Sunday Bible Study - Series Guide

Menomonee Falls – Sunday

9:15 a.m. – Church Basement

Germantown – Sunday

10:30 a.m. – Omega Room

We Are Family in Christ

March 5 – Family Far Away. . Prof. Wordell serves as the World Missions Seminary Professor at Wisconsin Lutheran seminary. He travels the world to partner with international seminary programs in our fellowship. Learn about the many opportunities the Lord is presenting us around the world. Come to appreciate the big family you have in Jesus, family far away.

Study Leader is Pastor Bradley Wordell.

March 12, 19, 26 & April 2, 9 – Overheard in the Narthex. . Imagine that you’re coming out of church after a Sunday morning service and overhear a conversation being held between two Bethlehem members. In the course of the conversation, one member shares something that’s going on – a sickness or death in the family, addiction, parenting struggles, etc. What do you say in response to your struggling Christian brother or sister? How might we turn these “everyday conversations” into opportunities to encourage each other in our Christian walk?

Study Leaders are Pastor Arnold, Pastor Russ Schmidt, and Professor Geiger

April 23, 30 - An Adopted Family: A Study of Ruth. . It's frequently said that "You can pick your friends - but you can't pick your family!" But is that really true? Join us as we study the book of Ruth, a story that reminds us of the great privilege of being "adopted" in the people of God!

Study Leader is Pastor Arnold

Martin Luther

Reformer in the Making

The book focuses on Martin Luther's early life, education, young adult years, and early years as a university professor. Author Erwin R. Scharf provides a fascinating description of how God used Luther's early years to mold Martin Luther into Luther the Reformer. Originally published in 1987 and republished in 2016.

This 112 page book is available in softcover and e-book; for sale through Northwestern Publishing House.

Northwestern Publishing House

1250 N 113th St. Milwaukee

Our WELS store offering Christian books, devotionals and gifts (check out the Reformation 500 section)

Need to Rest After a Tough Day at Work or at Home?

Curl up by the fire with a good book from our Church Library.

Kindle your faith’s flame

How many books are on your e-reader?

Check out our synod’s Northwestern Publishing House website and the e-book versions of wonderful studies in the Lord’s Word! The website currently offers several e-books on Martin Luther and the Reformation, such as “Martin Luther and the Long Reformation.” Examine the full history of the Reformation: from early attempts at reform, to the scope of Luther's reform, to today's challenges in the church. You'll learn about Luther and the Reformation within the wider historical context, both the history that preceded the 16th century, and the centuries that followed the Reformation, all the way to the present.

Spiritual Growth Board

The Spiritual Growth Board exists to recommend Biblical material and provide opportunities for Bible Study so that, growing in their understanding of God’s Word, Bethlehem’s members will increase in their spiritual maturity and grow in their service to the Lord.

“Come for the Peace, Stay for the Fun”

Save this brochure. Take it home and stick it on your bulletin board or on the fridge. Someday, you might be seeking peace in the Lord’s Word. Our Bible Studies provide a less structured, in-depth understanding of God’s Word and its meaning in our lives. It’s also fun to get to know fellow believers better in these informal study and discussion groups.

Weekly Bible Studies

Monday Evenings

Bible Information Class - 6:00 – 7:15 PM

Germantown (Alpha Room)

"Basic Bible Christianity" offers a review of the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith. This is an excellent class for anyone who is interested in becoming a member of Bethlehem and for current members who would like to "brush up" on the truths of our faith. – Pastor Arnold

Tuesday Mornings

10:15 - 11:15 AM

Menomonee Falls Council Room

Great Chapters of the Bible … This will serve as a good overview of the Bible as we dig into some the great chapters recorded down for our benefit. We will examine what makes these chapters stand out in connection to our Christian faith and life. God has laid out for us a solid foundation, may we continue to build on it. – Pastor Kolander

Wednesday Evenings

6:00 - 7:00 PM

Menomonee Falls Bible Study Room

The Ideal Congregation ... What is the purpose of our congregation - any congregation for that matter? What is it that distinguishes us from other forums of people gathered together? Join the discussion on what the ideal congregation is to be and act like in this 21st Century world. - Pastor Kolander

Thursday Mornings

6:45 - 7:15 AM

Menomonee Falls Bible Study Room

The Books of Thessalonians … Intense Persecution prevented the Apostle Paul from staying long in the city of Thessalonica, and as a result, he was compelled to write two letters to these new Christians. In these two epistles, the Apostle covers some of basic doctrines of the Christian faith, and in so doing gives great comfort to believers of all times. - Pastor Schmidt

Thursday Mornings

9:00 AM

Menomonee Falls Council Room

Ladies Bible Study

Women’s Group (No children)

Thursday Mornings: Ladies Bible Study meets @ 9:00 AM; Menomonee Falls Council Room on alternating Thursdays: March 9, 23; April 6, 20; May 4, 18. WE WELCOME NEWCOMERS TO OUR GROUP!!! Contact Ellen Cook (262) 442-2960 for more information.

Saturday Mornings

8:00 - 9:00 AM

Menomonee Falls Council Room

Men’s Bible Study

The Gospel of Matthew ... Have questions? Jesus has answers. Not only are we learning more about the identity of Jesus through this look of Matthew's account; we are also gaining valuable life skills to put into practice. Listen to, and share as desired, the highs and lows Christian men encounter in a society that is not Jesus friendly. - Pastor Kolander

Friday/Saturday Evenings

Couples group (although singles always welcome!) Study led by members and meets at members’ homes biweekly. We are currently studying End Times from The People’s Bible series. Contact Gary Schilling via email at for more information.

Sunday Evenings at 7:00 PM

Menomonee Falls (Council Room) and Streamed Live!

This newest addition to Bethlehem's Bible Study Program uses Facebook Live to bring God's Word into the comfort and convenience of your own home. We are reading the opening chapters of John's Gospel, giving special attention to the unique ways John presents Jesus as the world's Savior and calls believers to genuine discipleship. For more information on connecting to our Facebook Live group, please contact Pastor Arnold.

Have an Idea for a Study Group?

If you have an idea for a new study subject, a different time schedule or interest group, please share your ideas with us. Contact Pastor Arnold at (262) 251-3555 or





“For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.”

Proverbs 2:10


March-April 2017