February 23, 2016

P.C. Members present: Ashley Lynch, Amy Carpenter, Nickie Cleary, Karissa Cassady, Jaime Weitl, and Eugene Meiners, NOI Board President. Kevin Stritz, parent, also attended.

Conference Call: Kim Denman.

Staff present: Tonya Weber, HS/EHS Director and Pam Stanzyk, HS/EHS Office Coordinator.

Ashley Lynch called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Financial Reports

Tonya Weber, HS/EHS Director, presented the Head Start/Early Head Start Summary and Financial Report for December 2015 through November 2016. There was a general discussion of various line items. It was noted that we are through 17% of the budget year. Policy Council will notice that during the summer month’s expenditures and Non-Federal (In-Kind) will decrease due to school not being in session. All HS/EHS credit card activity was reviewed for January 2016.

Jaime Weitl motioned to accept the Financial Report ending January 31, 2016. Nickie Cleary seconded. Motion carried.

Policy Council Minutes

January 26, 2016, minutes were read. Nickie Cleary motioned to approve the minutes as read. Kim Denman seconded. Motion carried.

Program Report

Tonya summarized the following items on the January 2016 Head Start/Early Head Start Program Report: HS/EHS Enrollment and Attendance; HS/EHS Education & Disabilities; Communication; Professional Development; Volunteer/Parent Involvement; In-Kind; Child Abuse and Mandatory Reporting; CACFP Reimbursement; and Health.

It was noted that as of approximately March 15th it is no longer a requirement to fill slots when a child drops from the program.

Health & Safety

There were two reports. Both have been corrected.

NOI Board Minutes

The October 29, 2015, minutes were shared. There were no questions or concerns.

Committee Reports

Self-Assessment is in the process of being completed. Nickie, Jaime, and Ashley volunteered to complete the Health & Safety assessment checklist. Tonya requested they be completed by mid-March.

School Readiness Committee Meeting is scheduled for March 9, 2016; time to be determined. The committee will be looking at outcomes, benchmarks and assessments.

Staff Updates

Approval was made via email on February 1, 2016 to hire Jan VanDieren as a Program Aide Substitute.

IM/PI Alerts

No new IM’s or PI’s to review.

2015 Community Needs Assessment Update

Tonya is in process of completing the assessment. Community Needs Assessment is completed once every 3 years. Family Advocates will provide the assessment to their parents. Parents are encouraged to complete the assessment.

Early Childhood Iowa – Day on the Hill

Early Childhood Iowa was held today in Des Moines. No policy council members were able to attend.

2015-2016 HS/EHS Parent Evaluation

Evaluations are in the process of being completed by parents. Results will be shared at policy council when tallied.

Policy Council Community Representatives

Cindy Greteman was unable to attend tonight’s meeting due to another commitment. Tonya gave a brief summary about Cindy.

Amy Carpenter introduced herself and gave a brief summary about her.

Karissa Cassady motioned to approve the membership of Cindy Greteman and Amy Carpenter to Policy Council. Nickie Cleary seconded. Motion carried.

Program Goals Update

Tonya presented the Program Goals. Self-Assessment goals change every year. Strategic Plan consists of long term goals.

Policy Council Training – Program Governance 101 – Module 2: Roles & Responsibilities

Question was asked if we have heard when the Program Governance review is. No word at this point.

Nickie Cleary motioned to adjourn at 7:15 PM. Jaime Weitl seconded. Motion carried.

Next Policy Council meeting March 29, 2016, 6:00 PM.