Association of Youth Offending Team Managers Ltd
Minutes of Executive Meeting on 30 September 2015
Location / 1 Lancaster Circus, Birmingham
Present: / G. Jones* / Chair,
L. Tregear* / Vice-Chair
I. Langley*
J. Hanna* / Secretary & Minutes
Asst Secretary
P. Sutton
M.Rees* / AYM Project Officer
SW Regional Rep
H. Williamson*
J. O’Byrne* / W Midlands Regional Rep
East & E Midlands Regional Rep
H. Doughty* / NW Regional Rep
C. Spencer* / Additional Exec Member
Apologies: / A. Peaden* / Yorks & Humber Regional Rep
P. Vedhara MBE
T. Gibson*
N. Wilkinson*
S. Johnson* / NE Regional Rep
SE Regional Rep
London rep
No / Note / Action
1 / Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were noted as above and the meeting was declared as quorate.
2 / Declarations of Interest
3 / Minutes of the last meeting on 7/7/2015
Accuracy: Meeting took place on 7/7/2015 not 5/7/2015 and M. Rees gave apologies. IL will amend. / IL
4 / Matters Arising
Doncaster YOT not yet AYM members.
Minister of Justice stocktake has been overtaken by Youth Justice Review ordered by the new Minister of State.
Jenny Chapman MP for Darlington appointed new Shadow Spokesperson for Youth Justice. PS/GJ will draft a letter of introduction.
AYM/YJB (GJ/LT) meeting with Lin Hinnigan and Kate Morris built some bridges. Hopefully the YJB will be better at engaging YOT managers/AYM. YJB agreed to meet with AYM again and jointly work to refresh/re-launch YOT Partnership Guidance.
Agreed. YJB Board Members to be invited to meet with AYM Executive members at Youth Justice Convention in November.
The YJB are keen that AYM are involved in Peer Review Process, although a clear governance process is needed.
ProbationIinstitute – memorandum of understanding has been signed off and a press release agreed. PS to liaise with Probation Institute about the Press Release.
National Probation Service contribution to YOTs. HD reported a national agreement being looked at to provide a Probation Officer (as required by the Crime & Disorder Act 1998) to each YOT as a minimum, especially for those YOTs where cash is given instead. Concern this may lead to the withdrawal of cash contributions from YOT budgets, which other partners (e.g. Police and Health) could copy. GJ will consult A. Cossins (NPS Lead for YOTs) around AYM written response and will also write to the Secretary of State asking him to put this on hold whilst the Youth Justice Review is taking place.
HMP Risk Interpretation – GJ/HD met with Helen Mercer and Ian Menary from HMIP who said that management oversight of risk was not about individual managers checking but the YOT having systems in place. HMIP have said they are happy to meet again. / PS/GJ
5 / YJB in year cuts
The AYM’s joint response with ACDS had been well received by members. It was felt the YJB had blundered by not ruling out YJB staff redundancies, but leaving YOT’s with no alternative.
An underspend in the YJB Community Service grant suggests YJB had top sliced it as AYM not aware of many YOT underspends in the area.
Restraint training paused despite Chief Inspectors of Prisons comments on volatility of youth secure estate.
GJ had raised the proposed in year cuts at the round table discussion with Michael Gove, who acknowledged it was a blunt instrument.
6 / Youth Justice Review
GJ attended round table meeting on 29/9/2015 with Michael Gove and Charlie Taylor. The latter is keen to attend an AYM Executive meeting and visit YOTs. GJ/PS will arrange.
Michael Gove was keen to know how YOTs make local partnerships work. Mr Justice Davis (Lead Judge for Youth Justice) said you cannot review the youth justice system without looking at sentencing, M. Gove said he would not want C. Taylor to be fettered by the Terms of Reference.
The review has to be finished by the summer of 2016, so it can be commissioned in time for the 3rd year of the current Parliament.
PS will write up a summary of the forthcoming AYM Bulletin. / GJ/PS
7 / Project Officers Report
Joint event with NATJ in Liverpool on 14/10 – over 100 registered to attend including 40 AYM members. It may be possible to run a southern event at the University of Winchester next summer.
Ambition still interested in a joint event in 2016. PS/IL will follow up.
Next members bulletin due out this week and Newsletter prior to YJB Convention in November.
Aspiring Leaders Programme – 10 signed up to second cohort (9 needed to breakeven) but 12/13 an ideal number.
Youth Justice Workforce Development Council not clear who the YOT Manager rep. is. PS will clarify.
Website refresh– Visible Digital doing work and have provided three different mock ups, one of which is preferred to the other two. Training for AYM Exec members via Skype if needed. JH said A. Peaden was also interested. PS will set up training.
AYM Annual Plan - generally on track. The ‘where we stand statements are still outstanding’. PS wil endeavour to finish off.
East Midlands/East representative – J.O’Byrne has resigned. IL will ask him to complete Directors resignation form and will pass thanks of Executive to him. IL will also ask E. Midlands/Eastern AYM members if anyone is prepared to replace him. / PS/IL
8 / Treasurers report (previously circulated)
107 YOTS now signed up and it is likely East Sussex will join as now managing W Sussex who are members
Current AYM Bank Balance c£29k.
Accountants have provided a draft set of accounts for 2014/15 which will be checked by TG.
GJ proposed that a budget line for AYM Executive Expenses should be introduced. TG to be asked to advise what is affordable. Agreed.
TG is checking to the tax liability for the project made on Cohort 1 of the Aspiring Leaders Course.
TG has changed jobs – new employers happy for him to continue at AYM Treasurer but his attendance at meetings would be limited. AYM Exec members present accepted TG’s position. / TG
9 / Articles of Association
IL reported that the AYM’s solicitors had advised that the changes of the associations objects to indicate ‘reoffending’ alongside ‘offending’ would cause difficulties with Companies House rules. Agreed that AYM will revert back to previous objects and IL will report this at the 2016 AGM and ask the solicitors to file the revised Articles of Association With Companies House. / IL
10 / Youth Justice Convention
John Hawkins Award – Agreed to run again with £500 prize for presentation at the convention. PS/IL will organise. / IL/PS
11 / AYM view on change of reporting status for YJMIS(LT)
PNC now a mandatory field. JH reported that had been challenged in his region. Agreed members views would be sought in next bulletin and PS/LT would respond. / PS/LT
12 / 2016 Meeting dates
IL will seek Birmingham venue for meetings in January and March 2016.
A central (preferably free) venue sought for AGM in May 2016. LT happy for her offices in Rugby to be used if needed. / IL
13 / AOB
Five Nations Conference (MR)
Next Conference is in Belfast in September 2016. MR attending planning meeting on 15/10/2015. A theme for the conference is being sought, suggestions to MR.
Some of the workshops at the NAYJ/AYM event on 14/10/2015 may be worth representing at the conference.
British Transport Police (JH)
Attended BTP out of court disposal panel – happy to be AYM rep. Agreed. BTP have a Youth Offender referral form that asks YOT’s for advice.
CPS Prosecution of Looked After Children. (JH)
JH reported this was an issue in his region as CPS not applying own guidance about higher welfare threshold. GJ said Ali Wigzell the author of the Carlisle report would be interested in this. GJ will contact AW. / ALL

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