English 10B Teacher: Mr. Shaheen

“The Adventurous Spirit” Trimester 2: Mar. 13- June 16

Time/Location: 1st/2nd Hr/B203


“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end.” --Ursula K. Le Guin

Course Description

This two-term course is designed to provide sophomores with the opportunity to examine works of classic and contemporary American and world authors while improving their reading, writing and speaking skills. Students will journey to become ready for the demands of college and career. The class format provides a workshop approach, including substantial time for both reading and writing daily, as well as significant choice in selection of their readings.

Essential Course Questions

-  How does the heroic journey represent both opportunities for adventure and obstacles that create challenge?

-  How do teenage characters alienate themselves from their worlds and yet at the same time yearn to belong to a community?

-  How does my reading help me join in a conversation about life’s journey with and among classic and contemporary authors?

-  How do the diverse voices in literature contribute to my sense of myself as a writer?

-  In what ways can I develop a habit of engagement with my learning?

Core Materials

The following materials will be used in this course…

-  Being Henry David by Carl Armistead

-  Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

-  There Was a Child Went Forth by Walt Whitman

-  Crossing Brooklyn Ferry by Walt Whitman

-  Image Grammar ActivityBook by Harry Noden.

Various articles, short stories, poems, films, and media chosen by the student and the teacher.


Over the twelve week course, students will be assessed through quizzes, tests, and a synthesis essay using claim, evidence, reasoning and support (CER.)

What should we expect from each other everyday?

-  Respect. (For yourself and everyone in the building.)

-  An open mind and a good attitude. (Be willing to grow your head and your heart.)

Punctuality and attentiveness. (This is your time. Please use it wisely.)

Electronic Devices!

Be where you are!

-  Tablets, MP3 players, headphones, etc, may be used during non-instructional times in the hallways, cafeteria, and commons.

-  Cell phones and electronic devices are not to be audible or visible during class periods unless explicit permission has been granted by the classroom teacher.

-  Phones must be set to silent or vibrate (no ring tones should be audible)

Weekly Schedule [This schedule is subject to change.]


Week 1:

-  Welcome Week! We will be building community in our classroom.

-  Being Henry David by Carl Armistad

Week 2:

-  Being Henry David by Carl Armistad

Week 3:

-  Being Henry David by Carl Armistad

Week 4:

-  Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Week 5:

-  Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Week 6:

-  Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck


Week 7:

-  Listening Literacy

Week 8:

-  Listening Literacy

Week 9:

-  Conversational Literacy

Week 10:

-  Conversational Literacy

Week 11:

-  Digital Literacy

Week 12:

-  Digital Literacy


By signing this syllabus, you and your parent/guardian indicate that you have read and understood the requirements and expectations of this course.

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date ______

Student’s Signature Date