Basic Driver Examination Review


1.Explain which scenario would allow a motorist in New Jersey to use a hand-held cellular device as of March 1, 2008?

Emergency situations- fire, traffic accident, serious road hazard, medical emergency, and hazardous material emergency.

2. What are the requirements to be a supervising driver for the holder of a validated GDL Permit?

Supervising drivers must be at least 21 years of age, possess a valid New Jersey driver’s license, and have a minimum of three years’ experience

3. What are the requirements that you must have in order to obtain a Probationary License?

  1. Must have completed 6 months of supervised driving without any suspensions or postponements
  2. Must pass MVC’s road test
  3. Must be at least 17 years old

4. What is a dependent?

A child or individual that depends on you

5.Excluding dependents, how many passengers may accompany the holder of a validated GDL Special Learner Permit in the vehicle?

1 additional person

6. After completing 1 year with a Probationary License what happens?

After completing one year of unsupervised driving with probationary driver’s license restrictions, and after you turn 18 you can pay a required fee and get a basic driver’s license

7. What are the restrictions for a probationary driver?

  1. No driving between 11:01 pm and 5:00 am
  2. No using hand-held or hands-free cell phones or any other electronic devices
  3. Passengers are limited to dependents of the probationary license holder and one additional person, unless accompanied by a parent/guardian
  4. Probationary license holder and all passengers must wear seat belts
  5. Must display decals on license plates

8. Explain the difference between and Special Learners Permit and an Examination Permit

Learners’ permits are attainable at the age of 16 through a driving school, and an approved instructor purchases the permit. Examination permits can be purchased only when the individual is 17 and they do not need to go through a driving school, but must have permission from a parent/guardian if under the age of 18.

9. What is the fine for altering your license?

$1,000.00 or imprisonment.

10. How long do you have to report for an address change?

1 week after moving

11. How long do you have to report a name change?

Within 2 weeks

12. Who must wear a seatbelt in the car?


13. What is the fine for violating the GDL restrictions?

There is a $100 fine

14. What must you carry with you when driving?

A valid driver license, a valid probationary license, validated New Jersey Permit plus valid insurance, and vehicle registration cards

Chapter 2

15. What three tests must you pass in order to receive a provisional license?

  1. Road Test
  2. Knowledge Test
  3. Vision Test

16. What skills are you tested on during the road test?

  1. Driving in reverse
  2. Following other vehicles
  3. Nearing corners, intersections
  4. Parking (parallel)
  5. Sitting properly (seat belt use)
  6. Starting a vehicle
  7. Steering properly
  8. Stopping at signs
  9. Stopping smoothly
  10. Turning
  11. Turning around
  12. Using the horn
  13. Yielding the right of way

17. Whom should you report a stolen or lost license?

Report to the police

18. What must you present in order to take the road test?

  1. 6 points of ID
  2. Validated permit (do not laminate, must be legible)
  3. Valid inspection sticker on vehicle or official “no inspection sticker required” card, valid registration, and valid insurance ID documents for vehicle used for the test (unless covered by BPU or federal DOT regulations)

19. Why can’t you take road test with a console or obstructions in front seat?

The vehicle may not have any obstructions that prevent the examiner from reaching the foot or parking breaks.

Chapter 3

20. List the proper steps to driving in reverse

  1. The motorists head and body should be turned to the right until he/she can see clearly through the back window of the vehicle without the use of mirrors.
  2. The motorists right hand and arm should be placed over the back of the front passengers seat
  3. The left hand should grasp the top of the steering wheel.
  4. This position should allow the car to go backwards in a straight line, always drive slow in reverse and come to a complete stop before going forward.

21. Who is responsible for minors in the car?

The driver is responsible for all passengers under the age of 18

22. How do seatbelts save lives?

  1. They keep motorists and passengers from being thrown from the vehicle in a collision.
  2. They slow a body down with the vehicle.
  3. They keep a motorist/passenger from sliding on the seat during sudden stops and turns.

23.Where should children less than 57 inches sit?

  1. A federally approved forward facing child passenger restraint system that is equipped with a five point harness in a rear seat of the motor vehicle
  2. A federally approved booster seat, in a rear seat of the vehicle

24. Where should wheels face if you are parked:

A. downhill with a curb?

The wheels should be turned toward the curb

B. Uphill with a curb?

The wheels should be turned away from the curb

25. Describe the steps to parallel parking

Find a space, Turn signal on, Pull up alongside about 2-4 feet from the vehicle in front, check to make sure it’s clear, , turn body and begin backing up, turn when direction you want the back of the car to go, stop on angle and turn wheel opposite way while backing up, put car in drive and straighten out

Chapter 4

26. What is the maximum speed limit in a school zone?

25 miles per hour

27. What are the signs of an aggressive driver?

  1. Unexpectedly altering the speed of a vehicle
  2. Making improper or erratic lane changes
  3. Disregarding traffic control devices
  4. Failing to yield the right of way
  5. Following another vehicle too closely

28. Motorist should always be prepared to yield to the following?

Emergency vehicles, trains, buses, postal vehicles, motorized or mobility assistance devices, other vehicles that are already in the intersection, pedestrians.

