Mr. President


Distinguished Delegates

Ladies and Gentlemen

Let me first take this opportunity to congratulate you,Mr. President, on your nomination to chair this high level segment meeting. I wish to assure you of my delegation’s full co-operation and support in the deliberations ahead.

Mr. President

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Mauritius,I wish to convey my heartfelt thanks and appreciationfor allowing Mauritius to take the floor at this meeting. My thanks also go to the Republic of France and the Executive Secretary for the excellentarrangements made for the organization of this meeting and also in extending the hospitality extended to my delegation.

Mr. President

I would like to seize this opportunity to pay tribute to the legendary visions of those people who thought of and initiated actions for the Montreal Protocol.In the same breath, I wish to salute the people of countries who have agreed to forego their well-being so as to contribute for this noble and laudable cause, thus enabling the people and children of the world to enjoy a better life. Today undoubtedly we are witnessing thetremendous progress in the efforts to protect the ozone layer thereby minimizing damages to human health and ecosystem. This has been a step forward but a giant leap for humanity. We have taken note today itself from the various reports that the Ozone layer is recovering.This success would not have been possible without the active participation and commitment of all parties to the Montreal Protocol. I can only wish that thelessons learnt from the implementation of this highly successful protocol, particularly inrelation to the cooperation between member States, could also beadopted and adapted to other multilateral agreements. In fact, this could enable us to bridge other initiatives.

Considering the proceedings of various meetings and sessions of the past few days, as well as previous Meetings of the Parties, my delegation has noted with great satisfaction the openness and transparencyof all the deliberations. Such determination for a noble causehas over the years become a bench-mark of many discussions and negotiations on matters pertaining to the protection of the ozone layer. My delegation considers thatthe MontrealProtocol is not merely a meeting of parties or an expression of ideas and doings, it is more a matter of the heart and mind and a question of our HEART PRINT. It is also, above all, a matter of our legacy to our future generations.

Mr. President

Small Island Developing States are vulnerable to both the impacts of climate change and ozone layer depletion. Conscious of these facts, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development arehighpriorities on the agenda of the Mauritian Government. In fact, Mauritius adhered to the Montreal Protocol in 1992 and has since thenbeen actively engaged in implementing its provisions. We havesuccessfully phased out Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in 2005, five years ahead of the set target of 2010 and, in the same vein, we are now committed for an early phase out of Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) by the year 2025.

At this stage, allow me in all humility to enumerate the key actions taken so far by the Government of Mauritius under its HPMP:

(i)Regulations have been made for banning the import of appliances containing HCFCs, since 1st January 2013;

(ii)A Quota System is fully operational since 1st January 2013 to control imports of HCFC refrigerants;

(iii)Various capacity building programmes on the use of natural refrigerants have been carried out for technicians and trainers from government, para-statal bodies and the private sector. Additionally, sensitizations campaigns have been carried out for the media and public in general, including school children;

(iv)Customs officers of the island states of the Indian Ocean region have also been trained in tracking down illegal trade of Ozone Depleting Substances and have shared country experiences in the implementation of their respective HPMPs;

(v)Climate change mitigation and ozone layer protection have been mainstreamed in the development processes through the Environment Impact Assessment and Building and Land Use Permit mechanism among others; and

(vi)Regulations under the Dangerous Chemicals Control Act 2004 to control importation of HCFCs and HCFCs blends are currently being finalized.

Last but not the least, with a view to promote the use of carbon dioxide refrigerant in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning sector, a refrigeration cascade system for supermarkets will be installed this year at a training institution. This project will also comprise capacity building of the trainers from the training institutions on carbon dioxide technology. The aim is to sustain training on carbon dioxide technology within in the RAC-sector by encouraging training institutions to incorporate carbon dioxide technology in the curriculum.

Mr President,

Several issues on the agenda have been discussed during the technical sessions, one of which relates to the proposed amendment of the Montreal Protocol to phase- down HFCs.

My delegation has noted that much attention has been focused on this issue and also the concerns raised by several countries taking into account the challenges and implications involved. However, we appreciate that discussions are ongoing with a view to clarify the issues and address the concerns raised . We only hope that these discussions would lead to a conclusion on a way forward to be adopted at this MOP.

Mr President,

I would like to stress on the fact that, the achievements of Mauritius have been based on the following pillars:

(i)strong political will and leadership;

(ii)appropriate institutional setup and legal framework; and

(iii)public and private sector partnership.

To conclude allow me on behalf of the Government of Mauritius, and also as member of the African Group and the Small Island Development States to sincerely thank the Multilateral Fund Secretariat, the Ozone Secretariat, our implementing and donor Agencies for their continuous guidance and support to enable Mauritius to meet its obligations under the Montreal Protocol.

I seize this opportunity to thank all member states for their continued efforts to save the ozone layer and “The Mission Goes On…..”