Full Time Unit Faculty / Refereed Publications
Dr. Mary Agnew / Agnew, M. (Spring, 2008). At times like these, we need our friends: calling on partners to improve HSA scores, while improving teacher preparation. School-University Partnerships. National Association of Professional Development Schools.
Brozo, W.G., & Simpson, M.L. (2003). Readers, teachers, learners: Expanding literacy across the content areas, 4th ed. Merrill: Upper Saddle River, N.J.
Dr. Sally Bing / Nzeogwu, O., Bing, S. B., Asare, R., Katambo, C. Use of Collaborative
Learning and Teamwork Skills in University Level Science and Math Instruction. Conference Proceedings ISSN# 1541-5880. 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI. (Jan.) 2007.
Bing, S. B., and Verbeke, K. A. Using Technology to Support Program Improvement in a Teacher Education Program. Conference Proceedings ISSN#1541-5880. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI. (Jan.) 2008.
Verbeke, K. A., and Bing, S. B. Two Models for Addressing the Teacher Shortage through PreK-16 Partnerships: TeacherAcademies and AAT Programs. Conference Proceedings ISSN#1541-5880. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI (Jan.) 2008.
Bing, S.A. and Goebel, A.J. “Using Tk20 to Support PDS Communication and Assessment”. NAPDS PDS Partners 3 (2008): 11-13.
Dr. Cheryl Bowers / Bowers, C. & Jeter, R. Group process: The impact of Black female leadership. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Journal, Fall 2004, 11-14.

Exhibit 5c2.1 Unit Faculty Publications

Dr. W. Corry Larson / Larson, W. Corry, and Goebel, Abigail. (2008). Putting Theory into Practice: A Professional Development School/University Co-Teaching Project,Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Larson, W. Corry, and Ward, Camella (2007). Using Curriculum-Based Measurement to Predict Grades, Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Dr. Michael Nugent / “Delmarva Education Foundation / College Career Access Program” Delmarva Youth Magazine Back to School Issue, November / December 2006, Volume 3, Issue 3.
“Welcome Back” Delmarva Youth Magazine Back to School Issue, November / December 2007, Volume 4, Issue 3.
Dr. Karen Verbeke / Verbeke, K. A., & Bing, S. B. Two models for addressing the teacher shortage through preK-16 partnerships: Teacher academies and AAT programs. Conference Proceedings ISSN#1541-5880. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI (January) 2008.
Bing, S. B., & Verbeke, K. A. Using technology to support program improvement in a teacher education program. Conference Proceedings ISSN#1541-5880. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI (January) 2008.
Verbeke, K. A. (2007). Preparing STEM teachers: The key to global competitiveness: UMES. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Full Time University/Part Time Unit Faculty / Refereed Publications
Dr. Nicole Buzzetto-More / Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). Principles of Effective Online Teaching. Santa Rosa: CA, Informing Science Press.
Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). Advanced Principles of Effective E-Learning. Santa Rosa: CA, Informing Science
Buzzetto-More, N. (2008). Using Project Based Learning to Build Information and Technological Literacy. In
Leaning, M. (2008) Issues in Information and Media Literacy.Santa Rosa: CA, Informing Science Press. In Press.
Buzzetto-More, N. and Pinhey, K. (2007). Evaluating E-Learning for Quality Assurance. 197-212. In Buzzetto-
More, N. (2007). Principles of Effective Online Teaching. Santa Rosa: CA, Informing Science Press.
Buzzetto-More, N., Alade, A., and Panda, D. (2007). Using E-Learning to Drive A Student Learning Outcomes
Based Assessment Program. 213-244 In Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). Principles of Effective Online Teaching. Santa
Rosa: CA, Informing Science Press.
Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). Understanding Electronic Portfolios. 281-289 In. Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). Principles
of Effective Online Teaching. Santa Rosa: CA, Informing Science Press.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Elearning and Learning Objects
Global Digital Business Review at
Journal of Global Information Technology at
Journal of Information Technology Education at
Informing Science: The Interdisciplinary Journal of the Emerging Discipline at
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
Buzzetto-More, N & Alade, A. (2008). The Pentagonal e-portfolio model for selecting, adopting, building, and
implementing an e-portfolio. Journal of Information Technology Education. (Pending Publication in Volume 7).