29. Define the acceleration lane?

Lane used to speed up to the flow of traffic

30. List the causes of inattentive (distracted) driving?

  1. Lighting a cigarette
  2. Trying to fasten a safety belt while driving
  3. Reaching across the seat to close a door or look in the glove compartment
  4. Reaching for coins in pockets while driving up to a toll booth
  5. Trying to adjust a wristwatch
  6. Watching children or pets in the vehicle
  7. Trying to remove a coat
  8. Reading maps and newspapers
  9. Eating while driving
  10. Adjusting a mirror while driving
  11. Using a cellular phone or any other electronic device
  12. Adjusting the radio or cd player
  13. Shaving
  14. Using a laptop computer or fax machine
  15. Applying makeup

31. How far must you stop behind a school bus with flashing lights on?

25 feet away

32. When can you pass a school bus? How fast can you travel?

When traveling on a dual lane highway, a motorist should slow to 10 mph if on the other side of a safety island or raised median. OR if a school bus has stopped directly in front of a school to pick up or let off children

33. How far must you park from a fire hydrant?

10 feet

34. How far must you park from a stop sign?

50 feet

35. How far should you stop from a railroad crossing with flashing lights?

15 feet away

36. When making a right turn, motorists should yield to..

Oncoming traffic and pedestrians

37. What happens at an uncontrolled intersection?

As a motorists nears a crossroad that is not controlled he/she must reduce speed and be ready to stop if any traffic is coming from the right or left. As a general rule, the vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right. When a traffic signal is not illuminated because of a power failure or other malfunction, the traffic signal is observed as a 4-way stop signal.

38. What is the rule if two roads meet without a regulatory device?

Driver on the left yeilds

39. When must headlights be on?

Headlights must be used between one-half hour after sunset and one0half hour before sunrise. Headlights must also be used when visibility is 500 feet or less, when using windshield wipers or when encountering fog, mist, smoke, or other factors that reduce visibility.

40. When should bright or high beam used?

Open country driving when there is no traffic in sight

41. Describe the hand signals for right turn, left turn and stop.

42. Where are you never allowed to park?

  1. Between a safety zone for pedestrian and the adjacent curb or within 20 feet of the safety zone
  2. Near property marked street construction
  3. In a space on public or private property marked for vehicle parking for persons with a disability
  4. On an interstate highway
  5. On a sidewalk
  6. In a bus stop zone
  7. In front of a public or private driveway
  8. Within an intersection
  9. Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant
  10. Within 25 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection
  11. Within 50 feet of railroad crossing
  12. Within 50 feet of a stop sign
  13. Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station
  14. Within 75 feet on the street opposite a fire station entrance
  15. On any bridge or elevated roadway or in any tunnel
  16. Next to another vehicle parked at the curb (double parking)
  17. In an area where parking is prohibited by municipal ordinance
  18. On a crosswalk

43. What are the steps to making a right turn?

  1. The motorist should approach the intersection as far to the right as possible, keeping near to the curb or parked vehicles.
  2. The motorist should not swing outward or into another lane while making the right turn.

44. When can you turn right on red?

Unless a NO turn on red sign is posted, New Jersey law authorizes a right turn on a red light after a motorist comes to a full stop and checks for traffic.

45. What is an acceleration lane?

Extra lanes at highway entrances used by motorists to speed up to join the flow of traffic

46. Deceleration lane?

An exit lane that helps the motorist to be able to have an extra lane to slow down in and exit the roadway

47. Speed limit in school zone?

25 MPH

48. What should you do if someone passes you?

Be careful. Stay in the proper lane and slow down to make the pass easier for the other motorist. Return to normal speed after the passing vehicle is well ahead.

49. What must you do if you see emergency vehicles with flashing lights on?

A motorist should steer to the extreme right of the roadway, stop and wait for the vehicle to pass. Afterward, the motorist should keep at least 300 feet behind a signaling emergency vehicle.

Move over law- requires you to change lanes safely to a lane that is not adjacent to the authorized vehicle, and if you are unable to change lanes to slow to a speed that is lower than the posted speed limit and safe, be prepared to stop.

