Essay Scoring Guide: AP English Literature, Collierville HS

Include a copy on top of every essay.

Name______Date______Essay: ______

9=100, 8=94, 7=90, 6=86, 5=80, 4=77, 3=70, 2=60, 1=50

9 Excellent use of thoughtfully chosen, apt, and specific-to-the-text, concrete details, references and quotes. Response to the prompt is a convincing &

insightful, perceptive analysis and commentary, free of plot summary. Personal style is evident in sophisticated sentence structure. Vocabulary (precise and fresh diction) has finesse, creativity without going too far. Ideas are expressed with clarity and skill; the paper addresses the what, the how, and the why. Well-organized with careful development, excellent intro paragraph; smooth transitions, uses literary present tense, 3rd person, with no passive voice. The conclusion is an epiphany--the student understands universal truths or connections in this work. Virtually no errors exist in spelling, grammar usage, and mechanics. Three to five pages (a page is one side) at least.

8 All of the above, but perhaps the style of the student paper is not as evident.

7 A few minor problems, fewer details and quotes, less insightful, less commentary,

less developed than an 8/9. The conclusion is effective. The paper is still well written,

developed and analyzed. There is good control over sentence structure, spelling, diction and mechanics. At least two full pages.

6 “Yes!” A sustained analysis of the text. A safe paper, carefully done. Completely and thoroughly answers the prompt. Good thesis, theme, topic sentences, details, and analysis. Insightful conclusion.

At least two full pages.______

5 “Pretty good” An adequate essay that mostly answers the prompt and analyzes the text, perhaps with a few missteps. Obvious textual details, givens. Generic commentary/analysis that might not be very thorough or insightful. Weak conclusion. No serious errors in spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics. No use of passive voice. At least two full pages.

4 “Sort of.” An essay with a few problems. Thesis or theme may not be entirely accurate, interesting, or insightful. Essay may not completely answer the prompt. Weak paraphrasing and commentary are misguided and unclear. Plot summary at times instead of analysis. Vague and predictable introductory paragraph. Ideas drift off the topic or prompt. The question is just restated. Repetitive and/or awkward diction and phrasing. Few transitions. Weak conclusion. At least close to two pages. Use of the past tense instead of the literary present. Few mechanical errors.

3 “Sort of.” An essay with multiple problems. Thesis does not completely answer the prompt or answers it inaccurately. Theme may not be a main idea of the text. Less organization, more misinterpretations, inadequate development, serious omissions. Quotes/commentary are missing or vague. Use of contractions. Use of a chatty and/or non-academic tone. Underdeveloped. Repetitive and weak conclusion. More mechanical and spelling errors. At least one and a half pages.

2 “Needs work.” Very few concrete details. Weak or nonexistent thesis statement. No conclusion. Distracting errors in sentence structure (even just one--subject/verb agreement, comma splice, run-on, fragment) diction, spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics. Lack of control, organization, and/or development. All the parts of the question not answered. Use of a negative or judgmental tone. About one page.

1 Less than one page or incoherently long. Many mechanical errors. Illegible handwriting.

Focus of the topic missed. Question not answered.