Husbands Bosworth C of E School
Computing Overview
Class 4 – Year 5 and 6 / Autumn / Spring / SummerYear A / Programming - Scratch / E Safety
Handling Data – Xcel / E Safety
Year B / Programming - Scratch / E Safety
Data loggers / E Safety
Technology in our lives
Class 3 – Year 3 and 4
Class 2 - Year 1 and 2
Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer TermProgramming- Algorithms (programming and debugging (y2)-floor robots- Beebots, roamer world. 2GO and J2e- coding online program.
Multimedia- Taking pictures using cameras
Adding picture to text- (2create)
Technology in our lives- Using the internet- online encyclopaedias and research.
E-safety- rules for the classroom, telling an adult, What is personal information? / Programming- algorithms, programming floor robots and online programs to draw shapes and letters. (Debugging Year 2).
Multimedia- topic research and adding pictures to text.
Technology in our lives- searches, following links to find information and printing.
E-safety- who sees work online? Keeping passwords private, What to do?- report/ tell someone. Safer internet day. / Programming- pivot stick animation/ lego fix the factory
Multimedia- videos, simple animations.
Technology in our lives- save and retrieving information, understanding the keyboard keys and validity of information online.
E-safety- Being kind and polite online and in real life, sensible amounts of time online.
Taught throughout the year:
Using simulation games (maths activities on the computers)
Handling data- 2 count venn diagrams, pictograms, branching databases to sort animals in Science/ shapes in Maths.
Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term
Technology in our lives – Learning how to operate simple equipment (CD players/remote controls/cameras). Knowing the different types of technology used in school and at home.
Programming – Using ICT software to interact with age appropriate computer software (2Simple/Ipad apps). Completing simple programs on a computer (e.g Fizzy numbers).
Handling – Talking about different types of information (using microscopes to explore things and describe how it looks)
Multimedia – Learning how to use a mouse or keypad to control a program.
E-safety – Thinking about the amount of time spent using different forms of technology. Treating forms of technology with care. / Technology in our lives – To begin to think about different ways of recording our work. Taking photographs for different topics. Using videos to record. Teach logging in and out.
Programming – Introduce Bee-Bots, support programming them on different mats.
Handling – To know that information can be retrieved from a computer. Beginning to understand that technology can be selected for different purposes.
Multimedia – Showing learning through technology (making a voice recording). Developing mouse control and keyboard skills (type name).
E-safety – Create rules around using technology. Introduce E-safety. Ensure the children know they should tell an adult if they see something that they do not like on a computer. / Technology in our lives – To learn how to save and print (with adult support). Using a safe part of the internet to research.
Programming – Programming Bee-bots and exploring how they respond to commands given. Use 2Go to make an object move around the screen.
Handling – Sorting and labelling media/pictures/objects into different categories.
Multimedia – Moving objects on a screen (to sort). Build on mouse and keyboard skills.
E-safety – Revisit E-Safety rules. Focus on internet safety.