Bear Monitoring/ Observation Form – North Cascades NPS Complex
Observer:Click here to enter text.Tel./emailClick here to enter text. (Not mandatory; usedonly for more info if bear gets food from people, shows unusual behavior or if you think you saw a grizzly bear)
Recorder: Click here to enter text. Date:Click here to enter a date.
Time:Click here to enter timeam/pmChoose which
SPECIFIC LOCATION where bear was seen. Please describe in as much detail as you can so this can be put on a map: Click here to enter text.
Who are You?Check whichever best describes you Number of people in group: Click here to enter text.
What was the observer doing?Pick one/describe
Type of observation: Pick one/describe
The bear was: Pick one
What was the closest you were to the bear? Pick one
How long was the observation? Pick one/ describe
Was anyone making noise before seeing the bear? (includes conversational talking) Pick one
What species was the bear? Pick one
If you chose “grizzly bear”, why? Click here to enter text.
PLEASE REPORT POSSIBLE GRIZZLY BEARS to Anne Braaten as soon as possible. 360) 854-7311; .
How old was/ were the bear(s)? if it was a female with cubs, please select “adult” and note here how many cubs there were.
Describe any identifying marks or features: Click here to enter text.
What color was the single bear OR the female with cubs? Pick one/describe
What color was cub #1? Pick one/describe
What color was cub #2? Pick one/describe
What color was cub#3? Pick one/describe
What color was cub#4? Pick one/describe
What color was any other adult bear accompanying the other adult? Pick one/describe
Did the bear get food from people? (if so, describe above) Pick one
TELL YOUR BEAR STORY: what did you do? what did the bear do? did it see you? how did it respond? The more information you give here, the more we can learn about how bears adapt to people in their environment. Click here to enter text.
When you’re finished, please save this as “bear_obs_[your name]” and e-mail it to: .
If you have any photos of this/these bear(s) you would like to share, please e-mail them to the same address, and indicate whether park staff may use the photo(s) for educative purposes. THANKS!!
Updated 18 September 2014