Note Taking Guide: Heat Transfer Powerpoint Name

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OBJECTIVE#1 “What is heat?”

Slide 4

Temperature is:

Slides 5-7

On the Farenheit scale, water freezes at and boils at .

On the Celsius scale, water freezes at and boils at .(metric scale)

On the Kelvin scale, water freezes at and boils at .

Slide 8

Thermal Energy is:

Slide 9

Which is larger in a larger cup Temperature or Thermal Energy? (Circle One)

Slide 10

Heat is:

Objective#2 “How does heat transfer from one place to another?”

Slide 11-12

What are the three types of heat transfer? , , and


happens when one hot object touches another and transfers heat.

Slide 13

List two examples of conduction: 1.


What is a key word for conduction?

Slide 14-15

happens when movement of hot/cold particles in a liquid/gas creates a current.

Which is less dense? Hot water/Cold Water? (Circle One)

In a pot of boiling water, the hot water and the cold water

What is the key word for convection? .

List two examples of convection: 1.


Slide 16-17

is the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.

What is the key word for radiation? .

List two examples of radiation. 1.


Objective #3 “How come some things get hotter than others?”

Slide 19

What is Specific Heat?

Slide 21

The the specific heat, the it heats up.

Please label: R = Radiation Cd= Conduction Cv = Convection

1. Warm air rising up

2. Heat spreading along a metal.

3, Heat reaching you from an electric bar heater.

4. Warm water rising to the top of a water tank. .

5. A table gets hot under a mug of tea. .

6. Toast cooking in a toaster. .

7. Smoke rising up a chimney. .

8. Heat reaching us from the sun. .

9. The burner on a hot air balloon. .

10. Touching a hot plate. .

11. Sausages cooking under a grill .


1. Hot water rising to the top of cold water .

2. Heating sand with a heat lamp. .

3. Melting wax on a hot spoon. .