Association of Business Process Management Professionals

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

April 10, 2005 12:30 – 5:00 PM (CST)


Brett’s Suite

Hyatt Regency McCormick Place

Chicago, IL


Dial in: 866-279-0222, meeting number: *6671747*


a)  In attendance:
At Meeting Room
- Brett Champlin
- Dale Cohen
Via Teleconference
- Chris Jensen
- Brad Reynolds
- Tony Benedict
- Leon Zhao
- David Heidt (Chicago)
- Sandra Lusk (Portland)
- Trevor Naidoo (Philadelphia)
- Anene Nnolin (SE Michigan)
Joining Late:
- Jack Langowski
- Andrew Spanyi
- Jerry Mirelli

b)  Quorum established

Approve Minutes of Last Meeting

§  Dale moved that we approve, Sandra seconded, approved by unanimous vote

Approve Agenda

§  Moved SE Michigan report to first item under New Business as Anene needs to leave meeting early

§  Added New Business item to discuss Association Logo – Sandra

§  Added New Business item to discuss Dues Renewal – Sandra

§  Added New Business item to discuss International Chapters – Brett

Old Business

Updated in table, added dates, status updates

Action items – Old Business / Person responsible: / Deadline: /
1)  / Private Policy for the Website and ensure we stay within the guidelines.
Refund and other policies need to be addressed / Information – Jerry Mirelli
Dale Cohen / ASAP
May 1
2)  / Verisign and a timetable for delivery and security.
- they can have it up 72 hours after go. Still working on contract terms. Negotiations in process – we don’t want to give power of attorney or term length / Dale Cohen & David Heidt / May 1
3)  / Need presenters for the BPM 101 tutorial for the 3 upcoming conferences, as an individual or for ABPMP.
- add a person to fill in speaker notes / Sandra Lusk interested in being one of the presenters.
- Anene will work with Sandra or Brett for Washington or NYC
- Jack will add slide notes in San Francisco / Sandra scheduled for San Francisco and Washington, DC. Anene Nnolim
- Brett will coordinate w/ Anene, Sandra, and Jack
4)  / Need an Education committee to develop BPM 102 and sign off on this as body of knowledge. / Andrew Spanyi, Sandra Lusk, Tony Benedict, and Brett Champlin are interested. / Cancelled
5)  / Need someone to establish Software and Hardware vendor relationships. Brian Cooper has a lot of ideas about this program. / Chris Jensen will contact Brian Cooper. / Done - Affiniscape has sent us a proposal – see new business item (b)
Action items – Old Business / Person responsible: / Deadline: /
6)  / Need all code of Ethics signed by all officers for ABPMP international / All officers for ABPMP International and Chapter Presidents. / May 10
7)  / Develop BPM Certification Program. Review Widener’s program and set up a committee. / Andrew Spanyi / Done - Setup committee and work groups, will be scheduling program
8)  / Directors need to let Dale know of upcoming expenses. / All officers for ABPMP International / May 1
9)  / Follow-up with BPM Journal/Gregg Rock of BPM Institute to get ABPMP in their press release. / Chris Jensen / done
10)  / Will get in touch with Philadelphia about sponsorship vendors. Conference Provider to send a discount. – looking for vendors to sponsor meetings / Chris Jensen / May 1
11)  / The brochure needs to be updated. David will create a PDF and Chris will work on the brochure. Expense to print this will be reported to Dale Cohen. / Dave Heidt will work with Chris Jensen to create a PDF in Affiniscape. / Draft, 1-page single sided glossy created for this conference.
May 30
12)  / Contact existing ABPMP International officers who were not in the meeting and ask if they wish to continue their position. Also contact the individuals who are interested in running for open positions. Put together a slate of candidates for 2005 Board of Directors. / Elia Naughton / Cancelled
Elia couldn’t put in the time, didn’t turn over, time went by, volunteers solicited and appointments were made instead

We had some discussion about expenses for communication – listservers, broadcast email, etc. David is looking into enhancing the services.

