Februay 5, 2017
The gathering of the Core Team was held on February 5, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at Leo Hall, St. Catherine Laboure Church, Harrisburg, PA. Attendees were Joe Marrazzo, Lay Director; Eileen Bohensky, Team Coordinator, Somerset; Joe Vergona, Liturgist, Somerset; Andy Hancheck, Somerset, Deb Svonavec; Ginny Anspach, Assistant Team Coordinator, Lancaster; Terry Keating, Harrisburg; Gene Rebert, Harrisburg; Mike Drank, Harrisburg, Dave Popko, Harrisburg, Paul Kisner, Harrisburg; Joe Maurizi, Harrisburg;Jim McConarty, Chester; Mark Uleau, Chester; Joe Musto, Secretary-Treasurer, Dallas; Roberta Woomer, Benner/Rockview; Linda Womeldorf, Benner/Rockview, Paul Tobin, Benner/Rockview; Charlie and Debbie Saggese, Houtzdale; Dave Nice Houtzdale.
The spiritual portion of the meeting was held and facilitated by the Harrisburg Affiliate with Terry Keating as facilitator. The scriptural readings were taken from John’s Gospel of the wedding feast at Cana.
Thereafter, Eileen Bohensky called the business portion of the meeting to order.
The minutes of the Gathering on July 17, 2016 had been presented previously and posted on the website.
Joe Musto presented the treasurer’s report which was accepted upon motion and approved.
Mark Uleau reported and said there would be a Men's Conference at St. Joseph's University on March 4, 2017, and that PCGG would have a table of information for those interested in the ministry. Joe Musto has a poster and Joe Marrazzo has a banner for display to be used by any affiliate who has an outreach event in its area.It was also discussed that PCGG items for outreach be housed in one centrally located place for all PCGG members to access and that Joe Marrazzo's office might be that place.
The Group has about 30 inmates at the prison and everything was going well.
The group had a good year. One member left to go to the missions in Bolivia. The group has 7 members. Usual problems are getting clearances and gate passes.
The group is visiting Dallas SCI four weeks a month, but is in need of new members.
The affiliate has made new initiatives such as posting schedules on a spreadsheet. The affiliate has 6 new members. Dauphin County opened up more blocks and last weekend 20 inmates attended. The affiliate visits the Keystone Work Release Center which is not as rigid in clearances as prison.
Group doing well. Has 11 volunteers and is getting new members without having to do an appeal.
One volunteer dropped out because of the illness of her husband. Two persons have expressed an interest. Lancaster County Prison has a program for one on one visits. Input from the Core Team was that our by laws don’t prohibit this if the prison allows it as long as it is not done under the auspices of PCGG. Proceed cautiously and no letter writing or phone calls. On the state level PCGG volunteers are not allowed to be involved in one to one visits.
Mike Drank reported on the PCGG website. He said he has been working on updating the website and recently posted the editor’s corner. He put on his own testimony and this is open to all members and others who may be interested in doing the same. He said each affiliate has its own page and can be used for such things as schedules.
Mike asked that the group authorize a monthly charge of $23.99 for the website. A motion was made and approved for that charge.
Eileen suggested the group have a weekend retreat for members as in the past with Sister Judith Krantz. The consensus was that it was a good idea and Eileen and our Liturgist would be working on this for a retreat in the fall.
Eileen brought up the problem of inmates excluding other inmates during small group breakout sessions. After discussion it was decided each group should handle the problem as it comes up such as counting off numbers and gently suggesting the groups be inclusive.
A discussion was held as to how to handle listing of members who move quit, can’t continue for health reason, etc. There was a discussion as to how to handle these matters. Mike Drank suggested a separate list should be kept for those members who are active and inactive. He felt it was the responsibility of each affiliate to keep a record of these matters.
Joe Marrazzo conducted a presentation on facilitating in the prison.
He said that the mission of PCGG is going into the prison and make available an environment to share and build a relationship with Jesus Christ. Joe talked about ways to do this. It is to prepare readings and reflections to reach the inmate’s heart.
Our ministry is not a bible study or discussion group.
Joe emphasized that the material he was covering is in the Team Manual which is available to all members of PCGG.
It was decided that the next meeting of the Core Team will be April 30, 2017 with a backup date of May 21, 2107.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Musto