Name: ______
Date: ______


Read and study pp. 692 – 693, 707-708 of Miller-Levine

1. What do the two root words below translate to mean? (p. 692)

a) AMPHI : ______b) BIA/BIO : ______

2. Describe the type of respiratory organs that each amphibious stage uses.

a) Larvae/juvenile: ______

b) Adult: ______

3. List three reasons why most amphibians are strongly tied to aquatic environments. (p. 693)

a) ______

b) ______

c) ______

4. Copy out the textbook definition of an amphibian: ______

5. How does the diet of the larval/juvenile-stage (tadpole) usually differ from the diet of the adult-stage (frog)? ( “Feeding” pp.695-696)


6. If frogs do not have chest muscles or a diaphragm, how do they get air into their lungs? (“Respiration” p. 697)



7. How many chambers does a frog’s heart have, and give their names? (p.697)

8. What structures do amphibians use to filter their blood, and what excretory product is given off from these structures (“Excretion” p. 698)


9. Amphibians are cold-blooded (ectothermic), what do most amphibians do during harsh seasons? (“Response” pp. 698-699)



10. Give the textbook definition of a reptile (p. 707) ______

11. What is the one disadvantage of reptilian skin? (p. 708) ______


12. Describe the function of the main parts of an “amniotic egg”.(p. 708)
A) Shell/Membranes: ______
B) Yolk: ______

13. Explain how the respiratory system in reptiles is an improvement over that of amphibians. (p. 708) ______


14. How do reptiles get air into their lungs? (“Respiration p. 711) ______

15. Describe the heart of a crocodile or alligator.(p. 711)______

16. Reptiles do not put out a dilute solution of ammonia, but rather they put out a uric acid paste, explain why. (pp. 712-713)


17. Some snakes have heat pits, what do these sense organs do and why are they so beneficial for nocturnal snakes? (p. 713)

18. Why do the leathery shells around an amniotic egg have pores? (p. 714) ______


19. What type of fertilization do reptiles use? ______