A32 FAG – Multi-agency officers meeting – Winchester20.10.2015

Attendees: CountyCllr Mark Kemp-Gee,

HCC Officers: Tor Peebles, Vicki Westall

EHDC Officers: Rebecca Mundy, Denny King

Thames Water: Tim Beech, Joan Forteath

Environment Agency: Nick Read

Agenda for the meeting

  • Introduction to the flood issue of the area.
  • Introduction of project recommendations and project team.
  • Comments from the EA on Chawton.
  • Comments from TW on sewage flooding in Chawton.
  • AOB.

Introduction to flooding

Total of 13 properties flooded in Lower Farringdon and up to 8 properties affected by sewage disruption in the Chawton House/Home Farm area of Chawton. A32 closed for up to 2 months with associated disruption to residents, commuters and a substantial number of businesses.

Flooding was driven by high ground water table and ephemeral springs in the area of Kitcombe Cottages and the water flow exceeding the capacity of water courses (natural and manmade) in the area.

HCC conducted an investigation with residents and the FAG in order to determine the extent of flooding and possible options for mitigating flood risk through maintenance and enforcement.

HCC initiated a further flood modelling project with University of Portsmouth in order to assess the flood risk to the A32 and surrounding properties this will result in 2 reports. One covering north of Lower Farringdon and the other Lower Farringdon itself. These reports should be issued shortly.

Project recommendations

HCC and EAD officers to look into budgets available to fund a feasibility study for creating a flow path from the Shirnall Meadow drainage system to the rear of properties in the north east quandrant of Lower Farringdon through to the bunds and pipes in the area south of Chawton. And also to look at ways of creating continuity in the flow path between Annett’s Farm and the Shirnall Meadow drainage system.

Thames Water to questionnaire properties in Home Farm location (Chawton) to gather information on historic sewage flooding. Also to provide Cllr Kemp-Gee with a contact link for the FAG to work with in setting up the Emergency Response Plan.

FAG to inform the residents of the Home Farm (Chawton) locality that at times of sewage flooding or loss of service they are each to inform Thames water of the problem and get a reference number. This reference number to be recorded by the FAG and sent to the multi-agency group.

FAG to inform the residents of the forthcoming questionnaire from Thames Water as part of the multi-agency response to the flooding of the valley forming further information gathering for TW as a requirement for future works to the network.

With the assistance of EHDC and HCC Emergency Planning Officers work up a Flood Action Plan.

EA continue to provide support in any funding bids and remain on standyby to re-examine the initial assessment results against any future fluvial information coming out of the multi-agency groups work.

Comments from the EA on the Initial Assessment in Chawton

An initial Assessment has been carried out, on the main river flooding risk. It is limited to this scope due to the restrictions of the EA mandate under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

The few numbers of properties affected by the flooding in the past and the lack of clear options available to remedy this flooding brought a conclusion to this assessment that there is no feasible option to be implemented.

The EA indicated that this can be reviewed in light of any other work in the catchment and agreed that a catchment management approach of small local measures is the most likely chance of successful flood mitigation in this area.

Comments from TW on the sewerage flooding in the area of Chawton House.

The officers of Thames water explained that many of the flood incidents investigated by their engineers were caused by operation issues, blocked pipes and back ups down stream of the location affected. This prevents CAPEX funded projects on the infrastructure.

The officers explained that incidents are prioritised on the number of reports received from house holders. To that end the residents are better each calling in to report an incident from their property as this will have a higher weighting in the TW priority list.

In order to gather initial information in this area TW determined that a questionnaire drop would be advantageous, though limited by the returns from that exercise. The FAG will support this informally by communicating with the land owners.

Tor Peebles summarised the concerns of the residents:

  • Does the foul network have capacity for the planned/proposed development with in the catchment?
  • Is there anything that can be done to prevent the hydraulic flooding of the network by the houses at Home Farm.

Looking forward:

This Multi-agency group will meet periodically to update on progress on the actions, the next update meeting should not be held until early December and no later than end of January 2016.

Tor Peebles will distribute the 2 reports from University of Portsmouth in due course and the HCC site notes.


After the meeting Tor Peebles informed Cllr Kemp-Gee that he is leaving HCC to join Surrey CC.