For Proposals Submitted Under the Auspices of the

Towson University Foundation

Grant Seekers Check List

Getting Started:

_____Consider the project’s timeline, purpose, objectives, assessment plan and sustainability plan. Plan to begin your grant search at least eight months prior to program start date.

_____Rough out a budget. See How to Construct A Budget Guide.

_____ Consider which other departments and faculty might be interested in collaborating and/or sharing resources.

_____ Secure preliminary approval for the project from your department chair.

_____ Meet with staff from Office of Sponsored Programs & Research and the Development office to review your project concept and discuss potential funding sources.

_____ If you have “prospects” in mind, obtain clearance from the Development Office to pursue. Please note that the Development Office is the clearinghouse for all proposals to the private sector. If multiple individuals within a College are interested in pursuing a specific Request for Proposal, the dean will be consulted regarding which project proposal will advance. If there are competing proposals among two or more colleges, the Provost will be consulted regarding which proposal to advance.

When you are ready to submit a proposal:

____Review guidelines for Requests for Proposaland grantor funding priorities.Work with Development staff on letter of inquiry and proposal drafts. If no special format is preferred for private sector opportunities, use Letter of Inquiry Template to guide your presentation.

_____ Once a funder has been identified, a proposal number will be assigned by the Office of Sponsored Programs & Research for tracking purposes. This number should be referenced in all correspondence related to the preparation of the proposal and budget.

_____ Collect letters of support for the project from external partners, as may be appropriate.

_____ Complete Compliance Questionnaire. In keeping with the timeline expectations set by the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research, the Development office requests that the Compliance Questionnaire and final drafts of the proposal and budget be submitted for review and approval by appropriate TU Foundation and university administratorsat least one weeks prior to the proposal deadline.

Grant Seekers Took KitSpring 2013

Grant Seeking Check List