Re-Teach Units: Level Two, Unit Two
P1 Singular and Plural Pronouns
Students are asked to sort pronouns into two columns titled singular/plural.
*Use the Re-Teach lessons provided by the publisher.
P2 Plural and Possessive‘s –‘s
Students are given a sentence and have to fill in the blank with two options that are the singular possessive use of the word, or the plural use of the word. Students are determining whether the use of ownership or plural. *No plural possessives are tested in this PA.
*Use the Re-Teach lessons provided by the publisher.
P3 Action and Linking Verbs
Given a linking or action verb and asked to sort. Just like Unit One, P2.
*Supplemental lesson – different that Unit One, P2.
P4 Prepositions
Students are given a short story with eight sentences. There are six blanks, students have three options to read the context and select the right pronoun. Essentially, students are tested on their use of pronouns given context clues.
*Supplemental lesson.
P5 Capitalization and Proper nouns
Students are asked to listen to a sentence, and then type the sentence out. The computer is checking capitalization of proper nouns, using commas with items in a series, and end punctuation.
*Supplemental lesson –the same skills that were in Unit One, P7. Note if student has an emerging pattern with these same three skills if they failed Unit One, P7 too.
P6 Adverbs
Students are given a simple sentence and three choices. They have to select which word is the adverb.
*Supplemental lesson.
P7 Confusing Words
Students have to listen to the sentence and use the context clues to determine if a multiple meaning word is used as a noun or a verb.
P8 Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Students are asked to sort a given word as a concrete or abstract.
*Supplemental lesson.