Workshop Descriptions
What about the Children – Presenters: Debbie Boguile & Shelia Johnson
Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am –12:00pm) Room 219 The Great Commission is for everyone. That includes children, too. This ministry training is designed to train participants how to teach the clear Gospel message to grade-school children up to age twelve and train them how to become effective witnesses for Jesus Christ.
Give Me FIVE! – Presenters: Phil and Debbie Smith
Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00pm – 12:35pm)Room 225
From five simple colors, you can easily share the Gospel with children, youth, and adults. Phil and Debbie Smith, NOBTS seminary graduates and founders of Wee Can Know, use five colors to lead children and adults to salvation! In this workshop, you will learn how you can effectively use these five colors to ‘Reach One’ for Christ too! You will also learn how God uses these five colors to help reach millions around the world with the Gospel.
Teaching God’s Word in Public Schools – Presenters: Chris & Don Jolissaint Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am – 12:00pm) Room 225
Children are learning God’s Word in public elementary schools across America and in Greater New Orleans. Chris and Don Jolissaint are local coordinators for Child Evangelism Fellowship’s After-School Good News Club® ministry. Come and learn from the Jolissaints how you can take action and legally share God’s Word with boys and girls in the public community centers and schools.
106 & Christ - Presenter: David Broussard
Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00pm – 12:35pm)Room 227
God has always used young people in his Kingdom. David was called to kingship as a young teen. The three Hebrew boys and Daniel were teenagers. And Jesus was ministering to doctors of the law at 12. This class is designed to train teenagers and young people how to be effective witnesses for Christ, especially when reaching their own generation.
Men, Take It 2 the Street – Presenter: Daymond Faust & Minister Kirkland Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00 pm – 12:35pm) Room 234
This workshop trains men how to witness to and mentor other men. Men reaching out to men. Men saving men. Men praying for men. If we are going to make an impact in the kingdom of darkness, we have to begin with saving men. This training session teaches men how to become fishers of men.
Girlfriends: Don’t Gossip, Share the Gospel – Presenter: Nancy Overstreet Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00 pm – 12:30pm)Room 221
This is a powerful training session teaching women how to reach women for Christ. Women will be challenged to begin using their SWORD (Word of God) as a tool to help start girly, sister-to-sister conversations when at the hair salon, nail shop, social events, gym, or the workplace.
The Tool Shack – Presenters: Warren Polite & Ronald Stimage Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am – 12:00pm)Room 227
What are you doing with the tools God gave you to win souls for Christ? Men use hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, and other Craftsmen tools. Moses had a staff. Peter had a net. But the Greatest Tools are those used to win souls for Christ. So come and learn a method of sharing the Gospel and be given tools you can use the rest of your life!
Try It This Way – Presenter: Pastor Aristide Marshall
Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am – 12:00pm) Room 223
Your way is not my way, and his way is different from her way, but each way is beneficial in the spreading of the GOSPEL in winning SOULS for the LORD. So come and learn how to use different styles, techniques, and methods in sharing your faith throughout the community. In other words, just TRY IT This Way!
Know Jesus is the Only Way – Presenter: Minister Tony Breaux
Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00pm – 12:35pm) Room 237
Every religion claims to have other ways to get to heaven. Whether it’s Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Roman Catholics, Mormons, or Moonies, we know that there is only one way: Jesus Christ. This class will discuss different religions, what they believe, and how you can effectively witness the Gospel to them.
Listening/Responding: Follow Jesus Example – Presenter: Minister Wayne Johnson
Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am – 12:00pm) Room 232
One of the greatest fears many Christians have when street witnessing is being asked questions they may not be able to answer. In this class, these questions and many others will be addressed to train you how to use scriptures and Bible stories to answer them and effectively share the Gospel throughout the community.
Seizing the Opportunity – Presenter: Min. Wayne Johnson Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00pm – 12:35pm) Room 232
How many times have you missed the opportunity to witness to someone God has placed in your path? Okay, you can stop counting. We all have been there, done that. This training session teaches you how to be led by the Spirit and how to seize the opportunity to share the gospel. Sign up now! Don’t miss your chance to SEIZE this opportunity!
