Focus Area: Child Sexual Abuse Aquatics Transportation Employee Safety Other
Primary Contact:
Phone Number: / Email Address:
Organization Name:
Organization’s Website:
Organization’s Purpose:
CEO or Executive Director:
Address (if different than above):
Phone Number: / Email Address:
Geographic Area Served:
Organization’s Current Budget:
Organization’s Internal Revenue
Service 501 (c) 3 tax identification number:

Social Impact Plan

A completed social impact plan is required as part of your application. In awarding this Grant, we will consider existing initiatives, and the strengths of: (1) the idea and plan, (2) the impact to date and potential future impact, (3) its leadership, and (4) the network of other assets it will leverage. To be considered, your impact model must answer the following criteria:

The Work (Do good work.)

·  The Idea/Model (Theory of Change)

o  Why are you doing this? What is your Purpose?

o  What pressing social problem is your model attempting to solve? What is your theory of change?

o  Why is your organization best positioned to meaningfully address this issue?

o  What is the qualitative and quantitative input/data that supports your theory?

o  How do you do this work? Describe and define the operational model.

§  Geography of your social impact work?

§  Primary target audience? Other key stakeholders?

§  Differentiators? Who else is doing work in this impact area in your target geography? Why is (will) your approach (be) more impactful?

§  Collaborations? Who elsein your community is doing good work addressing this issue? What strengths do they have that you don’t? How are you collaborating/might you collaborate? Who else in the Ymovement is doing good work (or interested in doing good work) addressing this issue? How are you collaborating/might you collaborate?

§  What is your infrastructure and support?

§  Does your business model have a successful track record of fundraising and earned income generation?

§  Good track record of innovation – investing, developing, delivering and sustaining programs of impact in mission-aligned areas?

o  What will you do? Describe the program and tactics.

§  What interventions will you take to create change?

§  What steps must you take to scale your work? What resources will be needed? What obstacles exist and how might you overcome them?

§  What steps must you take to engage likeminded community partners or other Ys seeking to attack the same social problem? What obstacles exist and how might you overcome them?

§  Lay out your 1-Year Plan – Create the timeline and milestones

o  Why should we fund this initiative versus other worthy initiatives?

·  The Leadership

o  Experience of Leadership in creating positive, sustainable, social benefit.

o  What is the leadership’s personal attachment to the issue? Where does the motivation stem from?

o  Examples of the leadership’s:

§  Drive & resilience (intrinsically driven towards a social benefit goal and able to overcome obstacles)

§  Bias towards action

§  Ability to convene/gravitational pull (leadership of your initiative should have demonstrated abilities to attract resources…time/talent/treasure)

·  How will youth leadership play a significant role in your project? What impact does that have on the project's success?

·  Forms of Capital Audit

o  Social, Human, Intellectual, Financial, Reputational and Physical Capital

§  Take inventory of all your forms of capital, demonstrate how these will be leveraged, and demonstrate the need for this financial grant.

§  Show your financial model.

o  Specifically explain how the grant will be invested and how it will amplify your impact.

The Impact (Do good work well.)

·  Describe the potential social impact of your work.

·  Metrics? – How do you measure? What important outcomes of your work have you seen? What outcomes do you expect?

·  Sustainable? How will you ensure that your model works and supports itself?

·  How can your work contribute to the wider development of the community?

The Scalability (Move it to scale.)

·  How do you plan to scale your impact? (Consider geographic growth, “train the trainer” models, expanded services, policy change, mergers, obsolescence, etc.)

·  What have your scalability efforts been to date? And how successful have they been?

·  Where do you see the initiative in 3 years? 5 years? 10 years?

Thanks to all of you for the important work you do every day as Y professionals to improve our collective communities.

NOTE :: This is not a contest or sweepstakes. It is an invitation to submit a grant request to The Redwoods Group. All submissions are subject to the terms and conditions on www.redwoodsgroup.com/2013-naydo-grant. Be sure to read and understand these terms prior to submission.

To certify the contents of this application, the organization’s CEO or Executive Director or designate should sign here:

Please print this application, sign here and either mail or scan and email as directed below.


Organization Name:
Title: / Date:

contact information for questions and submissions

You can submit your application via email or mail using the information below. For questions about the application form, please contact:

Dan Moore

Chief Marketing Officer


Mailing Address:

2801 Slater Road, Suite 220

Morrisville, NC 27560