Held at the Council Chambers, Tetbury on Monday 14th September 2015 at 7.00pm

PRESENT Cllrs S Hirst, S Ball, C Pearce, T Walsh, M Hamlett & Town Clerk Natalie Haines. In attendance Sally Pickering (from CAB) & Cllrs P Burrell & K Painter

FS1. 09/15 To Note apologies of absence - None

FS2. 09/15 To allow public consultations - Cllr K Painter asked whether F & S grants would cover bidding for a Shaun the Sheep, unfortunately it was felt that the likely sum required would be in excess of the total grants budget. In addition Cllr K Painter questioned why the burial ground was on an F & S agenda when he believed it was a H & R matter.

FS3. 09/15 To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in items on the agenda and not already noted on the Register of Interest Forms: None

FS4. 09/15 Adoption of F & S Committee Minutes 13th July 2015: It was proposed by Cllr Walsh seconded Cllr Ball to adopt the minutes Agreed

FS5. 09/15 Action Points from those minutes and not on the agenda:

FS10.04/15 / To carry out necessary works towards internal audit / Clerk / Completed Remove
FS10.07/15 / Clerk to circulate Goods shed draft lease topics / Clerk / Completed Agenda item therefore Remove
FS11.07/15 / To organise a meeting with DHMC / Clerk and Mayor / Completed 27/07/2015
FS.07/15 / To organise payment of skate park EMR to be paid to Malcom Philby / Clerk / Completed 08/2015

FS6. 09/15 To consider grant applications –

CAB – Sally Pickering from Citizens Advice Bureau Stroud and District, explained that it took 6-9 months to train up a new advisor and that her original application for a grant was for this sum required to train a new volunteer, in addition a sum to go towards their travel expenses. The F & S group felt that it was important to have a presence in Tetbury and that they would like to see a once a week service in the town. Sally confirmed that such a service would cost in the region of £3,800 per year and that without contribution to that amount CAB were not in apposition to offer additional services in the Town. Focus is being put on advice over the telephone, online and via a National website. Sally confirmed that last year 155 tetbury households received advice from the CAB addressing 400 issues.

Sally left the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Walsh and seconded by Cllr Pearce that a recommendation be taken to full council to agree to fund at least 6 months trial period from TTC offices. Agreed.

SWR Dragon’s Den Event – It was proposed by Cllr Walsh and seconded by Cllr Ball that £500.00 be awarded to SWR school’s Dragon’s Den project. Agreed 1 Abstention

Expo Event – It was proposed by Cllr Hamlett and seconded by Cllr Ball that £100.00 be set aside for a winning charity at the forthcoming expo event. Agreed

FS7. 09/15 To approve payment of TTC & TIC August and September 2015 accounts –

TTC August payment schedule totaling £31,293.44 – Agreed

TIC August payment schedule totaling £16,635.82 – Agreed

TTC September payment schedule totaling £36,663.19 – Agreed

TIC September payment schedule totaling £5,195.12 - Agreed

FS8. 09/15 To note budget report to end of August – Detailed Income and Expenditure budget Month 5 duly noted.

FS9. 09/15 To approve Council’s update on Goods Shed Project including topics of lease, it was agreed that the lease should be full repairing with a peppercorn rent for the first two years. In addition the lease to reflect detail surrounding opening times as per planning condition. Cllr Ball to write to Cllr Edge asking for his confirmation of involvement with the project group.

FS10. 09/15 To consider outline 5 year business plan – It was proposed by Cllr Hirst and seconded by Cllr Ball that the plan be taken to full council for approval. Agreed

FS11. 09/15 – To note Professional Indemnity re volunteers of the Neighbourhood Development Planning Group – It was proposed by Cllr Walsh and seconded by Cllr Ball that under no circumstances would TTC sue a volunteer for works undertaken in a voluntary capacity towards the NDP Agreed. This motion was based on the understanding that all NDPs and any challenge of them rests with the Local Planning Authority in this case CDC and that there is much approval and assessment from other external bodies before the plan becomes a legal document.

FS12. 09/15 – To approve the commissioning of a town tree survey – It was proposed by Cllr Ball and seconded by Cllr Hirst that the survey be carried out at an estimated cost of £1880. Agreed

FS13. 09/15 To consider any correspondence received to date – Note invitation to CDC planning event, invitation be taken to next available planning meeting. A letter has been received from HSBC confirming their closure in the town. It was felt that a letter expressing our disappointment and draft press release be put together by Cllr Hirst.

FS14. 09/15 To receive brief Cllr reports – Cllr Walsh reported a successful heritage weekend although Cllr Hirst thought a lessons learned would be a good idea prior to next year’s event.

FS15 09/15 To suggest items for next agenda – None

FS16. 09/15 To note the date and time of the next F & S meeting 12th October 2015 at 7pm

It was proposed by Cllr Walsh & seconded by Cllr Ball that the group go into closed session Agreed

Cllr Walsh proposed and Cllr Ball seconded that the committee suspend standing orders and approve July’s closed session minutes Agreed Cllr Ball proposed and Cllr Walsh Seconded that that Standing orders be reinstated Agreed

FS17 09/15 Closed Session – to discuss burial ground provision and next steps – Cllr Hirst shared with the group a suggestion that had been received from the DH buildings group it was Agreed that a further meeting with both the DHMT and the DH planning group be co-ordinated a suggested date of 6 October was put forward.

FS18 09/15 Closed Session – Complaint received concerning burial ground – It was agreed that an additional bench would be installed in the graveyard which the complainant would be welcome to install a plaque onto, at this time however it was felt that the positioning of the bench could not be permanent. Natalie to draft letter and circulate.

Meeting Closed at 9.30

Chairman ………………………………………………………………. Date ………………………………………..

September 2015 Page 152