Request for proposal (RFP)for PROVISION OF TRANSPORTATION SERVICESTo SUBCOUNTyIES for Wavestwo to seven of the National Malaria Mosquito Net distribution


A.Malaria Consortium

Malaria Consortium is one of the world's leading non-profit organisations dedicated to the comprehensive control of malaria and other communicable diseases in Africa and Southeast Asia. Malaria Consortium works with communities, government and non-government agencies, academic institutions, and local and international organisations, to ensure good evidence supports delivery of effective services, providing technical support for monitoring and evaluation of programmes and activities for evidence-based decision-making and strategic planning. The organisation works to improve not only the health of the individual, but also the capacity of national health systems, which helps relieve poverty and support improved economic prosperity.

Malaria Consortium is committed to obtaining a fair value for services received with a competitive price and timely delivery of the right quantities at the right quality.

From December 2016 to June 2017 Malaria Consortium is supporting the Government of Uganda in the mass distribution of mosquito Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs). The exercise will take place in 116 districts in the four regions, with the distribution exercise completed in one region before moving to the next region. Districts in a region will be bundled to a batch of 18-20 districts where the distribution activity will happen simultaneously, following which the next batch of districts will be completed creating a wave pattern until all the regions and districts are covered. Thus the exercise will have six waves, beginning with the East and then proceeding to the Central, and finally the West. The total number of mosquito nets expected to be distributed is 24 millions.

This RFP is to provide the transport services forWaves2 to 7 from the central store in Kampala to sub county stores during the period December 2016 to September 2017

BAdministrative Information

1)It is the intent of this RFP to secure competitive proposals to select a transportation services agency to transport mosquito nets from Kampala central warehouses to sub county stores.

2)Vendors shall submit sealed bids addressed to:

Malaria Consortium Uganda

Attention: the Logistics and Administration Manager

Plot 25, Upper Naguru East Road

Naguru, Kampala, Uganda

Tel: 077 2 744 997; 031 2 300 420

3)Bids must be received byWednesday December07th 2016 at 17:00 (5pm). Bids submitted after the deadline will NOTbe accepted.

4)Malaria Consortium shall notify the winning bidders in writing within seven working days of the bid opening. Malaria Consortium is under no responsibility to release the identity or contract terms of the winning vendor.

5)The submitted proposal shall include the following information. Failure to supply all requested information or comply with the specified formats will disqualify the bidder from consideration.

i)Completed Tender Response Document

  1. Proof of relevant insurances (question 3)
  2. Copies of internal policies (question 5)
  3. Confirmation that bidders agree to Malaria Consortiums policies (section 3)

ii)Copy of business registration documents (proof oflegal operation in Uganda).

iii)Bank reference for 2014 and 2015 (letter of sound financial stand)

iv)Company qualification and references

v)Pricing Proposal based on the details provided in this RFP

6)Malaria Consortium reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of Malaria Consortium, and is not bound to accept the lowest priced bid submitted.

7)Malaria Consortium reserves the right to award contracts to multiple vendors if deemed to be in its best interest.

8)The award criteria shall be based on the proposals overall response and “value for money” while taking into consideration donor and internal requirements and regulations. The award will be determined by a committee of Malaria Consortium employees.

9)All bidders will be verified against the following sanctions lists:

  • UK Treasury List
  • EC List
  • OFAC List
  • Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority

10)The successful vendor shall receive a contract for the period of the services required, which can be extended upon agreement of both parties.

11)The language for communications and required documents is English.

CTechnical Requirements & Specifications
  1. Malaria Consortium requires transport services for Wave 2 to 7 of the National LLIN distribution campaign, to collect approximately 21,820,507LINs (packed in approximately 545,5124bales of 40 LLINs) from the central warehouses in Kampala on or after December 22th.
  1. These 21,820,507 LLINs must be delivered to approximately1,290 sub counties in the 98districtsoutlined in Appendix 1 on specific dates between December 22thand June 2017.

It is estimated that the majority of sub county are between 1km to 5km from the district Head quarter.

It is estimated that each bale of 40 nets weighs 30kg, with dimensions of 1 x 0.35 x 0.36 m (0.126m3)[1]

  1. LLINs cannot arrive at the defined sub-county stores before the specified dates (between December 22th and June2017) which will be at least two weeks days before distribution no later than the specified dates to allow the distribution to be conducted in an organised and safe manner.
  1. LLINs will be taken directly from Kampala central warehouse to the sub county stores (which will be organised by Malaria Consortium).
  1. The vendor will be responsible for loading of trucks at the central stores in Kampala and unloading at sub-county stores.
DPricing Proposal

1)The vendor shall provide fixed prices for the contract term as follows;

-From Kampala central warehouses to sub-county stores based on MT (Metric Ton) per Km

Refer to the attached Uganda Road Distance ex- Kampala.

