The Birmingham Fellowship Wellcome Trust Award 2015-2016 (Round 2):
Enhancing Support for Early Career Development of Birmingham Fellows
The Birmingham Fellows programme attracts the brightest and the best from around the world to develop their academic careers at the University of Birmingham. Working in partnership with The Wellcome Trust, resources have been allocated from the Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF) to further enhance the package of support available to selected Birmingham Fellows.
The scheme works by providing a ‘top-up’ to the Birmingham Fellowshipto enable delivery of specific outcomes that are aligned to driving major external funding applications to the Wellcome Trust, and other bodies, in addition to supporting the creation of publications in high impact journals. Funding is flexible but should be focused on enabling research grant applications and high quality publications.
This funding scheme is open to selected Birmingham Fellows working on strategic challenges identified by the Wellcome Trust that are listed below:
Wellcome Trust Strategic ChallengesMaximising the health benefits of genetics and genomics
Understanding the brain
Combating Infectious Disease
Investigating development, ageing and chronic disease
Connecting environment, nutrition and health
Allowed costs:
Awards of up to £15,000 are available to provide the support needed for the Fellow to most effectively progress the proposed project. This could for example include consumables, travel or training costs and single items of equipment not exceeding £10k. Applicants must fully justify the request for resources, and funds must be spent by September 2016 at the very latest.
Use of funds:
Funds may only be used for directly incurred costs. Applicants are generally discouraged from applying for staff costs and should be aware that the panel will not consider the appointment of new posts at all. Where applicants can justify the support of current posts, the intended funding they are to move on to after the award must be made explicitly clear (e.g. external funding applications submitted and expecting outcomes by the end of the proposed project). Where they are included, staff costs should be calculated as salary + NI + superannuation. Estates and indirect costs may not be included. Please contact your research finance contact for costing information.
Terms & Conditions:
The funds awarded include contributions from our Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund and as such are covered by the Wellcome Trust terms and conditions which can be read here:
(You may need to copy & paste this link into your browser for it to work).
Please read and understand these terms and conditions carefully prior to making an application to ensure suitability of this funding source for your project.
If you have any general questions about the application process, please do not hesitate to contact Tariq Khan, Research Development Officer (). Questions in relation to your proposed project should be discussed with your Head of School (Or Directors of Institutes in the case of MDS) and your Research Support Office.
Application process:
Eligible applicants will be selected to apply by their College. Selected applicants should then discuss and submit their applications to the following contacts at their Research Support Office:
- Francesco Maria Colacino, (x42216), EPS
- Caroline McKay, (x 43463), LES
- Kate Bishop, , (x43115), MDS
The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 11thMarch 2016. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application in April 2016.
The Birmingham Fellowship Wellcome Trust Award 2015-2016 (Round 2):
Application Form
Please return to your Research Support Office
Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday 11thMarch 5PM
A.Contact details
Surname:Other names:
Telephone no:
Email address:
B.Fellowship applications and / or other grants held as PI or named co-applicant(please give details of all applications made previously. Includetype of award, funding body and result.
C.Research Experience and awards(please give brief details of your research experience, training and awards; please describe the subject of any previous external fellowships here if relevant; 200 words max)
D. Candidate’s Publications (Please state the top 5 most significant publications)
2.Research Proposal
A.Title of proposed project(max 200 characters) :
B.Research Proposal
Please set out the research you propose to undertake during the award. You should address the following: i) what will you spend the money on against the September 2016 deadline ii) how will it advance your research iii) how will it advance your career development iv) what grant applications will it enable v) what publications will you write that you wouldn’t otherwise have written vi) other outcomes vii) plan for spend. Please do not exceed 2 pages.C:Impact Milestones - including external grant capture to the Wellcome Trust and other bodies outlined in the milestones in table below. SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timebound) objectives should be used.
Activity / Output / Start date / Delivery date / Cost (£) / Value (of proposed applications)
D: Alignment with the Wellcome Trust’s Strategic Challenges
As we will be using our Wellcome Trust ISSF Award to support this Fellowship, please identify what Wellcome Trust strategic challenge your project seeks to address?
Wellcome Trust Strategic ChallengesMaximising the health benefits of genetics and genomics
Understanding the brain
Combating Infectious Disease
Investigating development, ageing and chronic disease
Connecting environment, nutrition and health
E: Project costs
Which member of the Academic Accounting team prepared these costs?
Proposed Start Date
Direct Costs
Travel & Subsistence
Equipment (no single item above £10,000)
Other costs (please explain)
A: Approvals and signatures
I confirm that I am aware of the content of this application, and that the information given above is, to the best of my knowledge, correct.
Signature of candidate: / Date:Signature of Head of School /Institute Director / Date:
Signature of Director of Research / Date: