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Stone County Library Board Meeting Notes
September 21, 2017

The Board of Trustees of the Stone County Library met in regular session on Thursday September 21, 2017 at 3:00 pm at the Galena Library. The meeting was called to order by President George Scott. Those present were Jim Huy, Mary Carlson, Angie Evans and George Scott. Also present were Interim Director Beth McConnell and library employee Patricia Roman.

Mr. Scott called the meeting to order. The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. Jim Huy made a motion to approve the minutes. Angie Evans seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.

The Board members previewed the Treasurer’s Report which showed that the library is on schedule with no major purchases or unexpected expenditures. Jim Huy made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as published. Mary Carlson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.

Mary Carlson gave an account of assigning e-cards for 7th-12th grade students at Hurley Schools. The question was posed to Beth McConnell if e-cards were available to Blue Eye students. They are not at present but Ms. McConnell will meet with the school librarian and get e-cards in place. Mr. Scott suggested having the school librarian assign the numbers to the students and then give the list back to the library. Angie Evans agreed to help get e-cards to the students at Crane. The end goal is to have e-cards to students at all Stone County schools.

Ms. Carlson suggested having a representative of the library at Parent Teacher Conferences with a booth promoting library services. Jim Huy suggested a representative be proactive at the local PTA and PAT meetings.

In other business, Mr. Scott gave a report updating on the Crane project. The deed was corrected in order to get a complete guarantee title insurance policy. The former owners of the building are working to get the merchandise and fixtures out. They will start the second or third week in October and finish the 24th ofOctober. There is nothing urgent if they require more time. The utilities are to be turned off. Once the building is cleared, a service call will be made to see that the water lines are drained and the building is winterized.

Angie Evans said that the city of Crane would love to be on board with this new project. The Mayor J. Colin Brannan would like to be involved in deciding what it will look like and how it will be used.

Jim Huy suggested creating a group of people to share their opinions with a structural engineer/architect for input. Mr. Scott suggested that the front of the expansion not be set back but be level with the rest of the building to prevent trash and leaves from collecting. Thelast payment for the building will be made when the previous owners vacate and hand over the keys.

Mr. Scott gave a report on the Stone County Foundation which came to light when the bank sent notice that an inactive account was going to be turned over to the State of Missouri unless action was taken to claim the funds in the account.

According to the bylaws, no action had been taken. We need to look back in the minutes of meetings to find more information about the foundation and the $766.49. The only two (2) people listed on the bank account were David Doennig and Lois Watkins. Mr. Doennig is deceased and Ms. Watkins now lives out of the state.

A reported from the Crane Chronicle came to ask questions about the Crane expansion. The Crane City Council mentioned the need to have all facilities handicapped accessible.

Mr. Scott made a motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel issues. Mr. Huy seconded the motion. Motion was passed unanimously.

The board discussed personnel issues in closed session. No action was taken.

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