NZOA Research and Outcomes Committee/Research Foundation

Multi-Centre Clinical Research – Strategy Workshop

31 March 2017, Wellington Hospital


8.30 – 8.45am: Introduction:

Mike Barnes, Chair / Editorial Secretary

Outline his role as Chair and Objectives for the day

SESSION 1: Clinical Trials: Progress to date and why we need them:

Chair Haemish Crawford

8.45 – 9.15am: Research and Outcomes Committee / Research Foundation

Chris Hoffman / Gary Hooper

Brief outline of history/path to current position - Aims and Goals

9.15- 10.00: The Need for Clinical Trials / Why bother

– Ian Harris, Professor of Orthopaedics, Liverpool Hospital, Sydney

10.00 – 10.15am: Discussion

10.15 – 10.45am: Morning Tea

SESSION 2: RCTs: Overview and opportunities for ‘improvement’: Chair TBC

10.45– 11.30am: What’s wrong with RCT’s and what can we do to improve them

– Ian Harris, Professor of Orthopaedics, Liverpool Hospital, Sydney

11.30 – 12noon: Discussion

12.00 – 12.45pm - Lunch

SESSION 3: Trial Design and Statistics: Chair TBC

12.45- 1.15pm: Trial Design and Statistics

Chris Frampton, Statistician – value of Trial Design review

1.15 – 2.00pm: What has been achieved in Wellington / Tauranga? / Christchurch / Nelson (ask reps from regions of discuss their progress, share ideas)

Wellington: Chris Hoffman - TASI study/Research Nurse /Socrates

2.00pm – 2.15 pm Discussion

SESSION 4: Moving Forward Together: Chair Mike Barnes

2.15 - 3.00pm: Moving forward together:

Panel Discussion on future projects – Ian Harris/Chris Hoffman /Gary Hooper/




Proposals from Sub Specialties/Departments

Hip Fracture Registry – another way to research

Other Suggestions

3.00 - 3.10pm: Summary and Recommendations

Chris Hoffman

3.10 - 3.20 pm: Windup and Acknowledgements:

Mike Barnes

Multi-Centre Clinical Research – Strategy Workshop

Easthope Seminar Room, Education Centre, Level 12, Ward Support Block, Wellington Hospital, Wellington: Friday 31 March 2017

Welcome message from Mike Barnes

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to Wellington, for the NZOA Multi-Centre Clinical Research – Strategy Workshop. We are very fortunate to have Ian Harris, Orthopaedic Surgeon and author of ‘Surgery, the Ultimate Placebo’ from Sydney as our international guest speaker and Chris Frampton, Statistician as New Zealand guest speaker come to join us in Wellington along with a range of other speakers who have much collective knowledge and experience to offer us.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Michael Barnes


Programme Outline

The programme will cover a range of topics including ‘The Need for Clinical Trials/ Why Bother?, ‘Whats wrong with RCT’s and what can we do to improve them’, Trial Design and Statistics, What has been achieved in NZ, Moving Forward.

Morning tea and lunch and are provided. The day will start at 8.30am and finish at approximately 3.00pm.

For more information please contact:

Helen Glasgow, Training and Education Manager

p: 04 913 9898: m: 027 767 9444



To register for the NZOA Multi-Centre Clinical Research – Strategy Workshop, please email Helen Glasgow at NZOA - to book your place. Please note that places are limited so it is important that you do let us know that you are attending the workshop.

Fee: There will a nominal fee of $100.00 charged to help offset the cost of the speakers and an invoice will be forwarded once we receive your registration