Terrington St John Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Terrington St John Parish Council held on

Wednesday 1st March 2017 at 7.00pm in the Ely Row Methodist Hall

Present:Mr C Clifton - Chair,Mr C Cook, Mrs E Roffe, Mr C Gibbs, Mrs S Cooper and Mr K Knight.

10 members of the public. Mr B Long - Borough Councillor

  1. To consider accepting apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Mr B Dye, Rev M Dale and Mrs V Nelson

  1. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed


  1. To approve the minutes of the last council meeting and matters arising

Minutes of the meeting of Terrington St John Parish Council held on Wednesday 1st February 2017: It was resolved to approve the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting and were duly signed by theChair.

  1. To suspend the meeting to allow public participation

The meeting was suspended to allow for public participation.

a) Mr Scott Brown, on behalf of Richard Knight Homes Ltd, planning application 17/00197/F. Mr Brown presented the application to the members. Mr Brown confirmed that £10,000 would be available to the Parish Council from the CIL levy on this development. C Clifton discussed the current concerns of the Parish Council. A member of the public expressed concerns about the application, including the density of the development. B Long discussed the 5 year land supply, the size of the plots and implications to the street scene this will have. B Long pointed out that the previous 5 house application would have been refused if it had been put in now as it is outside the village envelope. A member of the public expressed concerns about the drainage details of the application and the actual size of the plot. Mr Brown reassured the member of the methods taken to deal with drainage in a positive way and confirmed he would check the size of the plot and make changes if necessary. A member of the public asked about the visibility splays and that at present they are going to be directly opposite the entrance to their own property. Mr Brown confirmed that the visibility splays have all been agreed to by Highways. Mr Brown noted that the application has the same footprint as Fenland Lodge, another recent application. C Clifton invited further questions but there were none.

b) Horse awareness signs - A member of the public explained that 40 other owners of horses were wishing for horse awareness signs to be put along School Road in Terrington St John. B Long stated that on the whole NCC are not positive about signage but he is in full support of having a horse awareness sign as he knows that this road is well used by horse and riders. B Long is in support of the need for the horse awareness signs. A Bishop to provide details of the 40 people to the clerk, ready to be considered by the members. Action: Clerk

The meeting was reopened.

  1. To consider balances at bank and approve payments to be made

The Clerk circulated the bank reconciliation and budget before the meeting. The balances at bank as at last bank statements received: Current A/c (20/1) £100.00 Business Savings A/c (20/1) £12,403.01

Accounts for payment - resolved to approve the following payments in accordance with the budget:

PayeeDetailsCheque numberAmount

G RobinsonClerk101733£181.97

J CookLitter collector101734£60.00

B HarrisLitter collector101735£60.00

WestcotecLighting contractor101736£16.50

M&M CleaningBus shelter cleaning101737£20.00

  • It was agreed that the Clerk should write off the £500 cheque to Trust Unity Bank, re-apply for this change of bank account and get a new opening cheque next month. Action: Clerk
  • The Clerk updated the members on the eon refund resulting from notifying UK power networks the changes to the street light lamps. A certificate of change of details has been received but no refund or conformation of new charging details have been received yet.
  1. To consider Transparency code fund grant bid

A completed Transparency code fund grant bid form was circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk asked if funding for a scanner could be applied for at the same time as funding for the Microsoft office software. The members agreed that applying for a scanner would be a good idea and the application presented should be submitted. Action: Clerk

  1. To consider the Grounds maintenance quotes

The Clerk presents all the quotes received prior to the meeting. These were considered. It was agreed that the Parish Council should continue to use Norse for the parish grounds maintenance.

  1. To consider planning matters


17/00197/F - Proposed construction of 7 number new dwellings at Cowslip Barn School Road TSJ - Deadline 7/3/17

The members agreed to support this application if the entrance is moved both during construction and for the final entrance, so that it is opposite plot 2 or 3. It was agreed that the application will be refused if this is not possible. KKnight to take up this matter with Mr Brown after the meeting so that the Clerk can submit the Parish Council's consideration by the deadline of 7th March. Action: K Knight and Clerk

17/00236/CU - Change of use of the land to equestrian for personal use, repair/replacement of fencing and placement of movable shelters/storage at Field Opposite 3 Gambles Terrace School Road TSJ - Deadline 14/3/17

The meeting was briefly closed for a member of the public to explain that this property is now under new ownership. B Long explained that the change of use is because it is to equestrian for personal use.

A member discussed the existing dangers of the road in this areafor horse riders, that have previously been outlined by a parishioner. It was agreed that this application should be refused because the members have already received substantial safety concerns from a horse riding parishioner using School Road,therefore more horses on the road in this area should not be encouraged at this time.


