3336 - Niel Donald Walsch - Conversations with God - Intro

This time we are talking about

Niel Donald Walsch.

Niel is another modern phenomenon.

Born in 1943 he led an average life until early 1990. That year he lost everything: home through a fire that destroyed all his belongings, his family through divorce and his health by a car accident (for more Google his name).

At this low point in life, thinking it will be over soon, to his surprise everything changed.

He had the habit to write letters about his problems to himself. And one day as he was writing why his life was so dismal, why he had to fight hard for making ends meet and asking dozens of questions, he suddenly felt his pen was guided, did not want to leave the paper.

After initial resistance he gave in and let the hand being moved.
As he writes in his first book “Conversations with God”:
Out came …

Do you really want an answer to all these questions,
or are you just venting?

(Neil’s reaction:) “I blinked…and then my mind came up with a reply. I wrote that down too.

Both I’m venting , sure, but if these questions have answers, I’d sure as hell like to hear them!

You are “sure as hell” …about a lot of things. But
wouldn’t it be nice to be “sure as Heaven?

And I wrote:
What is that supposed to mean?

Before I knew it, I had started a conversation….and I was not writing so much as taking dictation.

So far for the beginning of his first book.

Over the years, the would – constantly in exchange and contact with God – write three volumes of “Conversations with God.” They became incredible best sellers.

Book one deals “mainly with personal topics, focusing on an individual’s life challenges and opportunities,” book two deals “with more global topics of geopolitical and metaphysical life on the planet, and the challenges now facing the world,” and the third deals “with the universal truths of the highest order, and the challenges and opportunities of the soul.”

Just Google “Niel Donald Walsch” and you have reading material for days.

We have asked the editor’s permission to publish excerpts in this newsletter. We’ll keep you informed of our success.

In the meantime you may want to order the books from your favorite bookseller on paper or digitally (see below how).

If you do, you will have – as the intro of book one says – “an extraordinary experience: …a conversation with God.”

Do not miss the “Conversations with God” series. You have the choice to download it as pdf or to buy it from Amazon or other sites you find on Google.

Enjoy, grow and strengthen your faith.