2)Final payment for deliveries will not be made unless the following documentation is provided;

  • Waybills signed at the point of departure for each trip by a Malaria Consortium appointed representative, outlining quantity and condition of goods
  • Waybills signed at the point of arrival for each trip by a Malaria Consortium appointed representative, outlining quantity received, condition of goods and any goods missing or damaged
  • Certificate of completion together with signed copies of the waybills and goods received note for all locations

3)Any losses or damaged nets will be deducted from the final payment, and it is the responsibility of the transporter to manage any claims under any insurance they may hold

4)The vendor shall provide proof of insurance for the nets and the truck and will be responsible for any extra costs until nets reach their final destinations.

5)Malaria Consortium will impose penalties for late delivery at sub-county stores based on the following:

  • 0% of the cost of the delivery of the nets to the particular sub-county stores on the specified date, for deliveries on or before 14 days
  • 5% of the cost of the delivery of the nets to the particular sub-county stores on the specified date, for deliveries on or before 10 days
  • 10% of the cost of the delivery of the nets to the particular on sub-county stores the specified date, for deliveries on or before 6 days
  • 25% of the cost of the delivery of the nets to the particular sub-county stores on the specified date, for deliveries on or before 4 days
  • 40% of the cost of the delivery of the nets to the particular sub-county stores on the specified date, for deliveries after 2 days

6)Malaria Consortium will make payment 30 days after presentation of certificate of completion note, signed waybills, goods received notes and invoice outlining any deductions for loss, damage or late delivery.

7)All payments shall be made in (Uganda shillings) by bank transfer.

8)The evaluation criteria as outlined in Appendix 2 will be used to evaluate bids.

Appendix 1: List of Districts and sub-counties to be covered in wave two to seven of the National LLIN distribution campaign

Please note that this list is not final and is subject to change up to one week before the final delivery


District / Estimated LLINs / Number of Sub-counties
Wave 2
1 / Amuria / 184,808 / 16
2 / Budaka / 142,354 / 13
3 / Bududa / 144,570 / 16
4 / Bukedea / 129,022 / 6
5 / Bukwo / 60,956 / 12
6 / Bulambuli / 121,103 / 19
7 / Butaleja / 167,920 / 12
8 / Kaberamaido / 145,725 / 12
9 / Kapchorwa / 71,423 / 15
10 / Katakwi / 113,065 / 10
11 / Kumi / 176,252 / 7
12 / Kween / 65,306 / 12
13 / Manafwa / 240,990 / 30
14 / Ngora / 97,312 / 5
15 / Pallisa / 263,671 / 19
16 / Serere / 193,706 / 10
17 / Sironko / 168,441 / 21
18 / Soroti / 202,943 / 10
19 / Tororo / 359,492 / 21
Total / 3,049,060 / 266
Wave 3
1 / Amudat / 76,326 / 4
2 / Arua / 536,248 / 28
3 / Bulisa / 9,267 / 7
4 / kaabong / 115,606 / 14
5 / Kiryandongo / 183,160 / 7
6 / Koboko / 142,166 / 9
7 / Kotido / 122,187 / 6
8 / Maracha / 127,150 / 8
9 / Masindi / 200,072 / 9
10 / Moroto / 71,395 / 6
11 / Moyo / 93,899 / 9
12 / Nakapiripirit / 115,891 / 8
13 / Nakaseke / 135,022 / 15
14 / Nakasongola / 124,204 / 11
15 / Napak / 99,178 / 8
16 / Nebbi / 263,088 / 15
17 / Yumbe / 331,630 / 13
18 / Zombo / 164,160 / 10
Total / 2,910,650 / 187
Wave 4
1 / Bugiri / 266,404 / 11
2 / Buikwe / 298,045 / 12
3 / Busia / 222,320 / 16
4 / Buvuma / 61,439 / 9
5 / Buyende / 218,865 / 6
6 / Iganga / 345,840 / 16
7 / Jinja / 319,797 / 13
8 / Kaliro / 161,810 / 6
9 / Kamuli / 334,822 / 13
10 / Kayunga / 252,837 / 9
11 / Kiboga / 101,491 / 8
12 / Kibuuku / 138,387 / 10
13 / Luuka / 164,901 / 8
14 / Luweero / 312,901 / 13
15 / Mayuge / 327,253 / 13
16 / Mbale / 336,563 / 23
17 / Mityana / 226,240 / 12
18 / Mukono / 409,648 / 15
19 / Namayingo / 152,455 / 9
20 / Namutumba / 172,965 / 7
Total / 4,824,983 / 229
Wave 5
1 / Buhweju / 84,716 / 8
2 / Bushenyi / 160,918 / 12
3 / Hoima / 391,950 / 15
4 / Ibanda / 169,429 / 15
5 / Isingiro / 336,093 / 17
6 / kabale / 364,807 / 25
7 / Kanungu / 172,156 / 17
8 / Kasese / 479,454 / 29
9 / Kiruhura / 224,381 / 18
10 / Kisoro / 196,130 / 14
11 / Kyankwanzi / 146,191 / 11
12 / Mbarara / 323,819 / 17
13 / Mitooma / 126,701 / 12
14 / Mubende / 470,432 / 19
15 / Ntungamo / 334,185 / 20
16 / Rubirizi / 88,294 / 11
17 / Rukungiri / 218,933 / 12
18 / Rubanda / 0
19 / Sheema / 144,595 / 12
Total / 4,433,184 / 284
Wave 6
1 / Bukomansimbi / 103,177 / 5
2 / Bundibudgyo / 153,081 / 15
3 / Butambala / 68,617 / 6
4 / Gomba / 109,324 / 5
5 / Kabarole / 323,868 / 24
6 / Kagadi / 0
7 / Kakumiro / 0
8 / Kalangala / 36,474 / 7
9 / kalungu / 125,753 / 6
10 / Kamwenge / 287,845 / 15
11 / Kibaaale / 538,656 / 35
12 / Kyegegwa / 189,437 / 9
13 / Kyenjojo / 289,567 / 18
14 / Lwengo / 188,120 / 8
15 / Lyantonde / 64,589 / 6
16 / Masaka / 202,598 / 9
17 / Mpigi / 171,771 / 7
18 / Ntoroko / 45,363 / 10
19 / Rakai / 353,776 / 22
20 / Sembabule / 172,783 / 8
Total / 3,424,798 / 215
Wave 7(Kla&Wakiso)
1 / Kampala / 1,035,502 / 73
2 / Wakiso / 1,371,167 / 140
TOTAL / 2,406,670 / 213

