Central Focus Question: What scientific information can you gather about an element based on its position on the periodic table?

Your task: After researchingthe chemistry textbook and other literary articles on the periodic table and its trends, write a magazine articlein which you explain your element’s placement on the Periodic Table. Support your position with evidence from your research.


Each element on the periodic table has been strategically placed in its spot. Since Mosely arranged the periodic table, new elements have been discovered. The arrangement of the periodic table is maintained by the IUPAC committee. How do the scientists on this committee know where new elements go? How can they arrange a periodic table with blank spaces? Your task is to create a magazine article that explains why an element of your choosing is where it should be on the periodic table. When all articles are done, they will be put together for your class.


After choosing an element on the periodic table, you will use research from the internet to develop a magazine article that explains why your element is in the right spot on the periodic table. Make sure you mention the periodic law, at least 5 periodic table trends, and give both physical and chemical characteristics of the element in relation to its position on the periodic table. Only one person per period can choose an element. This is an individual project and will count as a test grade for this unit.

Class time will be given to complete the project.

Day 1: Students will sign up for their element and start thinking of ideas of what they want their article to look like.

Day 2: Students will research their element in the computer lab using approved websites and the textbook.

Day 3: Students will continue to research and put their article together.

Day 4: By the end of the class period, students will have completed their article and will turn it in to the teacher’s inbox on the shared drive for their class period.

Remember, this is an individual project that will count as a project grade. A project grade is the equivalent to a test grade. This project will be graded for accuracy and creativity. Make sure you follow your rubric and cover everything as you go along. If you have any questions, I will be there to help guide you in the right direction but I want to see what you have learned and what your research says. You must cite your sources throughout your article and it must include all of the necessary components to receive a good grade.

Some things to include in your introduction could include: Where is your element found? What is it used for? What does your element’s name mean? Make sure you include the elements stats, including atomic number, mass number, protons, neutrons, electrons, and valence electrons. Also make sure you give a preview of all the information you will be talking about in your article.

Scoring Elements / Not Yet / Approaches Expectations / Meets Expectations / Advanced
2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5
  1. Introduction of task
/ Attempts to address task, but lacks focus or is off-task. / Addresses task appropriately, but with a weak or uneven focus. / Addresses task appropriately and maintains a clear, steady focus. / Addresses all aspects of task appropriately and maintains a strongly developed focus.
  1. Use of scientific research and citation(x2)
/ Does not use any supporting research or does not cite any sources to complete assignment / Uses 1-2 sources with proper citation throughout document to support ideas. / Uses 3-4 sources with proper citation throughout document to support ideas. / Uses 5 or more sources with proper citation throughout document to support ideas.
  1. Explanation of required periodic trends(x3)
/ Does not incorporate the explanation of trends to convey ideas. / Incorporates and explains 1-2 periodic trends to convey ideas. / Incorporates and explains 3-4 periodic trends to convey ideas. / Incorporates and explains 5 or more periodic trends to convey ideas.
  1. Explanation of the periodic law
/ Does not mention or explain the periodic law. / Mentions the periodic law. / Mentions and explains the periodic law. / Gives a thorough explanation of the periodic law and uses it to support the placement of chosen element on the periodic table.
  1. Explanation of physical and chemical properties based on element’s location on Periodic Table(x2)
/ No mention or explanation of physical or chemical properties for element based on its location. / Defines physical and chemical properties. / Explains the difference between physical and chemical properties / Gives a thorough explanation of how an element’s location on the periodic table can explain and predict the physical and chemical properties of an element with reference to the element’s electron configuration, valence electrons.
  1. Explanation of how newly discovered elements are put in the proper place on the periodic table(x2)
/ No explanation of how new elements are properly arranged on the periodic table. / Gives explanation for how new elements are incorporated into periodic table using periodic trends
The periodic law / Gives explanation for how new elements are incorporated into periodic table using periodic trends and the periodic law / Gives thorough explanation and support for ideas about how new elements are discovered and incorporated into the current periodic table, using periodic trends and the periodic law for support. Provides a recent example of this idea.
  1. Article formatting
/ Not formatted in the style of a magazine / Formatted in the style of a magazine including pictures, side notes, and proper headings.

Total points ______/60