Dear Community Supporter,

My name is ______and I am a member of the Pine Creek High School Softball team. As we all know, the funds for public school sports programs are very limited. My fellow teammates, parents and I must raise additional funds required for another successful year. We are not asking for a hand-out, but for an investment in some really talented players, who collectively also maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5.

Pine Creek Eagles have maintained a highly competitive level of play and have won the 5A Metro League title 4 years in a row. We went 11-1 in League play and 12-9 overall last season. Our team has qualified for Colorado Regionals the past 3 years and State 2 of the last 3 years. We are determined to improve upon our record. Our hard work, commitment, and giving 100% will enable us to compete for the League title again! With your support we are one step closer to achieving our goals!

The current Pine Creek High School Softball program boasts some of the finest students in Colorado Springs. We are members of National Honor Society, DECA, Foreign Language Clubs, FBLA, Athletic Leadership name it, there is likely a Pine Creek Softball player participating. We are very involved with community service projects such as Bell Ringing, Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, Care and Share, ARC and many other Colorado Springs organizations. During the 2016 fall season we hope to host a Military Appreciation Game, an Alumni Game, and a Cancer Awareness Game; acknowledging those in our community that are affected in these groups.

We are asking friends, family and local businesses to sponsor our team for the 2016 season. Your sponsorship will help support the growth of our softball program as we need to purchase additional gear, equipment (balls and nets), and fulfill our commitment to establishing a flag pole at the field. Again, our school budget is limited and generally pays for uniforms and umpires. Softball games charge no admission fees so we cannot raise money from attendance. Will you please support the Pine Creek High School Softball team with one of the following sponsorships?

Pine Creek Softball Sponsorship Levels
Home Run / $200
(or greater) / Name on multi-sponsor (3 max) fencing banner,
Business info and logo on website,
Announced at home games,
Team Photo Calendar
Triple / $100 / Team Photo, Business Info available at games, Team Photo Calendar, Sponsorship flyer
Double / $50 / Team Photo Calendar, Sponsorship flyer
Single / $25 / Team Photo Calendar, Sponsorship flyer
Walk / Any amount is helpful / Team Photo Calendar

The true measure of our success is to allow us the opportunity to grow as talented athletes, and become extraordinary young leaders and citizens by giving back to our community. Please consider joining us in the form of a sponsorship.

We thank you in advance for your continued support of the Pine Creek Softball team! Please make checks payable to Pine Creek High School Softball and write sponsorship in the memo line.


5672 Old River Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80924

(719) 641-7634
