/ VoteCal Statewide Voter Registration System Project
Use Case: UC05.23.01 / Add Political Party

Use Case: UC05.23.01 / Add Political Party

Attribute / Details
System Requirements: / S23.1 VoteCal must allow SOS administrators to define political parties. For each such party, the system must track and report the following information:
  • SOS assigned party code (refer to the Bidder’s Library for codes for currently recognized parties);
  • Whether or not the party is Qualified, Attempting to Qualify, or Non-Qualified;
  • Date of all changes in party status (Qualified/Non-Qualified/Attempting to Qualify;
  • Reason for such changes (if applicable); and
  • Current state party contact information.

Description: / The purpose of this use case is to create a new political party record in the system.
Actors: / SOS User
Trigger: / User initiates the use case when there is a need to create a Political Party record in the system. This occurs when the SOS receives a letter from an organization expressing its desire to become a recognized political party.
System: / VoteCal Application
Preconditions: /
  • All global preconditions apply.

Post conditions: /
  • A new Political Party record and supporting records (e.g. history) are created.
  • All global post conditions apply.

Normal Flow: /
  1. User accesses the Political Party Management area of the application.
  2. System presents the UI05.xxx Political Party Managementscreen.[BMc1]
  3. System queries all Political Parties and presents them to the user.
  4. User selects the “Add Political Party” command.
  5. System presents UI05.xxx Add Political Partyscreen.
  6. User enters information required to create an Political Party, such as (* required):
  • Political Party Name*
  • Address, City, State, Zip Code*
  • Website
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Comments
  • Contact – User selects the “Add Contact” command to add a new contact, if that information is available. [ SeeUC05.22.01 Add/Edit Political Party Contact]
  • Status – Qualified, Attempting to Qualify[BMc2], Non-Qualified (This will default to “Attempting to Qualify”.)
  • Effective Status Date
  • Party Code – The assigned SOS party code from Political Party Standard Codes. After a political party is added through this process,the SOS User may add a new party code can be addedto the system’s Standard Codes. [ See UC05.05.01 Configure Standard Codes ][BMc3]
  1. User selects the “Save” command to create the new political party.
  2. System validates that no business rules are violated, and then stores data.
  3. System creates a new Political Party record.
  4. System creates Political Party History record indicating the status of the party, the current date, the user who created the political party, and other audit information. The Status Change Reason associated with the history record is “Initial Status[BMc4]”.
  5. System presents message confirming success.

Alternative Flows: / N/A
Exceptions: / N/A
Includes: / UC05.22.01 Add/Edit Political Party Contact
UC05.05.01 Configure Standard Codes
Frequency of Use: / TBD.
Business Rules: / N/A
Assumptions: / N/A
Notes and Issues: / N/A
Have we discussed how DTS, MISC will be captured? Will those codes be entered using this use case? Will VoteCal need these codes as a political party or will that happen elsewhere?

Revision History

Date / Document
Version / Document Revision
Description / Revision Author
01/21/2010 / 0.1 / Initial Draft / Victor Vergara
01/22/2010 / 0.2 / Revisions / Victor Vergara
01/22/2010 / 1.0 / Minor edits and release to client. / Maureen Lyon
03/17/2010 / 1.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback from QA Checklist / Kimanh Nguyen
03/19/2010 / 1.2 / QA and Release to Client for Review / Don Westfall
04/06/2010 / 1.3 / Update with client feedback / Kimanh Nguyen
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.0 / Submit to Client for Review (Deliverable 2.3 Draft) / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.2 / Submit to Client for Approval (Deliverable 2.3 Final) / {Name}
03/1904/06/ 2010
Version: 1.32 / Page 1

[BMc1]Wouldn’t the system query and display all existing political parties as indicated in UC05.06.01, Step 2.1?

KN: Accepted.

[BMc2]Should this default to ‘Attempting’ since that’s normally how we first hear of and need to define a party?

KN: Accepted.

[BMc3]I’m not sure how this is supposed to work. Is the user to supposed to (know) that you have to navigate to and define the new party code in Standard Codes before invoking this Uc to add a new political party? or will this UC call/invoke the screen to define the new ‘Standard Code’ for the new party? (The former approach doesn’t sound intuitive or user friendly. Please clarify what happens here.

KN: Accepted. Added clarifying text

[BMc4]Have you verified this with Deirdre? In most cases this is started with a ‘Notice of Intent’ (EC §5001). (I am assuming that there is no need of capturing the date of the initiating convention per EC §5001(a).) We would also need to separately capture the legal ‘effective date’ which will often be different than the date it is entered into the system.

KN: This is only for the purposes of initiating the political party and recording successive status change reasons. Also added an Effective Status Date field which will record the effective date of the change.