Buzzetto-More, N. (2008). A Comprehensive Examination of Student E-Learning Preferences. Interdisciplinary Journal of Elearning and Learning Object. Vol 4.113-135

Buzzetto-More, N., Hummer, W., & Burza, W. (2007). Examination of a Web Based Homework Intervention Program in Basic Accounting Courses. Global Digital Business Review. 2(2). 8-16

Buzzetto-More, N., Sweat-Guy, R., & Elobeid, M. (2007). Reading in A Digital Age: E-Books as Learning Object. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects. 3 239-250
Buzzetto-More, N. & Sweat-Guy, R. (2007). The Technology Ownership and Information Acquisition Habits of HBCU Freshmen.Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management.2(1). 59-72.
Sweat-Guy, R., & Buzzetto-More, N. (2007).A Comparative Analysis of Common E-Portfolio Platforms and Available Features.Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology Education..5(1). 327-342.
Buzzetto-More, N. & Alade, A. (2007). Najbolji postupci u e-procjeni znanja (drugi dio). Časopis Edupoin. Croatian Academic and Research Network. Travanj 2007./godišteVII/ISSN1333-5987 (
Ukoha, O. & Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). Application of Tinto’s Retention Model Constructs on At-Risk First Generation College Students Using Confirmatory Analysis.Global Digital Business Review. 2(2) 32-39
Buzzetto-More, N. & Sweat-Guy, R. (2007). Digital Natives: Exploring the Technology Experiences and Uses of the Millennium Generation.Journal of Global Information Technology. 1(12) 78-87
Buzzetto-More, N. (2006). Navigating the Virtual Forest: How Networked Digital Technologies Can Foster Transgeographic Learning. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology Education. Volume 3, 2006.
Buzzetto-More, N. & Alade, A. (2006). Best Practices in E-Assessment. Journal of Information Technology Education. Volume 5, 2006.

Buzzetto-More, N. (2006). Guidelines and Standards for the Development of Fully Online Learning Objects. Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects. 2

