Teacher: E. Vásquez Subject: Life Science Date:Feb10-14, 2014

Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2013-2014

/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ Grade /
Monday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Identify the characteristics of the different invertebrate phyla
Identify their habitats, how they are distributed, and body symmetry.
Learn about the different body processes and systems each phyla has / S. list the characteristics of invertebrates.
We hold a 5-10 min discussion on how they are adapted to their habitats. / S. will begin researching information on their assigned phyla.
Rubric handed out must be followed. / S. must bring laptop/tablet/phones with internet connection to work on presentations
All laptops,tablets, phones, must be dropped off at my room by 6:55am and be picked up by 2:15pm every day from Monday thru Thursday. / Groups show me their progress on research.
They show how presentation is distributed between them.
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
Tuesday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Identify the characteristics of the different invertebrate phyla
Identify their habitats, how they are distributed, and body symmetry.
Learn about the different body processes and systems each phyla has / I will go over expectations for today and answer any questions students may have / S. will continue researching information on their assigned phyla.
S. must decide on PPT or Prezi / S. must bring laptop/tablet/phones with internet connection to work on presentations
All laptops,tablets, phones, must be dropped off at my room by 6:55am and be picked up by 2:15pm every day from Monday thru Thursday. / Groups will show presentation progress and tell if they will be using Prezi or PPT
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
Wednesday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Identify the characteristics of the different invertebrate phyla
Identify their habitats, how they are distributed, and body symmetry.
Learn about the different body processes and systems each phyla has / I will go over expectations for today and answer any questions students may have / S. will continue researching information on their assigned phyla.
S. will start putting presentation together
Images used will be chosen / S. must bring laptop/tablet/phones with internet connection to work on presentations
All laptops,tablets, phones, must be dropped off at my room by 6:55am and be picked up by 2:15pm every day from Monday thru Thursday. / Groups will show presentation progress and chosen images
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
Thursday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Identify the characteristics of the different invertebrate phyla
Identify their habitats, how they are distributed, and body symmetry.
Learn about the different body processes and systems each phyla has / I will go over expectations for today and answer any questions students may have / S. will complete presentations today / S. must bring laptop/tablet/phones with internet connection to work on presentations
All laptops,tablets, phones, must be dropped off at my room by 6:55am and be picked up by 2:15pm every day from Monday thru Thursday. / Groups will quickly show finished presentations to me
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
Friday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / FUN DAY / FUN DAY
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