New Business

a)  Southeast Michigan Report
- We had planned our first general meeting for March, but we didn’t get the number of attendees we anticipated. Now we are planning for May with 6 paid members.
- Making efforts to attract new members
- Anene spoke to a Lawrence Technological University (LTU) meeting of CIOs from large companies promoting BPM and ABPMP
- Anene asked how many meetings other chapters are having… Portland has 9 monthly meetings, Philadelphia had 4 last year aiming for 6 this year. Chicago 6 per year, every other month more or less

b)  Accept new Director appointments - Brett
- Prof. Leon Zhao, Communications
- Jerry Mirelli, Information Management
- Tony Benedict, Relationship Management
- motion to accept appointments Jack, seconded Dale, unanimously approved

c)  2005 budget – Dale
- emailed current budget out this morning
- Dale reviewed highlights
- requested approval for two specific items for Presidents Office, both approved

d)  Recommendation on Vendor Sponsorship Program – Tony & Chris
- Affinsicape proposal to manage back office relationship mgt
- it has been reviewed by several directors and consensus is that we would benefit from pursuing this
- discussion around what exactly this means
- Tony & Chris will tune up the specifics of the proposal with Affiniscape and pursue activating this program.

e)  Code of Ethics Policy - Sandra
- tracking COE signers
- make it part of the application form
- Brett will contact lawyer regarding language for online forms

f)  Association Logo – Sandra
- discussion at chapter board meeting about printing a banner. Whether the ABPMP logo is finalized so that we don’t have to change
- Chris will ensure we have an official logo that matches the website logo and in multiple file formats
- Chris will also photo the table skirt and send around to chapters

g)  Question about dues renewal – Sandra
- when we got our renewal letters, it looked like it was overdue. The date defined as past due is our annual renewal date, but it appears as if it is past due. May be the dates or the form. Dale will investigate.

h)  International Chapters – Brett
- Brett will send Brad contact for Lawyer for international
- Leon will be teaching in Hong Kong in 2006

Officer Updates

a)  President
- approved paying my expenses to PW05
- approved paying my expenses to BPMG London
- I will circulate BPMG survey to the board

b)  Membership
- Brad – will work more closely with Dale
- Dale – March of 2004 we projected forward for 2 years under different scenarios…. As of March 31, we beat first and second scenarios but not third. We received our first corporate membership for 10 member license (only one named member)
- Membership services – discussion of what we can provide, especially
- Welcome kit, immediate response
- M@L, either a global chapter or assign to an existing chapter
- make sure all items on the chapter lists are up to date

c)  Marketing
- been out of town
- Needs to follow up on a number of things
- IIR, IQPC, ProjectWorld, Gartner, BPMG, others
- will work with David on new marketing brochure

d)  Chapters - Brad
- Assistance w/ Minneapolis?
- New York, had 1st meeting
- Minneapolis will shortly be holding a kick off
- Atlanta
- St. Louis
- Dallas/Boston more faint

e)  Education
- Brett & Sandra reported
- this work is important in attracting new members and international attention




·  Andrew Spanyi, Chair

·  Professor Yvonne Antonucci, Widener University

·  Professor Martin Bariff, Illinois Institute of Technology

·  Tony Benedict, Intel Corporation

·  Brett Champlin, President ABPMP, Allstate Insurance Company

·  Joe Francis, HP

·  Paul Gladieux

·  Paul Harmon, BP Trends

·  Sandra Lusk, President ABPMP Portland, Pacificorp

·  Staci Paley, Pacificorp

Meeting monthly via teleconference

·  Jan, Feb, Mar

·  Next meeting April 28?

Established work groups

·  Definition of BPM

·  Reference Disciplines

·  Research Agenda (academic research)

·  Curriculum

·  Body of Knowledge

·  Next phase - Certification Program


·  Definitions
– draft, edit, final revision will be presented April

·  Reference Disciplines
- draft, second, third revisions, final April

·  Research Agenda
- collected about 30 academic research programs ongoing
- next categorizing them according to "building blocks" or BOK major categories

·  Curriculum
- shared work-in-progress from Widener
- some course descriptions from IIT

·  Body of Knowledge
- Identified about a dozen BOKs
- evaluated structure and content, development lifecycle of 4 of them
- made recommendations on scope and structure to committee
- revised recommendations on development schedule to be more aggressive, 1st deliverable this year