Buzzetto-More, N., & Guy, R. (2006). Incorporating the Hybrid Learning Model into Minority Education at a Historically Black University. Journal of Information Technology Education. Volume 5, 2006.
Buzzetto-More, N. (2006). The Story Of Black Rock: How An Early Sustainable Forest Spawned The American Environmental Movement And Gave Birth To A Unique Consortium That Links Science, Conservation, And Education. HudsonValley Review: A Journal of Regional Studies. Spring, 2006.
Buzzetto-More, N. (2006). Using Electronic Portfolios to Build Information Literacy.Global Digital BusinessReview, 1(1), 147-152.
Buzzetto-More, N. & Sweat-Guy, R., Jewell, C. (2006). Technology Backgrounds of Freshmen Students at Two Historically Black Universities.Global Digital Business Review, 1(1), 87-93.
Buzzetto-More, N, Das, M., Sampson, A., Gowrla, M. Implications of Online Social Networking. . (2008). Linking E-Portfolios to Information and Technological Literacy. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Global Issues and Information Technology, Faridabad, India, July 31-August 1 2008
Buzzetto-More, N. (2008). Linking E-Portfolios to Information and Technological Literacy. Proceedings of the EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Baltimore, Maryland, January 16-18, 2008.
Buzzetto-More, N. (2008). A Comprehensive Examination of Student E-Learning Preferences. Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference. Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology in Education Conference, June, 2008. Bulgaria
Buzzetto-More, N. (2008). The Pentagonal E-Portfolio Model. Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference. Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology in Education Conference, June, 2008. Bulgaria
Buzzetto-More, N. & Sweat-Guy, R. (2007). The Technology Ownership and Information Acquisition Habits of HBCU Freshmen.Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology in Education Conference, June 2007.Ljubljana, Slovenia.Best Paper Award
Sweat-Guy, R. & Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). A Comparative Analysis of Common E-Portfolio Features and Available Platforms.Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology in Education Conference, June 2007.Ljubljana, Slovenia.Best Paper Award
Sweat-Guy, R. & Buzzetto-More, N. (2007).The Attitudes of AfricanAmericanCollege Students Towards E-Learning and Technology.Proceedings of the 2007 Texas Computer Education Association Annual Convention and Exposition.Austin, Texas.
Sweat-Guy, R. & Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). Instructor-Centered vs. Learner-Centered: Examining Student Learning in an Online Environment.Proceedings of the 2007 Texas Computer Education Association Annual Convention & Exposition.Austin, TX.
Buzzetto-More, N., Hummer, W., & Burza, W. (2007, October).Examination of a Web Based Homework Intervention Program in Basic Accounting Courses. Proceedings of the Global Digital Business Association Conference. McClean, V.A.
Ukoha, O. & Buzzetto-More, N. (2007). Application of Tinto’s Retention Model Constructs on At-Risk First Generation College Students Using Confirmatory Analysis. Proceedings of the Global Digital Business Association Conference. McClean, V.A.
Buzzetto-More, N., & Guy, R. (2006, June). Student Satisfaction of Web-Supported Learning at a Historically Black University. Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology in Education Conference 2006. Manchester, England. Recipient: Best Paper Award.
Buzzetto-More, N. (2006, June). Navigating the Virtual Forest: How Networked Digital Technologies Can Foster Transgeographic Learning. Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology in Education Conference 2006. Manchester, England. Recipient: Best Paper Award
Buzzetto-More, N. (2006, October). Using Electronic Portfolios to Build Information Literacy.Proceedings of the Global Digital Business Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV
Buzzetto-More, N. & Sweat-Guy, R., Jewell, C. (2006, October). Technology Backgrounds of Freshmen Students at Two Historically Black Universities.Proceedings of the Global Digital Business Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV
Buzzetto-More, N. (2005, June 16-19). The IT Revolution: Applications and Strategies for Transgeographic Learning and Academia in the Twenty-First Century. Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology in Education Conference 2005.Flagstaff, AZ
Dr. Leon Copeland / Copeland, Leon L., & Gray, Robert C., (2003). “Developing Technology Education Leaders for the 21st Century.” Technology Education Leadership Project (TELP).” Journal of Industrial Teacher Education. (Special Issue NSF Projects).
Dr. Gerald Day / The Maryland Technology Teacher. (Fall 2007). Volume 5, No. 1. Editor in Chief, professional journal of the Technology Education Association of Maryland.
“Technology Education Initiatives”. (Fall 2007) Volume 5, No. 1.The MarylandTechnology Educator. pp. 4-5.
“Conducting Program Assessment”. Co-author with Anthony Schwaller. Chapter in CTTE Yearbook. (2007) Council on Technology Teacher Education (CTTE). Marie Hoepfl and Mike Lindstrom, editors. New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Publishing.
Dr. Shirley Hymon-Parker / 2008Thompson, A. and Hymon-Parker, S. (2008). “College student’s perception of clothing that projects a professional image.” Accepted for publication in UndergraduateResearchJournal in Human Sciences. Vol.7.(on-line journal).
2006Willis, J. and Hymon-Parker, S. (2006). “Expanding multiculural activities across the curriculum for pre-schoolers.” UndergraduateResearchJournal in Human Sciences. Vol. 5.(on-line journal).
2003Jensen, J., Rowley, M., Skidmore, J., and Hymon-Parker, S. (2003). “Family and Consumer Sciences
Teachers: The best resource for recruiting new teachers.”Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education,
Vol. 21 (1), 56-65.
2003 Hymon-Parker, S. (2003) “Distance learning brings degree programs to rural communities.” Journal of
Family and Consumer Sciences, Vol. 95 (4), 86-87.
