Present: B. Scatchard, R. Mallett, K. Marken, C. Hall, L. Wood, S. Muckstadt, C. Robbins, L. Phelan, C. Schroeder, P. Gallagher, T. Britt, D. White

Athletic Director’s Report (brief report read by B. Scatchard)

·  Recruiting Event to be held on 2/26, 11AM at DSHS

o  Panel of college coaches discussing the collegiate athletic recruiting process for parents and students of DSHS

·  Spring Season “Meet the Coaches” - March 16, 6pm in Lindquist Commons

o  Potential conflict with FOPA Les Mis Production rehearsal.

o  B. Scatchard to notify J. Parcells

·  Spring Season Sport Registration

o  Open and ongoing

o  Season tryouts begin 3/21

·  Stadium Lighting LED Upgrade

o  Budget estimate received for four potential light retrofits

§  Estimates vary from 85K – 250K

o  DS Boosters supplied the capital for the original stadium field lighting project and will most likely fund this upgrade.

o  Review of zoning restrictions on stadium lighting is need prior to any monies spent retrofitting lights.

·  Phase II Field Update

o  Gale has been updated as to design/use revisions needed based upon feedback from 2/1/16 meeting. (see attached documents)

§  5-6 tennis courts to be located at Junction St in lieu of Farm Street field location.

§  Addition of second lax/soccer field on Farm Street, current scenario reduces playing fields from two to one and is not ideal.

o  The revised planning document shows the second field as turf and the JV baseball field would use part of this second field for their outfield.

§  Additional scoping regarding field requirements would need to be conducted with DSHS and Gale Associates before a design is finalized.

·  Turf Replacement for Nora Searle Field

o  The turf replacement for the Nora Searle Field was estimated by the manufacturer to occur 12 – 15 years following the installation date in 2012. The Boosters and the RSC acknowledged at the January 10, 2012 RSC meeting that the funding requirements for the turf replacement would be paid for by athletic usage fees charged for the stadium field.

Treasurers Report

·  Tom Britt introduced as S. Armo’s replacement

·  No updated treasurer report at this time.

Standing Committees

·  Raider’s Rack – K. Marken/P. Gallagher

o  Currently meeting with vendors to secure fall 2016 season merchandise

§  Reviewing the idea of offering white button down “DS” monogrammed oxfords for FOPA performers

o  Store reopening for spring on March 15th

o  kick started Wall of Fame (spirit wear photos project)

·  Membership – S. Muckstadt

o  Family memberships relatively flat at 148 members

o  Membership income increase of 11% . Due to membership category revisions.

·  Funding Committee – B. Scatchard for W. Wood

o  March 7 meeting scheduled to review spring funding requests

o  New funding committee members - Sheryl Weden and Dennis Jenkins

·  Concessions – C. Hall

o  New lottery system to select 2016/2107 team volunteers to be instated.

o  Seven teams to be selected for fall

·  Gates – no report at this time

·  PTO Liaison – no report at this time

New Business

·  Booster’s Golf Outing Fundraiser - (B. Scatchard)

o  Outing to be held Monday, May 9th at Framingham Golf Club. Shotgun start of 1pm. Lunch and dinner included with silent auction during dinner hour.

§  Committee planning meeting held on Feb 23rd

§  Next planning meeting March 8th at The Heritage of Sherborn.

·  Future Booster Board Recruitment - (L. Wood)

o  Small spring discussion event to be held for potential parent volunteers. Event will target parents with children in 7th-9th grades.

o  Recommendation made that DS Booster President present at fall, winter and spring “Meet the Coach” events held by the AD.

o  Recommendation for DS Booster presence at 8th Grade Parent/Athlete Meeting in spring.

·  Stadium Field Banners – (B. Scatchard)

o  Replacement vinyl banner unveiled for stadium light poles. Current banners have not worn well due to fabric material and require removal in late fall to early spring.

o  8 banners 30”x96” vinyl priced at $3000 with estimate of installation and equipment rental to be $1500. Board approved total of $5000 to proceed with banner replacement.

o  Booster’s to also price vinyl banner with same design for potential HS Gym and Chase hockey rink installation.

·  Triathlon Fall 2016 – (C. Robbins)

o  To be held on Sunday, Sept 18th

o  Registration currently open

o  Committee working on sponsors

·  Booster’s Website Upgrade – (B. Scatchard)

o  Team pages to move to AD jurisdiction and will no longer be utilized on Booster’s website

o  League Athletics acquired by Sport’s Illustrated, subscription cost increased.

o  C. Robbins investigating new options for Booster’s website platform.

·  DS Booster Coach Event – (B. Scatchard)

o  Event to be pushed out to next year

o  Potential time frame is March 2017 between winter and spring sport seasons.

Next meeting April 4th, 2015 DSHS 7pm

·  (Future meeting: Jun 6th )

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Mallett