Evaluator Click here to enter text. Author Click here to enter text. Author’s SS Per. Choose an item.

Author’s ENG Per. Choose an item.

Social Studies Peer Evaluation – Writing Prompt #5

Expressions of a True American

Does the story contain the following?

Support- copy and paste the evidence for the skill here.
Does the story mention the year and how old the character is?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story describe Adams and Jefferson, along with their political parties?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story say that you have been a very important person in your state and you have been selected to write an article for the local newspaper about the Alien and Sedition Acts and also a cartoon illustrating your thoughts?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story include a newspaper with a name of the newspaper, title for article, 8 sentence article, and a cartoon?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the newspaper cartoon match the feelings of the article?
Choose an item. / Support-
Scenario #1 / Scenario #2
Does the article use the Constitution to support their feelings? / Does the story contain quotes from the handout describing the fairness of the Acts?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story describe how you were taken from your home and thrown in prison for violating the Sedition Act? / Does the story contain a description of how you are now a target for immigrant groups in your town?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story describe the fierce debate between the main character and the inmate in prison regarding the Acts? / Does the story describe the dinner in which bricks are thrown through the windows and the family is then hidden?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story describe the two choices that the Constable gives the main character? / Does the story describe the mob of Irish immigrants and the debate that the main character has with the mob leader?
Choose an item. / Support-
Is a clear decision made regarding these choices and is a full explanation included explaining why they chose that option? / Is there a clear decision made regarding the choices the mob leader gives and a full explanation included explaining why they chose that option?
Choose an item. / Support-
Additional Points
Does the story mention how the main character is now passing the torch on to the next generation?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story mention how the next generation must be true to their beliefs as the country expands?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story mention “this will make you a true American”?
Choose an item. / Support-
Does the story contain dialogue?
Choose an item. / Support-

Total Points Choose an item. (add up the number of Yes’s in the left-hand column)

Overall, what did you think of the story? Answer this question in the comment box underneath the author’s prompt on the website. Then, give it a star rating as well. [See below.]

Please scroll down to find the English Evaluation form.

English Peer Evaluation – Writing Prompt #5

Expressions of a True American

Does the story contain the following?

Points / Support- copy and paste the evidence for the skill here.
Skill- Establishing a Claim during the debate in prison or with the leader of the Irish mob
Does the second generation character clearly establish the claim that the alien and sedition acts are just/unjust? This must be bolded to make it easy to identify. (2 pts.)
Choose an item. / Support-
Skill- Supporting a Claim during the debate in prison or with the leader of the Irish mob
Does the second generation character support this claim with clear and convincing arguments, including references to the Constitution? There should be more than just one. (2 pts.)
Choose an item. / Support-
Skill- Establishing an Counterclaim
Does the prisoner/mob leader convincingly establish his/her counterclaim? This must be bolded to make it easy to identify. (2 pts.)
Choose an item. / Support-
Skill- Supporting a Claim during the debate in prison or with the leader of the Irish mob
Does the prisoner/mob leader support this counterclaim with clear and convincing arguments? There should be more than just one. (2 pts.)
Choose an item. / Support-
Skill- Countering a Claim/Argument
Does your character attack the prisoner/mob leader’s counterclaim/arguments with clear and convincing counterarguments? (2 pts.)
This is not simply a statement of your position; rather, these are arguments that aim to weaken the prisoner/mob leader’s counterclaim and arguments.
Choose an item. / Support-
Skill- Transitions
Does the author use at least two transitions to illustrate the relationship between points? These must be in ALL CAPS. (1 pt./each)
·  Example- Yes, the Constitution does say that; HOWEVER, your interpretation is . . .
Choose an item. / Support-
Skill- Using Verbals
Does the author use at least one example of each verbal and a total of at least four verbals in this piece? These must be labeled according to the directions below (2 pts. each).
·  Participles or participial phrases (underlined)- these -ing or -ed form verbals function as adjectives in a sentence.
·  Gerunds (bolded)- these -ing form verbals function as nouns in a sentence, playing the role of a subject, predicate nominative, object of a preposition, or direct object
·  Infinitives (Italics)- these are verbs proceeded by “to,” functioning as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb
·  Fourth Example (labeled according to the type it is above)- this is a second example of one of the verbals above.
Choose an item. / Support-
Choose an item. / Total- Please add up all points.