2008Hymon-Parker, S. (2008). Retia Scott Walker: Leading by example. In J.R.Miller, D. I. Mitstifer, and G.G. Vaughn (Eds.), African AmericanWomen:Contributions to the Human Sciences (in press).
Dr. Madhumi Mitra / Mitra, M., and Mickle, J.E. 2008. Algal fossils from the Early Campanian localities of North Carolina. Submitted to Journal of North CarolinaAcademy of Sciences. Accepted with minor revisions.
Havrilla, C., Mitra, M., and Mandouma, G. Isolation of Di (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) from chlorophytes Ulva lactuca and Enteromorpha intestinalis from Indian River Inlet, Delaware, USA. 2008. Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research, 7 (1), 26-30.
Chaudhuri, A., Mitra, M., Havrilla, C., Waguespack, Y., and Schwarz, J. 2007. Heavy Metal Biomonitoring by Seaweeds on the Delmarva Peninsula, East Coast of the USA. Botanica Marina, 50, 151-158.
Mitra, M. and Mickle, J.E. 2007. Palynological Age Assessment of Localities (Tar Heel Formation) in North Carolina. Journal of North CarolinaAcademy of Science, 123 (1) 60-64.
Havrilla, C., Mitra, M., Chaudhuri, A., Mandouma, G., Waguespack, Y., Schwarz, J., and Wu, S. 2006. SolidState CP-MAS 13C NMR Analysis of Seaweeds from the Chincoteague Bay, Virginia. Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research, 4, 175-179.
Nagchaudhuri, A., Mitra, M., Marsh, M., Daughtry, C., Earle, T., and J. Schwarz. 2008. Site specific farming, environmental concerns, and associated advanced technologies, provide a platform for active learning and research at a land grant university. Proceeding of 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June 22-25, 2008.CD ROM.
Nagchaudhuri, A., and Mitra, M., Stoakley, R., Turner, T., Cherinet, S., Ladd, G, Chalyam, H., Hartman, C., and Burrow-Mcelwain, J. 2007. Rich learning Experiences for Minority Undergraduate Students through Inquiry based project activities in the field and laboratory settings. Proceeding of 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27, 2007. CD ROM.
Nagchaudhuri, A., and Mitra, M. 2007. Technology Education in K-12 : Revelations from Designing and Delivering a Robotics Lesson for Pre-service Teachers, Proceedings of 2007 Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27, 2007. CD ROM.
Nagchaudhuri, A., Mitra, M., Brooks, C. B., Earl, T. J., Ladd, G., Bland, G. 2006. Aerial Imaging and Remote Sensing Efforts at University of MarylandEastern Shore. Proceedings of 2006 Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education, Chicago, Illinois, June 2006, CD ROM.
Nagchaudhuri, A., Mitra, M., Brooks, C. B., Earl, T. J., Ladd, G., Bland, G. 2006. Integration of Mechatronics, Geospatial Information Technology, and Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Environmental Stewardship. Proceedings of the IMECE’06 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-10, Chicago, IL. CD ROM.
Moisan, T. A., Atkinson, L. P., Blanco, J. L., Boicourt, W., Hooker, S., Maldnen, C., Moisan, J. R., Mannino, A., Mitra, M., Mulholland, M., Nolan, J., Russ, M., Surf, R. W., and Tester, P.A. 2005. Bio-physical Interactions in Ocean Margin Ecosystems (BIOME): understanding coastal dynamics in the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight. Oceans 2005 and Proceedings of MTS/IEEE 2005, 3: 2830-2837.
Nagchaudhuri, A., Mitra, M., Brooks, C. B., Earl, T. J., Ladd, G., Conry, R., and Bland, G. 2005. Initiating Environmentally Conscious Precision Agriculture at UMES. Proceedings of 2005 Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education, Portland, Oregon, June 12-15, CD ROM.
Nagchaudhuri, A., Williams, M., Singh, G., Mitra, M., and Bland, G. 2004. Vertical Integration of students and mentoring activities pave the way for Phase II of UMES-NASA Experiential Learning Project. Proceedings of 2004 Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004, CD ROM.
Mitra, M., Schwarz, J.G., and Hager, H. 2005. Seasonal variations in moisture, ash, and lipid content of three edible seaweeds from Chincoteague Bay, VA, XVII International Botanical Congress in Vienna Austria, Abstract # 2476, 629 (Paper presented at the XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2005).
Mitra, M., and J. E. Mickle, 2004. Morphology and Taxonomy of Fungal Palynomorphs from the Tar Heel Formation of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Polen, 14: 184 (Paper presented at the International Palynological Congress in Granada, Spain, July 2004.
Mitra, M. and J. E. Mickle. 2000. Aquilapollenites in the Early Campanian of North America. Amer. Jour. Bot. 87 (6) [suppl.]: 72. Presented at the Sixth International Organization of Paleobotany conference in Quinhuangdao, China, July 2000.
Dr. Daniel Seaton / Seaton and Carr (2005). The impact of participation in an ancillary science and mathematics program (SEMAA) on engagement rates of middle school students in regular mathematics classrooms. School Science and Mathematics. 105, 8, 423-32.
Johnson, Mack, and Seaton (2005). Developing a complete research cycle (CRC) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly. 26, 1, 28-33.
Nagchaudhuri and Seaton (2005). An experimental mathematics course for middle and high school mathematics teachers. Final Conference Program and Proceedings. American Society for Engineering and Education.
Nagchaudhuri, Smith, Poddalgoda, Jarrett, Omar, Redden, Seaton, Johnson (2006). Project based active learning involving freshman and sophomore engineering majors at UMES. Final Conference Program and Proceedings. American Society for Engineering and Education.
Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Research in Mathematics Sciences. (2004).Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Research in Mathematics Sciences 2004 Conference Proceedings
Atlantic Consortium for Research in Mathematics Sciences. (2005).
Adjunct Faculty / Refereed Publications
Ms. Abigail Goebel / Larson, W. C. and Goebel, A.J. “Putting Theory into Practice: A Professional Development School/University Co-Teaching Project”. (accepted for publication for May 2008 in the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning)
Bing, S.A. and Goebel, A.J. “Using Tk20 to Support PDS Communication and Assessment”. NAPDS PDS Partners 3 (2008): 11-13.