Welcome to accelerated biology! A brief description of this course and other pertinent information is included on this sheet. Please read both the front and back of these sheets with your parents or guardian.

TEACHER: Bottm, e-mail:

TEXT: CampellBiology


Assignment notebook

A sturdy notebook!!!!

PHILOSOPHY AND APPROACH: The LAB is the heart of the course whenever appropriate. The design of most Laboratory activities is to require the students to develop a problem solving approach on their own,share ideas, present, propose and defend results. Many Lab activities are completed before a topic has been formally covered in class. After completing the activity the students are encouraged to develop explanations and predictions. The student tries this first in small group discussion and then with the help of reading assignments and class discussion. In order to maintain a student centered classroom the amount of large group lecture format instruction will be kept to a minimum. This course uses the principles of biologyand controlled investigations to develop students’ problem solving, group interaction, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, tests and test questions are styled after ACT formats to develop students’ standardized test taking skills.


UnitText ChaptersTime (wks)

Quarter One

Unit 0: Ecology 36-382

Unit 1: The Chemistry of Life 2-32

Unit 2: The Cell 4-52

Unit 3: Cell Processes: 6-73

Metabolism and Communication

Quarter Two

Unit 4: Heredity6-93

Unit 5: From Gene to Protein 10-125

Quarter Three-Four

Unit 6: Evolution and Phylogeny13-154

Unit 7: Biodiversity16-33!!12

Unit 8: Ecology 34-383

Study- Accelerated biologymoves at a faster pace than regular biology. The topics are discussed more in depth and additional units are be covered. More preparation/study time is expected. I am available first semester before school, 4th, and 6th hours. We will schedule large group study sessions prior to chapter tests.

Tests/Quizes – Quizzes will be conducted at least once per week, chapter tests will occur approximately once every three weeks.

Cumulative Points: Every test will contain a “Cumulative Section”. The Cumulative Section will be graded independently of the test and points awarded will accumulate in your grade book.

Labs – All labs require one formal lab write-up per lab group. Additional question sets may accompany lab activities. Question sets must be completed on an individual student basis.

Lab Safety: Note: SAFETY GLASSES MUST BE WORN IN THE LABORATORY AT ALL TIMES. Regard every chemical as poisonous and flammable. Long hair must be pulled back to avoid catching fire and producing severe head burns. Become familiar with the safety equipment in the laboratory such as location of the fire extinguisher, eye wash fountain, safety shower, sodium bicarbonate, safety glasses, first aid kit, and fire blanket. Report any accidents to instructor immediately. Do not bring food into the lab. At the end of each lab period, clean equipment and lab tops. Dispose of loose paper towels in the wastebasket. Please ask instructor for proper disposal of chemicals.

Homework – It is the student’s responsibility to show the completed assignment before the scheduled chapter test.

Problems: Problem solving is extremely important component of this course. Problems will be assigned on individual, small group and large group basis. In order to receive full credit for the answers to the problems must be accompanied by all of the work and units.

ATTENDANCE/ MAKE-UP WORK: Students who are absent from class are responsible for obtaining class announcements/assignments from the board or lab partner.

Method of Grading: Grades will be weighted based on the labs, projects, tests, daily work, class participation and quizzes. The district grading scale and percent distribution is as follows:

A 100-90

B 89-80

C 79-70

D 69-60

Tests: 35%

Cumulative Points: 10%



Homework:5% Must be completed prior to test

Final Grade: Semester Grades will be based on the average of the two quarter grades and the semester final with the final being worth 15% of the grade. Second Semester Grades will be based on the average of the last two quarter grades and the final cumulative test.

Summary: Biology is a funtime!