MINUTES (approved, as amended, June 26, 2013)
A meeting of the Heritage Toronto Board was held on Wednesday April 24, 2013 at St. Lawrence Hall,
157 King St. E., 3rd Floor
PRESENT:Alexandria Pike, ChairJohn BelyeaJeffrey Clayman
Ross FairPatrick ForsterTyler Greenleaf
Andrew HimelDeborah LechterDonald Loucks
Barbara McPhailMarta O'BrienBrent Pearlman
Allan PenningKevin PlummerDarren Wasylucha
Councillor Sarah DoucetteCouncillor Mike LaytonCouncillor Adam Vaughan
REGRETS:Paul LittKate MarshallTanzeel Merchant
Peter OrtvedMark WarrackCouncillor Gary Crawford
ABSENT:Elizabeth Philbert
ALSO PRESENT:Karen Carter, Executive Director
Karen Czaniecki, Administrator
Jessica Donaldson, Director of Marketing
Alexandria Pike, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm and introduced the guest speaker, Mary
MacDonald, Manager of Heritage Preservation Services in the City of Toronto Planning Department. Ms MacDonald was invited to speak with the Board about heritage conservation planning at the city.
Ms MacDonald thanked the Board for inviting her to speak. She gave an overview of how things work in the planning division and outlined current initiatives that will help conservation in the future.
At the provincial level there is now stronger language regarding heritage conservation in the Provincial Planning Policy. At the city level, theOfficial Plan is currently undergoing a review. Ms MacDonald noted Heritage Toronto's contribution to the development of the policy. The Revised Official Plan Heritage Policies were adopted unanimously at Council on April 3rd.
Heritage incentives now available to home owners are:the heritage grant program; property tax rebate program; and zoning relaxation. The Heritage inventory is changing to become a register. In addition to individual properties being added to the inventory (register) five downtown neighbourhoods are a priority for heritage conservation district studies.
Ms MacDonald also spoke about the importance of identifying heritage properties and areas in the Etobicoke York, North York and Scarborough Community Council areas.
Ms MacDonald responded to a range of questions from Board members.
Ms Pike thanked her for the highly enlightening presentation.
No conflict of interest was declared for the meeting on April 24, 2013
Brent Pearlmanmoved, seconded byAllan Penning that the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Heritage Toronto on March 20, 2013, be adopted, as edited with a spelling correction in section 3.2.
1.1Resignation from Heritage Toronto Board – J. Alan Burton
It was with great regret that Alexandria Pike informed the Board that Alan Burton has resigned. Ms Pike recognized Mr. Burton's contribution to Heritage Toronto over the past 6 years, including his participation with the Heritage Toronto walks and his term as Program Chair.
2.1Approval of 2012 Year End Transfers
The Board considered a report from John Belyea, Chair, Audit and Finance Committee, recommending the transfer of funds at the end of the 2012 fiscal year.
HT13-13Approval of 2012 Year End Transfers
John Belyea moved, seconded by Jeffrey Clayman that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the following transfers of funds at the end of the 2012 fiscal year:
- That the Board of Heritage Toronto authorize the transfer of $3,400.00 from the Heritage Education Fund on the Balance Sheet to the Operating Account (Profit and Loss Statement) to reduce the pre-audit 2012 year end operating deficit to $291.72, subject to any possible adjustments resulting from the annual audit.
- That the Board of Heritage Toronto authorize the transfer of $2,000.00 from Community Research and Grants on the Balance Sheet to the Operating Account (Profit and Loss Statement) to reimburse the Operating Account for the four Community Heritage Awards presented at the Kilbourn/Awards Night on October 9, 2012, subject to any possible adjustments resulting from the annual audit.
2.2Approval of 2012 Pre-audit Year End Financial Statements
Mr. Belyea presented the 2012 Year End Financial Statements to the Board for discussion and approval. Mr. Belyea advised that these statements are pre-audit. Following the completion of the audit the final 2012 audited statements will be brought to the Board for approval.
HT13-14Approval of 2012 Pre-audit Year End Financial Statements
John Belyea moved, seconded by Patrick Forster that the Heritage Toronto Board approved the Pre-audit Year End Financial Statements as circulated.
As requested at the March Board meeting, Mr. Belyea reported to the Board about the management of Heritage Toronto's designated funds and explained how donations to Heritage Toronto are directed to the funds which appear on the balance sheet. The funds are managed prudently in keeping with our charitable status. The amount in the funds fluctuates as we draw from them and add to them. Transfers from the funds (to current operating account) require board approval.
3.1Verbal Report from Meeting on April 22, 2013
Alexandria Pike informed the Board that the Executive Committee discussed moving ahead with the strategic plan. In June and July they will be in touch with staff and committee chairs to ensure that they are on track with how work is being operationalized. Ms Pike said that Jeffrey Clayman is spearheading this initiative assisted by herself and Barbara McPhail. Mr. Clayman added that 2013 is about getting it right so that in 2014 we can really integrate the strategic plan into the fabric of the organization.
Ms Pike said that the Executive Committee is currently reviewing human resources policies for staff.
This verbal report was received for information and discussion.
4.1Letter of support in renaming the city park after Beverly Mascoll
Karen Carter informed the Board of the letter of support, signed by her on behalf of the Board in support of renaming a park in the Annex area. Councillor Vaughan said that he appreciated the letter of support and is meeting with the Annex Community Association tomorrow. Renaming the city park will tell the story of Mrs. Mascoll and will formally recognize the historic black business community in the Bathurst area in the 1960s.
