A powerful weapon in the hands of the Holy Virgin

The Hearth is truly the great answer to Her who a thousand times day repeats to the Love Of the Trinity: “Until the last of My children gets in, I shall remain at the door anxiously waiting so that none of them may be lost.” How can we discover the treasure hidden within these Hearts, indicated as a marvelous weapon to rediscover values that are born in the family, the first community?

When the members of a family gather together, it’s the Mother of Unity wants to stay with us “Her dear children”. She long to give us back the certainly, warmth and security we lost during the course of our lives, often led by misleading ideologies, social engagements not meant to protect the last; led by violent often passions that have an intoxicating effect and that soon wane leading a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction.

Our Lady is not satisfied only with reigning just in Heaven, She wants to be the Queen of hearts to take us God’s inheritance back to truth Our Lady proposes all this again whenever we accept with joy to answer, even just to thank Her for all She, the ardent Immaculate Heart, is still ready to do for us all. Until Her Divine Son Jesus is loved as much as He deserves to be, until His Love for us is reciprocated, She tireless and wise preacher of the Kingdom will show us how to acquire a deeper understanding of what Jesus reveled to us.

The only answer you can give is to obey without wasting time, so that provide is domestic Hearths can be lit with Mary’s fire, above all where the evil done something really disastrous and devastating seems irreparable. By proposing to mankind a catechesis based on the family, Our Heavenly Teacher, perfect parent, tries to reestablish God’s presence, starting with a small degree of mutual understanding extending a really warm friendly welcome that overcomes our own personal point of view.

Day after day She tries to make us rediscover the sense of responsibility of parents towards their children and of children towards their parents teaching us to pass it on through prayer which leads to dialogue and that’s why our Lord cannot remain a stranger.

In the Hearth of prayer we get close to Our Lady and She comes close to us. In this meeting of love the Almighty makes our vocation germinate through the power of the Holy Spirit, that blows in the prayer which unites us and helps us to talk with one another and with Heaven. Lets not asking ourselves: “How can?” We are not the ones either who begin or finish, but it is the Spirit Divine Guest, Who prepares, levels out, forms, celebrates, warms up and convinces. We have only got to be determined, reacting with more enthusiasm to the 7 gifts, that are about to arrive in the newly born Hearth. The Mother Herself will make us rejoice in our Lord, making visible the action of Grace and the fullness of all the positive actions I will be able to perform inspired by Her messages. She will form a perfect heart in me and as a garden produces a lot of fruits, so will my house be a tent of consolation, joy knowledge to offer to the many travelers and pilgrims who will stop at the door and say: “God bless you and reward you for what you have given me”. Who wouldn’t be full of joy in seeing these visible effects of just the beginning of a humble answer?

Won’t many be asking us: “But where do you live?”, when they see an unusual serenity on our faces. Like Jesus we could answer with the ancient words: “Come and see: I will show you who lives in me, who gave me a new Spirit!” Why let this royal Grace vanish disappear of possessing all the good by worshipping Mary, forever Mother and Sister, through the Hearth of player which illuminates us and shows us the way?

Time offered to God is never wasted: it’s a gain and an immediate acquisition.

For all the reasons we have mentioned as soon as possible we should create the conditions for glorifying God, praising together with all your family, home-hearth that dispel sadness. Let’s not be surprised if through the anointing with Oil of the Tears of Our Lady in Heaven, every hour, miracles spiritually very effective will happen.


The words the pour Master with great sweetness says and continues to say to His young confidante during His dialogue which, by reading them again and again, give us mysteriously an irresistible strength to devote ourselves wholly to God’s Love, working through his Immaculate Bride.

“..Let My Heart use you with Mercy and transform this Movement into an army of souls who glorify Me through Reparation. I would like you to point out to you that any soul of good will can belong to the movement whether close or far away. The words knows that I want strong souls, strengthened in their spirit of sacrifice with their mouths shut, so that I may forget about the scourges I receive every day together with criticism and judgement…” (Message 5-6 Juno 1997 during the night)

The apostles of the Hearth of the Virgin of the Eucharist are called to become Eucharistic souls and letting themselves guided meekly by Her whose prayers of thanksgiving and praise and adoration were unparalleled.

The Mother of mankind among several forms of charisma given by God as a mother favours “the plan of co- redeeming souls”, who should become servants to the point of their fading away offering themselves together with Jesus and obtaining from the Sacred Heart of Supreme Shepard such friendship to allow other souls to experience the great Love of the Divine Will.

The servant of the Hearths has the important task of forming themselves and other “souls- host”, dedicating their spirituality to families, youth and children as a service to the church that suffers from the lack of these people in times of triumphant materialism.

The Hearths are where the Holy Spirit lights his fire by means of His Bride Mary, the perfect soul of reparation, to place it in the hearts of those who wish to prepare a cradle to rest for the Mystic Love unloved and abandoned. Our Lady asks with repeated insistence that such Hearths be formed in families and burn permanently by means of unending prayer fully trusting the Immaculate Heart to protect us.

“…My dear souls, these gifts will going from home to home: you will form small Hearth of prayer… and the more the devotion to Our Lady is spread, the more gifts will be received from Our Lady. God the Father other small instrument wants the devotion to be established to Our Queen of the Oil that anoints, and to the Mother of eternal weeping tears which washes, and takes Her children to the Father with Her most pure and Immaculate hands…” (Message 23 rd December 1994)

The Spring of our confirmation, often in her Apparitions at Manduria, look for souls that no matter how small and miserable by closely cooperating with Her messages may create oasis of the Holy Spirit, where ancient and all-time new virtues we have lost in our lives not always heading towards Heaven.

The beneficial heat, spread from the Hearth of those who adore Jesus hidden in the Mystic Veils of the Eucharist, comes from the invitations intensely meditated which the 2 Most Holy Hearts send us

through their daughter in the form of dialogue (sometimes interior), so that we can obtain from their rock the constancy which is unchangeable and may be even increasing and generates the fruit of consolation that God expects from us. All what our Lady and Her Divine Son ask for aim at teaching the souls who want to imitate them and don’t object to appearing like victims so as to be closer to Him who is the “Victim” of mankind’s ungratefulness. People gathering in the small or large groups in the family or elsewhere, from the very beginning whether (if things are taken seriously) develop a progressively intense spiritual life, nourished by God’s infinite Goodness which will deeply influence the soul that will be given the power to do all the deeds consistent with those described in the Evangelium.

Which is the ideal habitat to develop spirituality of the Movement of Love?

Debora’s answer would be that the ideal place is the world where we mustn’t be afraid of proclaiming our faith made of certainties and not of words.

It is therefore necessary to understand the importance of the anointing that Our Lady of delight has ordered us to do to prepare the way to spirituality of making in the future: praise and adoration total of Him Who has invited us to tend towards His perfection. If we look at the sky and watch the stars, we shall think of how many Hearths will burn in the sky of the Almighty, which though seemingly very small more precious and more admired for their protection against the threats of daily difficulties.

Let us bless the Most Holy Trinity for what we receive through the Hearths of the Movement of Love. Hopefully more and more people will join and Mary the Queen work miracles.