Appendix 2 Evaluation criteria


1.Technical Proposal

1.1Understanding of, and responsiveness to Malaria Consortium’s15

requirements (Question 1 in the Bidder Response Document (BRD))

1.2 Details and proof of relevant insurance for the fleet for transportation15

of the nets (Q4 in the BRD)

1.3Company Experience20

-Range and depth of company experience (Q2, Q5, Q8 in the BRD)

-Relevant client reference to similar contracts (Q3 in the BRD)

-Internal good practice policies (Q6 and Q7 in the BRD)

-Resources including transport assets, monitoring and reporting

systems (Q9, Q10 and Q11 in the BRD)

1.4 Compliance with Malaria Consortiums Policies (Section 3 in the BRD)10

Total for Technical Proposal60 Points

For the proposal to be considered technically compliant, the proposer must achieve a minimum score of 40 points. Proposals, which do not meet the minimum score will be considered technically non-compliant and will be given no further consideration. In addition, clarity and completeness of presentation will be considered during the evaluation.

2. Financial Proposal40

With clear outline of proposed methodology for the delivery of all nets on time,

In good condition, at value for money

Total Technical and Financial100 Points

Malaria Consortium Terms and Conditions of Purchase

  1. The bid documents and subsequent correspondences constitute part of this contract
  2. The vendor shall keep all proprietary information accessed confidential and will not use this contract or any other related items such as the logo of Malaria Consortium for any other business without the prior approval of Malaria Consortium.
  3. It is agreed that at minimum a quarterly review meeting will be held between senior representation of both Malaria Consortium and the vendor to review performance of this contract. Each parties agrees to cover the cost of the meetings independently.
  4. The vendor agrees to produce a statistical report to Malaria Consortium at the end of every month.

Payment and Fess Condition:

  1. The vendor agrees to honor the pricing terms presented in the RFP response for the period of the resulting contract
  2. All payments will be made in the agreed currency in accordance with the agreed payment terms with the following supporting documents;

a. The purchase order confirming the supply of goods/services from an authorized Malaria Consortium staff member as set out in the contract showing the price.

b. A signed proof of delivery of the goods/services ordered by the Malaria Consortium.

  1. The vendor provider will give a proper and immediate update on any promotional fares when introduced for the goods/services and also facilitate Malaria Consortium to benefit from it.

Force Majeure

  1. If the performance of the resulting contract is delayed, hindered or prevented or is otherwise frustrated by reason of force majeure which will mean any event beyond the control of the party affected including inter alia, Acts of God, Acts of regulation or Laws of Government or similar authority, war, civil commotion, destruction of facilities or materials by fire, earthquake or storm, labor disturbances, epidemics, failure of public utilities, then the party so affected will immediately notify the other in writing.
  2. Upon acceptance in writing by the other party of the existence of any such event, or if the other party has failed to respond within 5 working days, the obligations of both parties will cease or shall be suspended for an appropriate period of time to be arranged between the vendor and Malaria Consortium.