·  Certification
- collected presentations on certifications from HP, Intel, DAMA
- will create work group after BOK and Curricula completed

f)  Finance
- sent out email this morning
- Highlights, we’re getting contributions, honorariums, other income we didn’t expect, one corporate member, a handful of academics, mostly professional members
- renewals aren’t coming as fast as expected, a lot of accounts outstanding
- balance sheet isn’t that exciting, total assets are on a pretty good growth clip, 800; 7,500; 9,600 – we do have some funds available to support programs that will help members
- we’ve about doubled our members
- P&L, income program fees – event revenue
- overall we are on plan

g)  Communications
- no report

h)  Relationships
- I was able to meet with Chris Jensen to discuss Affiniscape proposal. He and I are both in agreement that this is a good opportunity to move ABPMP into the next stage of funding independence from member dues. It should also give ABPMP more visibility and industry credibility as a driving force for BPM within the industry.
- I captured Andrew's feedback, but didn't get into the details with Brian as I received it after our meeting, however, we could discuss this further with Brian once we make the decision to go the the next step. Andrew's concerns:
* No investment required by ABPMP to get it rolling
* The act of obtaining sponsorships does not - in any way - compromise ABPMP's vision, mission or values
* There is a mechanism to monitor progress on a quarterly basis
* Either party can decide to suspend the program with prior written notice
- Affiniscape is offering 40% of proceeds for first two years and then 50% each year after. (See slide 29 & 30 in presentation). I also called Brian Cooper and spoke with him at length about the proposal. Affiniscape is willing to take on all the risk to get this off the ground and I don't see a downside for ABPMP at this point in moving forward with their proposal.

i)  Information Management
- Jerry is just starting to get up to speed
- David is coaching him on
- lots of work to be done on the new website

j)  Operations

k)  Vice President
- Jack will take on the Operations role as part of VP
- Jack would like to model our processes

Chapter President Reports

a)  Chicago
- keeping to a schedule of every other month
- next week, Peter Fingar will be speaking since he is here for the BPM conference, teamed up with a couple other organizations to present as an author’s event
- last meeting was open discussion, reviewed Delphi Survey, BPM Inst survey, report on BPMI conference
- we will report on this on the website so that other chapters and all members can share the presentations

b)  Philadelphia
- Signed up 49th member, with unassigned members will be 52
- major goal is get all the renewals in and continue growing the membership
- the program is going to be really vital to keeping up growth
- had an event in Feb, will have 5 more this year
- Microsoft had an “innovation day” and gave us a table, had us on their panel discussions, got a bunch of people signed up from that and the rest are in our prospect database
- trying to bring on one more board member to be responsible for programs
- then we want to start planning for next year’s program

c)  Portland
The Portland Chapter holds regular monthly Chapter and Board meetings on the last Thursday of the month from 6 to 8 pm. and the first Thursday of the month from 11:30 to 1 pm, respectively. Our format has been to have either an invited speaker or a round table discussion on the attendees topic of choice. To date attendance at the Chapter meetings has averaged 12-15 people. In addition to sending meeting notices by email, we have been posting the meeting notices on the website. Beginning in April our meetings will be listed on the Center for Professional Development, OGI School of Engineering and Science calendar sent out twice a month. Our calendar of events is:
- January 26 - ‘What is Business Process Management? Sandra Lusk, DB Professionals
- February 24 - Facilitated Round Table Discussion on the value of BPM
- March 31- How to Sell Management on BPM - William Bender, PacifiCorp
- April 28 - Enterprise Mapping: A strategy for identifying and linking all of the processes in an organization, Victoria Hawley
- May 18 - Sandy Liebesman will talk on SOX and Business Processes (to be confirmed)
- June 30 - BPM 101 Course - Brett Champlin (Special half-day Event)
We will not have programs in July or August. The Board's current focus is on getting next year's programs set up and concentrating on increasing our membership.
- we’ve decided to try different types of meetings, are still in the process of getting Dr. Sandy Liebesman to speak while he’s in Seattle in May. Can we put on the website a link to something he is teaching in May?
- We added a board member and one other board member has become too busy to do very much.
- starting next year’s program planning