The letterwas received for information and discussion.
4.2Update from Executive Director
Ms Carter presented the update report from the Executive Director. Further to the report, Ms Carter said the goal is for the "Heritage Centre" reception area at St. Lawrence Hall to be ready for Doors Open on May 25th. This centre will allow Heritage Toronto to maintain a profile in the community when the offices are moved.
Ms Carter also advised that Councillor Vaughan is helping identify potential space available in Ward 20 for Heritage Toronto to move to next year.
The report was received for information and discussion.
5.1Approval of Sharing of Heritage Toronto Tour Donations with Partner Organizations
Patrick Forster, Chair of the Programming Committee presented a report requesting approval of the sharing of donations received during walking tours that are produced, led and promoted by partner organizations with those organizations. Concern was raised about the definition of "partner". Mr. Forster responded that partners would be organizations who create (ie research & write) and lead their walk.
Concern was also raised about what happens if Heritage Toronto goes to a paying model for the tours. Mr. Forster advised that at this timeour sponsorship agreement with TD is based on us offering a core of tours on a donation "pay what you can" model.
Patrick Forster moved, seconded by Kevin Plummer that the Heritage Toronto Board approve that donations gathered at the end of a Heritage Toronto tour be shared with any non-profit, volunteer-based organization partnering with Heritage Toronto on the delivery of that respective tour. Revenue from donations to be split 50-50 between Heritage Toronto and partner organizations who develop, promote and lead the walks.
(17 yes, 1 opposed)
5.2Minutes from Programming Committee Meeting on March 26, 2013
Mr. Forster presented the minutes from the Programming Committee meeting on March 26th. All Board members were given a copy of the new Heritage Toronto Tours: Tours Program April – October 2013. Walks begin on April 28th and Mr. Forster passed around the walk schedule for Board members to sign up as Board rep for the tours. Heritage Toronto is participating in Doors Open this year on May 25 & 26 at the TD Gallery of Inuit Art (79 Wellington St). Board members were also asked to volunteer for the Doors Open weekend.
The Board had raised concerns at the March meeting about the number of awards being presented at the Heritage Toronto Awards night. Mr. Forster said that Mr. Merchant, who is overseeing the juries is drafting a report which will be shared with jury chairs for comment before being presented to the Programs Committee.
The 2013 Kilbourn Memorial Lecture and Heritage Toronto Awards event has been booked at Koerner Hall for Tuesday October 15th. Staff met with this year's speaker Gail Lord, Lord Cultural Services and discussed the topic for her lecture. Kevin Plummer said the Event Planning Workgroup will meet next week andconsider nominees for a special achievement award in 2013 and potential speakers for future years.
The minutes were received for information and discussion.
6.1Update on Plaques and Markers Committee
Dr.Ross Fair, Chair, Plaques and Markers Committee informed the Board that two individuals have been selected to be recognized by the Legacy Plaque Project: David Milne and Dr. J.B. Collip. Dr. Fair also advised of upcoming plaque presentations. The Board will be informed of details via email.
The verbal report was received for information and discussion.
7.1Approval of New Designated Fund – Sally Gibson's book – Further Inside Toronto
Allan Penning, Chair, Fund Development Committee presented a report recommending the establishment ofa new designated fund for Sally Gibson's book titled Further Inside Toronto which is to be a 2nd volume to follow her award winning Inside Toronto: Urban Interiors 1880s – 1920s. Board members were given the letter of agreement between Dr. Gibson and Heritage Toronto to review as part of their discussion. A suggestion was made that Heritage Toronto consider establishing a scholar in residence.
This report was presented for discussion and approval.
Allan Penning moved, seconded by Tyler Greenleaf that:
- The Heritage Toronto Board approve the establishment of a designated fund to accept donations in support of research, writing and planned publication of the second volume of Inside Toronto: titled Further Inside Toronto,by Sally Gibson, Ph.D.
And that:
- The Heritage Toronto Board approve the transfer of the balance of $4,734.01 from the Sally Gibson book fund established in 2004 by motion HT04-70, to the fund established for Volume 2 in 2013 and that donors be notified of this transfer.
7.2Update from Fund Development Committee
Mr. Penning informed the Board that TD Bank Financial and Scotiabank have agreed to renew their sponsorships this year for the Tours Program and the Plaques and Markers program respectively. The Committee is continuing to build lists of prospects and staff is actively working on securing additional sponsor support. Mr. Penning asked Board members to talk to personal and professional contacts about the Heritage Toronto Awards night to identify new potential sponsors and program advertisers.
This verbal report was received for information and discussion.
8.1Update from Membership Committee
Deborah Lechter, Chair of the Membership Committee, advised that she is planning to attend the next MarCom Committee meeting to align committee goals.Following that meeting the Membership Committee will meet and report at the next board meeting.
This verbal report was received for information and discussion.
9.1Minutes fromMarketing Communications(MarCom) Meeting on April 2, 2013
Jessica Donaldson presented the minutes from the Marketing Committee meeting on April 2nd reporting for Kate Marshall who sent her regrets. The MarCom Committee has reviewed the strategic plan and focused on developing and executing surveys amongst our key stakeholders. The Committee has recruited new non-Board members to add public relations and digital expertise, Kadi Kalijuste and Tessa Devlin.
The minutes were received for information and discussion.
10.1Minutes from Conservation and Education Committee meeting, April 8, 2013
The Conservation and Education Committee minutes from the meeting on April 8thwere received for information.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm
Alexandria Pike, Chair