“Dead Chemists’ Society” Poster Project

DUE DATE: ______My Scientist: ______

In this project you will use resources from the library, Internet, and your textbook to locate information about the scientists who made major contributions to Atomic Theory and The Periodic Table. You will be assigned a scientist. This information will be presented on a poster (min. size 14” X 22”) tombstone (or real tombstone) for each of the scientists in the graveyard.

Each tombstone will include:

A.  Name of the Scientist

B.  Year of birth and of death

C.  Scientist’s nationality

D.  Epitaph (a saying or verse that reflects the main contributions of the scientist to the Atomic Theory and/or The Periodic Table) *must be at least 5 sentences

E.  Picture of the scientist

The members of the “Dead Chemists’ Society” are as follows (in chronological order of their contributions):

1.  Democritus

2.  John Dalton

3.  John Newlands

4.  Dmitri Mendeleev

5.  Henri Becquerel

6.  J.J. Thomson

7.  Marie Curie

8.  Max Planck

9.  Robert Millikan

10.  Ernest Rutherford

11.  Henry Moseley

12.  Neils Bohr

13.  Louis deBroglie

14.  Erwin Schrodinger

15.  James Chadwick

As you collect information on your scientist, be sure to identify your source on your notes. Include all of your sources on a bibliography page taped/glued to the back of your poster. Use APA bibliography format. You must have a minimum of 5 sources in your bibliography. If you don’t know how to do APA format try this website : http://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/

Your poster must be done completely by hand with the exception of the pictures and bibliography!!! No other typing or computer generated images!!! It will not be accepted if it doesn’t follow these guidelines!!!

Refer to the Grading Rubric (which must be paper clipped to the project) for the specifics on your poster requirements. Your name and period should be written on the back of the poster and no identification should be on the front. Creativity and appearance will count 15%, so take your time and do a good job.

NAME: ______Per.:______Date: ______

“Dead Chemists’ Society” Poster Project

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria / Possible Points / Project Points
(graveyard, tombstones, design) / 5
§  Lettering quality
§  Use of Color
§  Neatness / 10
Accuracy of Tombstones:
§  Dates of birth/death – 5 points
§  Nationality – 5 points
§  Epitaph (5 sentences)à 50 points / 60
Pictures of Scientist:
Must have a picture of scientist / 10
§  5 Sources cited
§  Correct format used / 10
Following Directions:
§  Name and period, bibliography on back only
§  Minimum poster size
§  Rubric paper clipped to poster / 5