16/02068/O Terrington St John Fenland Lodge School Road, TSJ - Outline Application: Construction of 2 dwellings, 1 to facilitate home-working Application Refused 9 February 2017 Committee Decision

Non material amendment

16/00215/NMA_1 T M Browne Developments Ltd TSJ 553889 314143 NON-MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO PLANNING CONSENT 16/00215/F: Construction of two pairs of semidetached houses Mill House Mill Road, TSJ

  1. To consider correspondence.

All email correspondence was sent out during the month and the Clerk went through the postage correspondence. There were no issues to be taken forward from the correspondence received during the month.

  1. To consider the future storage of the previous minutes books - Clerk to bring them to the meeting

The Clerk presented all the minutes books that have been previously kept at the Clerk's home. It was agreed that the books should be forwarded to the Norfolk record office for safe keeping, however the last completed minute book should be kept with the other records that Clerk has. Action: Clerk

  1. To consider the Police report from PC E Carter Engagement Officer

CClifton reported on the recent meeting held with the police at the village beat base. Queries relating to the meeting have been circulated prior to the meeting. CClifton further explained speed watch communications regarding the SAM2 data collected. Inspector M Cant is supporting speedwatch and officers will be assisting with this. The members agreed that the engagement with Inspector M Cant was very positive. CClifton discussed the Old Church Road parking with the police as the public are parking on the pavement. CClifton and the Clerk are having a meeting with PCSO BLee and Inspector MCant on 10th March. CClifton discussed the Home Office architect that the Parish Council can bid for to advise on all aspects of security, personal safety and in particular road safety for future planning applications. The Clerk has asked for more information about this. Action: Clerk

SNAP meetings - It was agreed at the recent meeting that they are not as productive as they could be. Inspector MCant hopes to now bring the SNAP meetings to Parish Council meetings. The members agreed that the meeting held at the beat base was worth attending having read the notes circulated by C Clifton prior to the meeting.BLong noted he wasalso was disappointed with how the SNAP meetings were going.

C Clifton reported that he has had a meeting with the Scouts and Preschool in attendance. CClifton has also met with the Preschool to look at the property and consider their needs. The current lease agreement prohibits the Scouts from leasing to other groups. The Clerk and CClifton have met with lawyers. The Clerk has written to Fraser Dawbarns to try and locate the Declaration of trust and unregistered freehold deeds. CClifton explained that if the Parish Council adopts the ownership of both land and building the whole village can benefit more from the building. The lawyer explained that if the building has foundations it will be owned by the Parish Council. Mrs King, the previous Clerk will be assisting Fraser Dawbarns in finding the documents. The village hall committee has funds which could be used towards the Scout hut if it is owned by the Parish Council. The project cannot move forward under the current lease agreement.

  1. To consider village car park improvements

Quote received from SHarris was presented to Parish Council for altering the car park. It was agreed the Clerk would get two additional quotes ready to be considered at the next meeting. Action: Clerk

The Clerk discussed parishioners views about widening the entrance by three metres, which were all positive. As the Clerk only had one quote for this it was agreed that two further quotes would be ready for the next meeting. Action: Clerk

CClifton discussed thespeed watch scheme and asked if the members could attend the speedwatch team just a few times of the year to show their support. It was noted that the police will be coming to help the speed watch group occasionally. RMullisnoted that he and BDye will be attending a county speed watch meeting in the near future.

  1. To discuss the Neighbourhood Development Plan and Statement of Community Involvement Consultation

CClifton will issue Neighbourhood Development Plan next week, so that it may be considered at the next meeting. Action: C Clifton

  1. To consider Clerk's report

The Clerk circulated the report prior to the meeting and when through it in detail at the meeting.

  • There were not items to take forward from the report at this stage.
  • There are tyres on Middlegate drove - clerk to report.Action: Clerk
  1. To consider member’s reports
  • KKnight noted that there are quite a few vehicle using the car park on Old Church Road regularly, and some all day. He also noted that there are people maybe using drugs in the car park. It was agreed that this will be reported to the police on Friday during the meeting to be held with them, Mr Clifton and the Clerk. Action: Clerk
  • KKnight discussed the vehicles coming off the new housing site next to the woolpack. This will be reported to the police on Friday. A truck on the site needs to be reminded to move their vehicle back away from the road. Action: Clerk
  • KKnight noted that it is good to see the rubbish being removed from the slip roads.
  1. To receive items for next month's agenda
  • Standing Orders
  • Risk Management policy
  1. Annual Parish Assembly meeting - Wednesday 5th April 2017 before the ordinary meeting

It was agreed that local community groups should be invited the APA and asked if they would like details of their group updated or put on the village website. Action: Clerk

  1. Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday 5th April 2017 at 7.00pm in the Ely Row Methodist Hall

The public and Clerk were directed to leave the meeting for the next item.

  1. To discuss confidential items
  • To consider the Clerks appraisal - input contribution required from PC members

As there was no further business the meeting closed at10.00pm

Signed: Date:Page 1