was generally agreed that any guest speaker (and their guest) would be guests of the council at the banquet.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 88:00 3PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Walt KorpWalter Korp, SMESME

Bob Tarn, Council President, AIAA/SFV, FIAESecretary

San Fernando Valley Engineer’s Council



Minutes from the meeting of the Engineers’ Council Symposium