CPC Minutes (September 29th, 2016)

900 Oakwood Street

342U EMU Student Center

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Meeting Opened


Officers Present:

All Officers Present

Delegates Present

Senior / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Junior / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X

Special Guests:


Officer Reports


·  Greek Convocation is October 10th, 2016 at 7:00pm in the Student Center Ballroom. Speaking will be Jeremy Poincenot. 80% of each active Chapter is required to be in attendance.

·  Greek Leadership Academy, a FREE leadership academy for EMU Greeks, will take place November 11th-13th, 2016. Members can apply to participate at: http://www.emich.edu/campuslife/greek-life/leaddev.php

·  Join College Panhellenic Council on EagleSync! Click here: https://orgsync.com/131570/chapter)

·  Greek Life Alive will be going live in October!

o  Members of all three councils will be able to submit responses to the monthly prompt related to the yearly theme.

o  Responses will be showcased at various events throughout the year, as well as online, and in meetings.

·  From here on out, the only meetings that will be formal will be the first meeting of the month. I will remind you of which meetings these are. The rest of the meetings are informal dress. Our next formal dress meeting will be October 13th, 2016.

Executive Vice President:

·  Glass 1 (times for glass 1 will be from 4-6pm)

10/14→ SC room 304

11/11→ SC room 350

12/2 → SC room 350

·  Glass 2 (times for glass 2 will be from 4-6pm)

10/21→ SC room 300

11/18 → SC room 300

12/9 → SC room 300

·  Glass 3

10/22 → Mckenny Hall, Guild Hall from 6-8pm

11/15 → Student Center 300 6-8pm

§  http://www.emich.edu/campuslife/greek-life/fastforward.php (this is the link to follow to sign up for glass)

·  If you have any questions on who needs to be certified or if your certification is expiring soon please contact me, my email is as well as visit my office hours which are 11-12:15 on Tuesday/Thursday

·  Homecoming Details

o  REFER TO THE HANDOUT (email Alex Bakhaus at , if you have anymore questions)

o  http://www.emich.edu/campuslife/greek-life/current-members.php (questions on social policy please refer to this link)

o  Follow this link and find the sub-category “Policies Affecting You”, under that category there will be something that says “social event registration form”, you need to fill that out and send me a copy of your guest list

Vice President of Membership:

·  Quota this year was 13. Capacity was changed to 54. Capacity will be changed again 2 weeks prior to the end of the Fall semester according to the manual of information. Membership chairs can request their daily return statistics via email ().

·  Need membership chair(s) to email me open recruitment dates for marketing.

·  Lack of PNMs at recruitment: Current events greatly affected the amount of women attending recruitment, specifically women of color.

·  Recruitment rule revisions: please propose, a lot of the current language is ambiguous.

·  Recruitment survey: feedback needed from Membership chairs about location, timing,ICS, etc.

·  Coming Soon: RFM Program open to the public! May be nice for the next VP of Membership to prepare the same presentation at Catalyst 2017.

·  Anyone interested in my position now should contact me ASAP, as we need to begin booking rooms in the next 2 weeks.

Vice President of Education:

·  We are selecting our NMI Facilitators tomorrow, September 30th!

o  If you want to apply, then you still have until 11:59 PM tonight!

o  Post on your chapter’s facebooks!

·  https://www.booster.com/make-a-wish-fanny-pack

o  Make A Wish

o  Link is on EMU Greek Life Page and I encourage it to be posted on your chapter Facebook Pages

o  $15 / Fanny Pack

o  Chapter with the most money raised on this campaign will receive Greek Week Points.

o  We need at least 50 purchased in order for them to print!

o  There is also a spot for additional donation where you can encourage family and friends to donate.

o  In order to count a purchase or donation for your chapter, when purchasing or donating, you will have the option to share a message of support! Just throw your chapter name in there! This will make it easier for all parties involved.

§  If it is a family member or a friend, they can throw your chapter name in there.

Vice President of External Affairs:

·  Service and Philanthropy meeting Tuesday, October 4th at 5:00pm in room 352

·  Philanthropy chairs - please update dollars raised! You can access the link at https://docs.google.com/a/emich.edu/forms/d/1i4tVUV-dnTsPRrTy8t_WB_jpY9Ft9ZZ3eG3gYgBHKlQ/edit?ts=57e0160e

·  Service chairs - please update hours served! You can access the link at https://docs.google.com/a/emich.edu/forms/d/1HUyPdlhczqOlVnsG-kj4DBqYSX7g_REohKFgUZIjzDQ/edit?ts=57e017f7

·  All Greek Service Event - October 28th at 10:00AM. Raking leaves around Ypsi and then having cider and doughnuts afterwards! Will be making a Facebook event and link to RSVP!!

Vice President of Internal Affairs:

·  October 12th Treasurer Meeting at 8pm, October 19th Secretary Meeting 8pm, October 26th Public Relations Meeting 8pm.

·  Follow our Instagram account emucollegepanhellenic

·  CPC Facebook like page coming and Sam will post the link on the the Greek Life Page

Member at Large:

·  If you are interested in or know a person that may be interested in being the CPC Member at Large please contact Sam Mull at .

·  IFC congratulates CPC on a great recruitment!

Unfinished Business:

New Business:

New Resolutions


Tri Sigma having 5th annual Carrieoke Events at Aubrees on October 17th at 5pm.

AST Grilled Cheese October 13th 4-9pm come support ASTs philanthropy.

SDT is fundraising for a wheelchair ramp for their home. Send them fundraising ideas!

Meeting Closed:

7: 30