Cessation and Suspension of Obligations

  1. In the event of the cessation of obligations Malaria Consortium is obliged to pay any sum due or outstanding based on the number of goods/services to have already been issued/completed under the terms of this contract at the date of cessation;
  2. Each party has the right to terminate this contract within 30 (thirty) days prior written notice in the event that;
  3. the vendor does not remedy a failure in the performance of their obligations under this contract within thirty (30) days after being notified in writing or within such further period as Malaria Consortium may subsequently approve in writing; or
  4. the vendor become insolvent; or
  5. as a result of Force Majeure, the vendor is unable to perform a material portion of the Services for a period of not less than thirty (30) days; or.
  6. If donor terminates, significantly alters or suspends its contract with Malaria Consortium, which will trigger a significant reduction in activities or programme closure.


  1. Should the parties be in dispute on the meaning or interpretation of any of the terms of this Agreement, including a failure to agree on an event of force majeure, the matter will be referred to an arbitrator to be nominated by the parties or, failing contract, to be appointed in accordance with the United Kingdom Arbitration Act, and the decision of the arbitrator or ruling of the Court will be final and binding on both parties.

Governing Law

  1. This contract will be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of the Uganda.

Anti-Bribery Policy

  1. Purpose and context

Malaria Consortium’s policy is to conduct its work in an honest and ethical manner. Malaria Consortium, wherever it operates, takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and is committed to ensuring that its employees act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all dealings wherever Malaria Consortium operates. This is to ensure that the organisation benefits from a valued reputation, and donor and partner and beneficiary confidence.

  1. Principles

Malaria Consortium is committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery.

  1. Scope

This policy applies to all individuals in the organisation, including trustees, senior managers, employees (whether permanent, fixed term or temporary), volunteers and interns, consultants, partners and any other person or organisation providing services to Malaria Consortium whether paid or unpaid.

All employees will be trained on this policy on joining the organisation as part of their finance induction. They will be asked to sign that have read, understood and agree to abide by its content. All other persons associated with the organisation will be informed of this policy through their contractual arrangements. For existing employees and associated persons the policy is to be communicated via the Country Director, the Regional Programmes Director in the regions and the Financial Controller in each country.

  1. Definition and terms

What is a bribe?

A bribe is a financial or other advantage offered or given:

  • To anyone to persuade them to or reward them for performing their duties improperly or;
  • To any public official with the intention of influencing the official in performance of their duties. This includes any form of gift or payment to an official in an attempt to speed up or complete a process quicker than usual. The size of the gift is irrelevant.
  1. Implementation

Any individual suspected of offering, promising or giving a bribe, requesting, agreeing to receive or accepting a bribe or bribing a public official will be investigated under the organisation’s disciplinary policy and if found guilty will be dismissed for gross misconduct. For any contractor found to offer, promise or give a bribe or requested or agreed to receive or accept a bribe or bribing a foreign public official, will have their contract terminated immediately, all business dealings will cease and financial compensation will be sought and it will be reported to the authorities as required by the Act.

If any individual is confronted with a request to make a bribe, individuals are to present a copy or explain this Anti-Bribery Policy and must not agree to the bribe in any circumstances. All vehicles should carry a copy of the policy for this purpose.

Gifts and hospitality

This policy does not prohibit the giving and receiving of promotional gifts of low value and normal and appropriate hospitality. Low value gifts are defined as those below GBP 5.00 or currency equivalent. Gifts and hospitality may amount to bribery; therefore these must not be offered or given with the intention of persuading anyone to act improperly or to influence a public official in the performance of his duties. Any gifts or hospitality offered must be reported to the Country Finance Manager before acceptance and instruction given to the individual on whether or not the gift is to be accepted.

Any offer or promise must be documented, whether it is approved or not by the Country Finance Manager on the register of interest and gifts for the country. Malaria Consortium does not give out gifts, although within projects, some activities, such as low cost incentives to voluntary workers, may be acceptable. These must be within the original project and its budget as agreed with the donor.

The register will be accessible by the Country Director, internal and external auditors and to regional and HQ staff performing checks on visits to the country.

Facilitation payments and kickbacks

Malaria Consortium does not make, and will not accept, facilitation payments or “kickbacks” of any kind. Facilitation payments are typically small, unofficial payments made to secure or expedite a routine government action by a government official, for example to clear goods or persons through customs. Kickbacks are typically payments made in return for a business favour or advantage, for example, to reduce delivery time on goods and services. All employees must avoid any activity that may lead to, or suggest, that a facilitation payment or kickback will be made or accepted on behalf of Malaria Consortium.