Individual Reservation Form Radisson Blu Hotel in Szczecin

Conference V Symposium "Safe Shipping on the Baltic Sea"
Special rates for participants valid from 17th till 18th April 2013

Company name:



E- maił:


Numer faksu:

Guest/s name and last name:

Arrival date: Departure date:

Please choose below type and standard of room:

Standard single room at 280 zł per night

Standard double room at 320 zł per night

Superior single room at 400 zł per night

Superior double room at 440 zł per night

Business Class single or double room at 479 zł per night

Above prices include: super breakfast buffet, free entrance to fitness centre with swimming pool, sauna, weight room,
VAT tax. Check-in 15:00 on arrival day, check-out at 12:00 on departure day.

We kindly ask you to guarantee above reservation with credit card or making 100 % pre-payment on hotel's account until 18.03.2013

Please be informed that in case you will not guarantee the reservation, above reservation will be cancelled. Please mark the payment method below

Credit card

Credit card type:

Credit card number:

Valid until:

Prepayment on Hotel's bank account

PL 18175010770000000001255568 BIC: RCBWPLPW

Cancellation free of charge until 31.03.2013.

In case of no show or cancellation after above date, hotel will charge 100% of reservation.

We kindly ask you to send the filled out form latest until 18.03.2013 by fax +48 91 35 95 018; or mail: .

Radisson Blu Hotel

Plac Rodła 10,

PL-70419 Szczecin, Poland Toll-free reservations Poland: 00800 353 1265

Tel: +48 91 359 5595, Nazwa firmy: Pazim Sp. z o.o., Siedziba firmy: 70-419 Szczecin, Plac Rodła 8

Fax: +48 91 359 4594, Sąd Rejestrowy: Sąd Rejonowy Szczecin-Centrum w Szczecinie XIII Wydział

Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Numer KRS:OOOOI488IO, NIP:851 -020-83-82, Wysokość Kapitału Zakładowego: 153.267.157,50zł


Arrival date:

Departure date:

Type and standard of room:

Price per room and night:

Reservation number:

Date and signature:

Radisson Blu Hotel