50. When do you use turn signals? How far in advance?

Always use a proper turn signal at least 100 feet before making any turn

51. What does a single line across the intersection mean?

A motorist must stop behind the line for a traffic signal or sign

52. What are the steps if you come to a multi-way stop at the same time as another motorist?

A motorist must yield to the motorist on the right if both motorists get there at the same time

Chapter 5

53. What is “highway hypnosis”? In order to avoid this condition it is good practice to..?

The trance like state of mind that occurs when driving behind the wheel for a long time. Its good practice to not look at any one thing for more than a few seconds.

54. If a vehicle runs off the pavement, what three steps should you follow?

  1. Slow down
  2. Regain control
  3. Turn slowly onto the road

55. What parts of the car must be operating when driving in rain, snow, or ice?

Defroster, windshield wipers, correct fluid, proper tires for snow

56. Explain what to do when driving in the city?

Be very alert, cooperate with other motorists, drive more slowly, and watch for the movement of others specifically pedestrians.

57. What are the steps if your brakes fail?

A motorist should shift to a lower gear and pump the brake pedal fast and heard several times. This may build up enough brake pressure to stop the vehicle. If that does not work the parking brake should be used while holding the brake release, so the motorist can let up if the rear wheels lock and the vehicle begins to skid.

58. What is the proper following distance?

One car length back (20 feet) for each 10 miles per hour of speed

59. When should motorists increase following distance?

At high speeds or in bad weather following distances should be increased

60. What happens when your car drives around a curve?

It is important for a motorist to adjust steering and speed when approaching a curve in the road because vehicles tend to keep going straight.

61. How should you prepare to enter a curve?

The best way to enter a curve is to slow down before entering and avoid drifting into another lane. Always watch out for other vehicles that may drift into your lane.

62. What are the signs of an aggressive driver?

  1. Unexpectedly altering the speed of a vehicle
  2. Making improper or erratic lane changes
  3. Disregarding traffic control devices
  4. Failing to yield the right of way
  5. Following another vehicle too closely

63. When can you pass?

  1. Only pass or change lanes when necessary
  2. Only pass or change laens if it can be completed without speeding
  3. Keep a safe following distance, do not tailgate
  4. Check traffic ahead and behind
  5. Only pass when signs and pavement markings permit
  6. Signal every lane change
  7. Signal your return to the right lane
  8. Return to the right lane when well ahead of the vehicle that was passed
  9. Cancel the turn signal

64. When is the road the most slippery and why?

First few minutes of rain fall

65. What should you do if you go into a skid?

The motorist should turn in the direction the rear of the vehicle is skidding, without over steering. When skidding a motorist should look in the direction that he/she wants to go.

66. How can emotions affect driving? What should you do if you are angry or upset?

Emotions can greatly affect a motorists ability to drive. If a motorist is angry or excited he/she should take time to cool off.

67. What should you do if you have a tire blow out?

The motorist should hold the steering wheel firmly and keep the vehicle straight while gradually slowing down. The motorist should remove their foot from the gas pedal but not use the brakes.

68. When can you use snow tires?

November 15-April 1

69. What should you do after driving through puddles?

Pump the brake pedal fast

70. When can you pass on the right?

On roads with more than one lane going in the same direction, if vehicles on the roadway are moving in two or more substantially continuous lines, or when the motorist ahead is making a left hand turn

71. What is the accident prevention formula?

  1. Be alert
  2. Be prepared
  3. Act in time

72. What happens when driving at night? When can you stop?

At night a motorist’s vision is reduced. To drive safely you must considering speed, reaction distance and braking distance. A motorist should always be sure the vehicle can stop within the distance that he/she sees ahead.

Chapter 6

73. After having 2-4 drinks, how does alcohol affect the body and impair your driving?

Alcohol begins to impair reaction time, coordination, and balance

74. List drugs that may affect basic driving skills?

Cold pills, tranquilizers, and some prescription medications

75. What does it mean to be driving under the influence of intoxicating beverages?

Means that a driver’s senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol

76. What’s the risk of causing an accident is your BAC is .05%?

.05- doubles

.10%- 6 times greater

.15%- 25 times greater

77. How do you reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident?

Arrange for a designated driver or take public transportation (cabs)

78. What can sober a person up when drinking?

Only time

79. Which has more alcohol, 12 oz. beer, 5oz wine or 1 1/2 oz. hard alcohol?

They are all equal

80. What is the good host law?

Do not let a guest drink and drive

81. Signs that someone is drinking while driving?

  1. Speeding
  2. Weaving
  3. Slow driving
  4. Jerking motion
  5. Quick stops

82. Greatest amount of people are arrested for DUI for dinking what?


Chapter 7

83. If under 21 you are under the influence if your BAC is over?

.01 % or more

84. What is the Implied Consent Law?

Motorists on New Jersey roadways have agreed, simply by using New Jersey roadways, to submit to a breath test given by law enforcement or hospital staff following an arrest for a drinking and driving offense.