North American Lionhead Rabbit Club
General Membership Meeting
January 26, 2002

The Meeting was called to order by Arden Wetzel at 12:35 PM, members in attendance were as follows: Gail Gibbons, Sarrah Gibbons, Cindy Servis, Kris Weissenfluh, Brenda Lindner, Arden Wetzel, Betty Hoover & Gigi Kemp.
Motion was made by Gail to accept previous meetings minutes, per publication on the Lionhead website. Motion seconded by Cindy Servis
Arden read the constitution as written and proposed by Gail Gibbons. Changes were made per members in attendance as each part was read out loud.
Gail made a motion to amend Bylaws to raise the membership fees.
New fees
* For one year membership $8.00 per single adult & $15.00 for two persons residing at same address. Youth dues to stay @ $5.00.
* For three year membership for single adults would run $20.00, & youth for three years would run $15.00. Three year 2 person household would run $40.00.
* A surcharge of $10.00 US funds for Canadian membership & $15.00 US funds for Foreign membership.
Sarrah seconds motion, all were in favor, motion passed.

* Motion made by Brenda to have the wording of the Standards committee in the Constitution to be changed to give more specific details, giving a specified number of members present @ the National Convention. At least 9 members to be present, at least 3 being club members. A written draft to be given to member present to proof read. Seconded by Gigi, all in favor, motion passed.
* Motion to adopt Constitution and By-Laws as presented & amended, with copies sent to general membership for ratification, by March Newsletter was made by Gail, seconded by Betty, all in favor, motion passes. Gail made motion that a ratification made Ballot should be sent out by April 1st. Kris seconded, all were in favor, motion passes.
The processing of the Newsletter will stay with Gail Gibbons.
Advertising rates as follows for newsletter: Business card size ad $15.00/Issue, $50/Year. Only members will be allowed to run Breed advertisements in the Newsletter. Classified ads to be only for actual rabbits, not unborn litters. All ads must be prepaid. Gail asked for club to waive her advertising, per fact she had paid for postage on Newsletter mailing. All were in favor.
* Motion made by Kris for the Guidebook, to allow advertising by Commercial vendors, as well as members. Guidebook will have the inside & cover in full color.
Advertising rates for Guidebook as follows: $100 inside cover, $75.00 back inside cover
(black & white ad) Full page Ad @ $60.00, 1/2 page ad @ $35.00, 1/4 page ad @ $20.00.
A membership Application to be a 1/2 page, loose sheet, inserted inside of Guidebook. Gail seconded motion, all in favor motion passes.
Appointed by Arden Wetzel, Sarrah Gibbons will do the membership Applications.

Election of Officers
Gail nominated Bob Whitman for the Vice President position. There were no other nominations. Gail moved a white ballot.
Secretary, Kris Weissenfluh wishes to relinquish Treasurer's position
Betty advocates to relinquish Kris of the Treasury position, Sarrah seconds, all in Favor.
Kris nominates Brenda Lindner as Treasurer, there are no other nominations. Sarrah moves a white ballot.
Arden will contact club membership for anyone interested in serving as Directors.
Gail motioned to hold elections for permanent officers at the 2003 National Convention. Brenda seconded, all in favor, motion passes.
Arden said he would put up a pair of Lionheads, for a silent auction, at the Indianhead Club Show. 75/25 split with the club.
Arden to come up with a meeting area for the Board & General membership meetings at the 2002 ARBA Convention site.
Gail motioned to adjourn, seconded by Brenda, all in favor, meeting adjourns at 1:38pm.

Respectively Submitted
Secretary, Kris Weissenfluh