February 29, 2016

Parents and Guardians of seniors:

Senior students will walk across the stage on June 5th, 2016! This letter serves as an update to important dates and events.

Below, you will find a dated list (as accurate as possible) of important dates for your senior. We will have periodic meetings throughout the year, but this is an overview of events.

Herff Jones- phone # 817-244-4645

Cap and Gown-must be ordered (Even if no announcements are ordered) Our Saginaw Red is distinct and must be ordered through Herff Jones. If your senior waits there is an additional ordering fee. The cap and gowns will be delivered prior to practice time, the third week in May.

(Remember, the longer you wait to order, the more the cost). We have a new contact Herff Jones Representative: Corey Schneider with Texan Graduation Services. The office number is: 817-244-4645.

On-Line ordering is available at www.hjtexan.com

If your senior plans on using a borrowed or sibling robe please note there is a $37 fee for stole, diploma cover, cap, and tassel.

Graduation Announcements-

Can be ordered through Herff Jones on their website: www.hjtexan.com. Herff Jones will also come to the school to take orders. The time and dates will be announced.

Yearbook/Senior Pictures-

Tiffany Womack: is in charge of this- You should already have had your senior pictures taken in the summer of 2015.

Per contract: Glamour Craft is the only photographic pictures allowed in the year book.

Glamour Craft’s number is 817-923-9901 or 817-292-8989.

Senior Dedication pages – contact Tiffany Womack if you are interested in one of the senior dedication pages for the 2015-16 Year Book.

Graduation will be held on June 5th, 2016, 1:00 PM at the Fort Worth Convention Center.


In the past, we have had a few parents and relatives who bring air horns. This type of celebration is disruptive to the graduation service. Noise makers/air horns should not be brought into the Convention Center for any reason. Relatives will be escorted from the premises if air horns are discharged during the graduation ceremony.

Practice- Graduation practice will be held at Saginaw High School on June 2nd at 8:30 AM. [Dress rehearsal. ALL STUDENTS NEED TO HAVE CAP AND GOWNS ON!!!].

We will have an additional practice on the morning of graduation, June 5th at 10:00 AM. We will stay at the Fort Worth Convention Center until we have completed graduation at approximately 3:00PM. We will practice, break for a snack (You must remain at the Convention Center- Bring a lunch!) and then be ready to graduation at 12:15.

Please be aware that the dress code for graduation will be strictly enforced.


Young ladies are required to wear black dresses and shoes under SHS red robes. Young men are required to wear black or very dark slacks with black shoes under SHS robes. Long sleeve dress shirts with ties are traditionally worn.

All shoes worn must be TOTALLY black – no flip flops or sneakers or boots.

There is a check –in process for dress code to assure that these guidelines are followed. Please do not tarnish you graduation experience with this compliance issue.

School Attendance-

Attendance is more important than ever for your senior. Please be very aware of your child’s attendance. In case the 90% attendance rule is broken and exceeded (More than 9 absences- excused or unexcused), you and/or your senior will need to contact your House Principal for guidance. Severe cases of poor attendance will be referred to the attendance committee to determine eligibility and completion of hours. The blue petition form is located in each house. Seniors who remain out of attendance compliance, will not receive class credit and therefore will not graduate and walk the stage. This is a TEA state ruling.


May 14th atthe ATT Stadium, Arlington TX. From 7-12:00 p.m. Represent SHS well!

FYI: The Stadium employs security to assure guest safety.

Parent Involvement-

Baccalaureate- is not created or sponsored by the school district or school. We however support the effort.

Baccalaureate time /date TBD; please contact Mrs. Herminia Ramirez for more information.

Senior Celebration- is a parent sponsored event that takes place the night of graduation. They are looking for many parents to participate in this worthwhile endeavor to keep our seniors safe on graduation night. Times for the event are TBA. Please contact Mrs. Herminia Ramirez for more details.

If you have questions regarding your seniors’ last year, please contact Ona Winders x8608 or Judy Rachal x8563 at Saginaw High School.