School Site Council Meeting Agenda

October 18, 2016

Welcome - Meeting begins at 3:30 pm, Dr. Wagner


Kim Ballard / Larry Bennett
Ruby Rivera / Xochitl Ortiz / Emily Orozco
Jorge Jimenez / Isela Ramirez / Sonia Felix
Jennifer Donohue / Maria Tiznado / Ken Wagner

Guests: Julio Omier, Rosalie representing parent center, Sandra: President of DLAC & President of DHS ELAC & Parent Ambassador, President of Bubbling Wells ELAC and Vice-president of DLAC, Secretary of RMHS ELAC, Blanca Meza

·  Selection of Officers - Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary

·  Chairperson: Kim Ballard

·  Vice- Chairperson: Jorge Jimenez

·  Secretary: Ruby Rivera

·  Approval of By-Laws

·  Motion by: Xochitl Ortiz, 2nd: Sonia Felix

·  Agenda Review

·  Student Report

·  Sports: volleyball victories, tennis is undefeated, golf has league finals

·  MTU: Peter and the Star Catcher & Beauty and the Beast

·  First Homecoming game and dance: Disney theme, 800 tickets sold

·  Clubs: Many new clubs this year

·  PSAT: free to all 10th and 11th grade students

·  Principal Report

·  Site Updates

§  Successful Homecoming, carnival instead of parade

§  College Fair at Agua Caliente, well attended, many schools, parents and students

§  PSAT: school wide event, all sophomores and juniors are taking the PSAT, seniors and freshmen are participating in college readiness activities

§  Great American Shakeout: district wide, 10/20 at 10:20

§  Fright Night: 250 students participate, Halloween theme

·  Facilities Updates: no updates at our site, future facility change when CCHS pool is completed

·  Old Business

·  Trend Data Review –2014/15 – 2015/16

·  LCAP aligned school goals, each category is detailed in SPSA report

·  every 3 months Dr. Wagner enters information to show progress

·  SPSA was created last spring and the new school site council can look at this report and adjust as needed at any time

·  school site council members are able to recommend changes

·  Surveys

·  603 students, 51 staff, 65 parents responded to survey

·  all information is posted on school website

·  majority of our students have internet at home (83%), Students are aware of after school services (84%), students aware of graduation requirements (86%), Students are aware of A-G requirements (83%)

·  One takeaway from the surveys was the need to increase college readiness. This year there is a focused effort toward this goal.

·  69% of students participate in extra-curricular activities, RMHS encourages this participation

·  Teachers surveyed believe that that there is strong communication, parent involvement, and administrative visibility in the classroom

·  Parents surveyed prefer communication via email, ideally RMHS would like to have more parent responses, past forms of communication include autodialer, facebook and school website

·  Future plans to use PeachJar to promote surveys, possibility of using personal phone calls


·  English scores dipped last year, English department has responded and changes are in place for this year

·  Math scores went up last year

·  CELDT Testing

·  English learners now have data to show 3 year trend, targets were not met initially, they were met for 2014-2015, and then dipped again last year, small population of 160 students, small changes in student pass rates/scores will significantly

·  all EL students were given a 1on 1 conference

·  smaller class environment for testing

·  Other LCAP data

·  also look at data for all subgroups, all data sets are monitored

·  New Business

·  New SPSA Updates and Proposals

·  specific funding allocations are outlined

·  2016 -2017 operating with 342,566 dollar budget

·  Estimates from last year have been changed to exact dollar amounts in some places

·  New money added for teacher trainings

·  Increased funding for Success in Math, after school course for Integrated Math, summer school classes for advanced math, science and math learning trips, Physics Day, Chemistry Lab, Environmental students take learning trip to Whitewater

·  Increase Literacy in all Content Areas: Tutoring offered in library 4 days a week, 5 days a week in Math Lab

·  Increase EL Support: 2 Bilingual Paraprofessionals, 5 ELL support classes include 18 newcomers, Classified Staff, CABE, LTEL summer academy

·  Increase Enrichment Opportunities: New Science materials added

·  Increase College and Career Readiness: Most of budget goes to AVID program, goal to move toward AVID schoolwide, AP visit to UCR, cost of juniors to take PSAT, SAT Prep classes for 80 students to be offered for free

·  Increase Access to Technology: district is covering the cost of Hotspots and GoGuardian

·  Approval of SPSA

·  Motion by: Xochitl Ortiz, 2nd: Sonia Felix

·  ELAC/DELAC Updates

·  1st DELAC meeting discussed roles of President, V-president and Secretary, discussed Family Conference occurring on November 5th

·  Public Comment

·  Disappointment about band students not getting recognized during senior night football game like football and cheerleaders, band was prepared for halftime recognition but field shows took more time than expected and band did not get to be recognized, potentially rescheduled for last home game

·  Proposal for “Multicultural Senior and Family Night” - parents are requesting to hold a formal dinner with senior students, family members, teachers, principals and superintendent.

·  Dr. Lin (parent center) will provide support from PSUSD

·  Event may be held at every school site in the district, proposed $50-60 ticket price may be too high of a cost for tickets

·  Dr. Wagner suggests ASB students are also planning events in May and they be able to collaborate

·  Dr. Wagner agrees to have a decision by the next meeting date.

·  Proposal is coming from other school districts having success with this type of event, parent who attended CABE conference is proposing this

·  Parent discussion regarding what the term “culture” includes, all cultures are celebrated, all seniors are invited

·  Discussion of proposed length of time of the event, specific logistics must be planned

·  This event is intended for all seniors from all high schools

·  Dr. Wagner will speak with Dr. Lin regarding the event

Meeting adjourned at 4:59pm

·  Next meeting date: November 15, 2016