We are All in it Together: Coalition Church Building – Presenter: Minister Troy Reed
Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am – 12:00pm) Room 240
This training session is a call to all neighboring church pastors, ministers, and leaders who believe in the Great Commission to “Go into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled.” The goal is to unify and establish a coalition of churches under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to work together as a unit for one common goal: to save the lost and build a beloved community.
Spanish Language Evangelism – Presenter: William Watson
Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00pm – 12:35pm)Room 242
Many of us are sometimes in the company of those who speak Spanish and little English. With a little training and with a scripted presentation of the Gospel in hand, we can learn to reach out to persons with limited English proficiency. Participants will learn Spanish words and phrases needed to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ. They will also study the Four Spiritual Laws and related scripture verses in English and in Spanish.
The 1st48 Hours – Presenters: Diane Walker & Rosaria Beasley
Session 1(8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am – 12:00pm) Room 221
Once someone has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the battle is just beginning for his or her Christian growth. What happens over the next 48 hours is critical. Follow-up is very important at this point. In this class, you will learn the value of the most important step after leading someone to Christ: How to Set-Up a Follow-Up Ministry.
Prayer and Evangelism – Presenter: Archie Griffin
Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am – 12:00pm) Room 242
Prayer is the most important component of street witnessing. Without prayer (and fasting), your witness will be far less effective and you will be far more vulnerable to the enemy. When you witness, you need the blessing and support of the Lord. You need to be in fellowship with Him. Prayer makes this all possible. Before you take it to the streets, take it to the Lord in prayer. Come and learn how to empower your evangelism outreach through prayer.
At The Cross – Presenter: Carmen Young and Shelia Woods
Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00pm – 12:35pm)Room 219
What does the cross mean to you? Many wear a symbol of the cross as a form of fashion. The cross is tattooed on forearms; it is worn as jewelry; it adorns the necks of "gangsta" rappers and scantily clad models. Will this symbol continue to devolve into a mere fashion statement, a cultural icon, or a religious trademark? If we hope to reclaim the true meaning of the cross, we must ourselves understand that it is something much more. This training session teaches the meaning of the cross and how to use it to share the gospel.
Evangelism 101: Spiritual Warfare – Presenter: Minister Darryl G. Brown
Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25am – 12:00pm) Room 237
If you have a sense of urgency and a strong desire to share the gospel of Christ to people on your job and in your community, but you are a little nervous and fear that you don’t know Bible scriptures well enough, then this class is for you! This training session is designed to teach you the very basics of street witnessing, Bible scriptures, and how to effectively share your faith.
Alternative Lifestyles – Presenter: Minister Burnard Colly
Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00pm – 12:35pm)Room 223
One of the fastest growing populations in America today is the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. There is also a strong LGBT Youth movement. How do Christians effectively witness to someone involved in same sex relationships or same sex marriages? Of course, we must do it with the love of God and with the transforming power of His word. This session will train believers how to effectively witness and minister to the LGBT community.
TESTIMONY: “You Don’t Know My Story – Presenters: Barbara Suggs & Linda Hunt
Session 2 (9:10am – 9:45am) Session 5 (12:00pm – 12:35pm) Room 240
God has placed the responsibility for preaching, evangelizing, and teaching the gospel of His Son upon those who are The Redeemed. Would you be willing to share your testimony with those in a lost and dying world? One lady said, “Come see a man who told me all things ever I did!” Another man said, “I was blind, but now I see.” What is your testimony of redemption? This class will train believers how to effectively use their testimony as an effective tool of evangelism.
Church Behind Bars – Presenter: Elvira Brown Session 1 (8:30am – 9:05am) Session 4 (11:25 am – 12:00pm) Room 234
Jesus said, “When I was in prison, you came unto me” (Matthew 25:36). Setting up a prison ministry is another important outreach service for Christians who believe and know that prisoners can change. This session offers an intensive workshop that will teach individuals how to set up a prison ministry in their church. It will also show believers how to minister to incarcerated men and women. I will further make you aware of important things that will help you when ministering to those in prison. The ministry to prisoners can be a great call to individuals who see beyond the human condition and see the grace of God in others.