Presents for Jesus??

Dear Friend,

As Christmas approaches I’d like to share with you a simple story I came across some years ago called “Mary’s Dream”:

Mary’s Dream

“I had a dream, Joseph. I don’t understand it, but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our son.

The people in my dream had been preparing for about six weeks. They had decorated the house and bought new clothes. They’d gone shopping many times and bought many elaborate gifts.

It was peculiar, though, because the Presents weren’t for our son. They wrapped them in beautiful paper and stacked them under a tree. Yes, a tree, Joseph, right inside their homes! They’d decorated the tree with sparkling ornaments. There was a figure like an angel on the top of the tree.

Everyone was laughing and happy. They gave the gifts to each other Joseph, not to our son. I don’t think they even knew him. They never mentioned his name.

I had the strangest feeling that, if our Jesus had gone to this celebration, he would have been intruding. How sad for someone not to be wanted at his own birthday party! I’m glad it was only a dream. How terrible, Joseph, if it had been real!”

(Author Unknown)

I shared the story with my parishioners at the time and some were so moved by it that they resolved to compile a birthday “Presents for Jesus” Christmas list for themselves and to share with others. My hope and theirs is that you will read the list of suggestions that follow and give one or more of the suggested presents to Jesus this Christmas along with your other gifts. Or you may think of another present that He would enjoy. I’m sure that if you chose any one of the presents listed, or gave something similar, Jesus would be delighted. And I’m also sure, given the delight Jesus enjoys in receiving His birthday gifts, Mary and Joseph would also smile with satisfaction knowing her dream was in fact unreal.

God Bless

Father John Archbold OMI

Some Contacts and Resources


1.  If asked “What would you like for Christmas?” include one or two “Presents for Jesus”.

2.  Give a MAMI or Caritas Gift Card to someone who would appreciate that supporting the Church’s work is a more worthwhile gift than another pair of socks.

3.  When you select your traditional Christmas gifts, think of them as birthday presents for Jesus and the recipient as His representative. And tell the recipient what you have done.

Prayers and Reflections

4.  Promise Jesus that every day or every week you will go to the telephone directory, look up “Catholic Church”, find a different organisation or institution and ask the Lord to bless it, the people working in it, and the people they serve.

5.  Could we re-commit to a daily prayer?


6.  Make a donation to the parish or diocesan building or building restoration fund.

7.  Donate quality pre-loved household items (e.g. beds and bases, tables and chairs, or wardrobes) to Vinnies.


8.  Send a Christmas card to someone you may have deliberately or inadvertently hurt together with a note of apology.

9.  It is said that “world peace begins at the dinner table” – could you be a better advocate for world peace?

Promises and Commitments

10.  If your Lenten promise has lapsed or been forgotten, renew it for January.

11.  Commit to putting aside time for some ”God Moments” in your day.

12.  Why not to resolve to participate in one or more parish social activities?


13.  As a “Family Gift” make a donation to the Parish to cover the yearly or monthly cost of some small item of church expenditure (e.g. altar candles, altar wine, communion hosts).

14.  Now might be the time to renew the practice of grace before meals.


15.  Include in a child’s Christmas Present “allowance” a specific sum that they should spend on a birthday “Present for Jesus” of their choice.

16.  Read a children’s version of the true Christmas story before opening the Christmas Presents.

17.  Sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus as the Christmas “pudding” arrives at the Christmas dinner table.

Teenagers and Young Adults

18.  Organise a fund raiser to sponsor a young person’s visit to World Youth Day.

19.  Assist your teachers in any “anti-bullying” efforts your school might implement.

20.  Invite someone outside your circle of friends to join your group in a social or sporting activity.


21.  Send Christmas cards with Christian themes, messages or images, not ones with pictures of a man in a funny red suit.

22.  Invite an occasional church going friend or family member to join you for a Christmas mass.

23.  Don’t hide your Christianity at Christmas (e.g. write “Christmas” not “Xmas”; send “Christmas” not “Season’s” greetings.

Time and Talents

24.  Resolve to volunteer for some ministry in the parish and discover that it’s a gift for you as well as Jesus.

25.  Give some of your time and talents to the parish or diocesan care centre.

The Mary’s Dream campaign is an initiative of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Australia.
For information see