Rubric for Arguments and Debates

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Text Structure
Thesis / No clear opening statement presented. / Some attempt to make an opening statement. / Opening statement made. / Opening statement made very clear to audience.
State position / No clear position stated. / Some attempt to state position made. / Position of speaker stated. / Position of speaker explicitly stated with appropriate language used.
Provide supporting evidence / No supporting evidence. / Evidence provided with no support. / Evidence provided with some support. / Series of detailed arguments made with supporting evidence.
Present alternative position / No alternative position presented. / Alternative position presented with no support. / Alternative position presented with some support. / Alternative position explicitly stated with supporting evidence.
Summary argument / No summary argument. / Some attempt made at summary argument. / Summary argument evident but without logical approach. / Explicit and logical summary of points made to conclude.
Language features associated with the text type / Limited connectives and verbs used with no facts and statistics. / Some connectives and verbs used with limited facts and statistics. / A range of connectives and verbs used with some facts and statistics. / Logical connectives, powerful verbs, facts and statistics used accurately throughout.
Topic specific vocabulary / No technical vocabulary used. / Some attempts to use technical vocabulary and emotive language. / Technical vocabulary used with evidence of research done. Some attempts to use emotive language. / Technical vocabulary, evidence from experts and emotive language used accurately throughout.
Speaking and Listening Skills
Broad rules that govern social interaction / Poor turn taking. Did not hold the floor. / Some attempt to take turns during argument. Did not successfully hold the floor when given the opportunity. / Took turns appropriately for the most part and managed to hold the floor for a time. / Took turns and interjected appropriately throughout. Held the floor effectively receiving attention when stating position.
Use of voice / Poor projection. Mumbled speech without clear pronunciation. Audience disengaged. / Some projection with most words pronounced accurately. / Good projection and pronunciation. Delivery needs work. / Smooth, effective delivery with clear pronunciation and projection throughout. Audience engaged.
Non-verbal behaviours / Poor eye contact with audience. Stiff presentation with no gesture. Over reliant on speaking cues. / Some attempts at eye contact made. Repetition of gesture throughout. Speaker used some appropriate movements and attempted to use speaking aids appropriately. / Speaker had good posture and attempted to use speaking aids appropriately. / Sustained eye contact with audience, appropriate repair and gesture used throughout. Appeared relaxed, using comfortable movement and posture with appropriate use of speaking aids.