Present: Jan Beaumont (North Banbury),Linda Feltham (North Banbury), Alan Robertson (North Banbury), Helen lamb (1st Sibfords), Suzanne Smith (6th Banbury,ADC Beavers)TraceyBushrod (6th Chipping Norton), Ceri Osborne (6th Chipping Norton), Helen Barnby-Porritt (1stBodicote), Andy Matheson (1st Southwold),

Apologies: John James (1stBartons), Will Simmonds (1st Hook Norton), Sharon Fleming (2nd Banbury), Dawn Hopkins (7th Banbury), Kate Broome (1st Bloxham), Claire McBride (1st Bodicote), Sophie Smith (6th Banbury), Jill Edwards (1st Bicester),Sue Lyzckowski (1st Grimsbury), Lynne Keen (3rd Bicester), Maxine Evans (1st Kirtlington, ADC Beavers),

Previous minutes were agreed as a true record

Scrap Heap Challenge – 21September

This was held at Tackley Village Hall. Seven teams entered. They were read a story called Harry and the Robots. The teams then had to plan/design and build a robot. They were marked on planning, design, building of their model, final result and teamwork. The beavers had a tea-party with cakes made by Sophie. The winners were 1st Sibfords who were awarded a trophy and certificates. A photo of the winners has been put on the district website under the beaver Scout section.

Those that went had a very enjoyable time and have asked for it to be done again next year again at Tackley Village Hallbut in October instead. It was decided after discussion to still keep it for Beavers age 7 years plus.

Sing-a-Long with Santa – Saturday 30th November

To be held at Horley Campsite. 2.30 – 5pm £7 a head which include a present. Suzanne to try and get water bottles with the Beaver Logo as the Christmas presents.

Would like it run the same way as the county Sing –a-Long with 4 bases at timed intervals.

Activities- Santa’s Grotto in Ford Tent (Colin Whitlock)

-Outdoor activity in the wood – CD decorations (Jill / Lynn)

-Crafts in Taurus. Suzanne has bought the crafts. Claire M will do Christmas baskets. Homemade biscuits will be provided for decorating and a bubble machine to be borrowed from the county.

Each Beaver in the colony will be given a bag of craft activities to ensure there is enough for everyone. Claire McBride is willing to provide the bags. Colonies to bring own labels with the Beavers names on them.

-Drinks / Refreshments and story time in Dean Lodge

Tim Kidd will run the campfire. Nick Bisson has agreed to be Santa.

Suzanne to set a date for the working party to ‘pack’ bags for the Beavers.

Chief Scout Bronze Award

Bowling at Lakeside Superbowl. 1st February 2014 2 – 5pm. Booked. Invitations will be sent out at the beginning of December. We will follow the same theme as last year. One game of bowling, a couple of activities, tea party (each colony to bring an item of food), Badge and certificate presentations and photos.

‘Easter’ trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park Sunday 30th March 2014.

Suzanne will check opening times, entry prices and coach. Suggested that there be a coach(es) from Banbury and Bicester if there is enough interest and meet at Cotswold Wildlife Park at a designated time. Banbury coach will pick up from Chipping Norton on route

County Events for 2014

County Sing-a-Long with Santa- Being held for district south of North Oxfordshireas we are holding our own.

County Beaver Camp – 13 -15 June 2014 at Horley campsite. Theme is SPACE. The camp name is Beaveree Space Odyssey. Badge design info has been sent out. Contact Nathalie Soanes if you would like to take part.

Colonies around the District

6th Chipping Norton – 1 Beaver achieved their Chief Scout Bronze award. 4 beavers have moved to Cubs. Have been doing the Friendship Challenge. Built boate which they sailed ion the river. Holding a winter camp at Horley on 16th November.Doing the Extreme Ox Challenge at Youlbury on 23rd November.

1st Bodicote – 2 Beavers have achieved their CS Bronze award. 6 Beavers have moved to Cubs. 9 new beavers.Have taken numbers up to 24. Have been doing the Environmental Partnership with Cubs, Global Partnership with the Rainbows. Doing their Faith Badge, creative badge and First Aid. Also the Fire/Ice badge as they are fundraising for their young leader who has a place for the jamboree.

1st Southwold – Have been doing the Friendship Challenge and Faith Badge. Did the ‘chippy’ hike (a hike to the chip shop, each Beaver were bought a cone of chips to eat, then hike back again). Made water rockets.Practiced putting up tents.

North Banbury – 3 Beavers achieved their Chief Scout Bronze award. Decided they would be‘Out and About’ for the summer term and holidays. They did hikes, activities at Horley, compass and tracking, did a trail around Mollington. Went on a very wet walk.Held a very wet group camp at Rough Close Campsite, Coventry. Had Fair trade activities. Doing Operation Christmas Challenge, autumn Stain glass windows, county camp badge competition. Three Beavers moving to cubs at half term, three at Christmas.

6th Banbury –4 Beavers have achieved their Chief Scout Bronze Award.3 Beavers due to go into Cubs at Christmas. Have done the Experiment badge in which the Beavers did a sink and float activity, made grass heads, made a torch using circuit boards. Have also done the Air Activities badge and musicians badge. Went on a hike organised by one of the young leaders. This term will be making crafts and fundraising for Help4Heroes, the Beavers chosen charity.

1st Sibfords – 5 Beavers have achieved their CS Bronze award and moved into Cubs. Held a disability games evening. Had a visit from a personal trainer who showed the beavers how to do Nordic walking. Made water filters. Camped at Warwick castle. Have been doing their Air Activities badge. Warriner School Farm visit making bug houses.


Dates of next meetings 2014

Monday 13th January – 7th Banbury H.Q.

Week commencing 11th May. ? 1st Bicester – Suzanne to ask Jill Edwards.

September ?1st Bodicote. Suzanne to ask Claire McBride / Phil Grant (GSL)

dates will be confirmed before the next meeting