Minutes of the October 16, 2017 Clinton Village Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order – President Tracy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
  2. Roll Call – Present: President Tracy & Trustees Bushue, Ewers, Roman and Torkilson. Absent wereTrusteesNielson and Troha. Also present: Chief Hooker (Administrator), Clerk/Treasurer Franseen, Library Director Bieber, DPW Johnson, and Engineer Kienbaum. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  3. Approval of Minutes – Trustee Bushue moved, Trustee Torkilson secondedto approve minutes from the Village Board Meeting on September 18, 2017 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
  4. Clinton Community School – Administrator Jim Brewer gave a “State of the School” talk. He presented a handout that showed 2016-2017 Highlights, Continuous Improvements for 2017-2018, Future Considerations for Continuous Improvement, and Facilities Assessment Overview.

Chamber of CommerceCitizen Concerns –Mary Gilbank-Peterson complained about how long it took us to respond to a public records request. She also stated that all the emails requested weren’t released. (Clerk’s note: neither Mary Gilbank-Peterson nor the Clinton Chamber of Commerce has made a request for public records.)

  1. President Tracy– She pointed out the new tables and chairs in the board room. She stated there are two open positions on the Fire Board and two open positions on the Finance Board. Interested persons are to contact her. There is going to be a soccer event this weekend at Heldt Paulson Park.
  2. Committee Reports –Parks ordered playground boarder for Herb Reffueand GertWolter and benches. They applied for 40% grant on playground equipment. Public Safety discussed filling a Lieutenant’s position and buying dash cameras in 2018. Library Board has been working on their 2018 budget. Emergency Management (Dave Hooker) is working with Bob Butler from the school district to do safety training.
  3. Reports of Village Officials: Chief Hookeris proud of his department for solving the arson at the First Presbyterian manse. His officers are spending more time on crime. He has an officer who will be off for 1-2 weeks. Clerk/Treasurer Franseen stated there are only two 2016 personal property tax bills that haven’t been paid. She has sent numerous notices to these two persons. Her office has been busy with budget. DPW Johnson reported the sanitary survey resulted in two deficiencies. 1) Clean and paint discharge piping and repair chlorine injection leak. 2) Identify a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 7 more lead and copper sampling sites. A couple of other non-conforming issues with the wells that will be corrected as the wells are rehabbed. Engineer Kienbaumwill have final street project invoices for next month’s meeting.
  4. Unfinished Business:

a) Disallowance of Claim against Village by Phyllis Morris (418 Highland Park Avenue) for DamagesCaused by Back-up of Sewer Water. Trustee Bushue moved, Trustee Torkilson seconded to disallow Phyllis Morris’ property damage claim. Motion carried 5-0.

  1. New Business:

a)Operator License: TrusteeBushue moved, Trustee Roman seconded to approve an Operator License for Colin Cleland (Boxcars) and for Kaylee Novotny (Cougar Lanes). Motion carried 5-0.

b)2018 Street Project: Trustee Bushue moved, Trustee Ewers seconded to authorize RH Batterman to make plans and specifications for street projects in the Capital Improvement Program with the addition of overlay of Allen Street between Milwaukee Street and Cross Street. Motion carried 5-0.

c)Amendment No. 2 to Engineering Services Agreement with Donohue: Trustee Torkilson moved, Trustee Bushue seconded to approve the Amendment No. 2 to Engineering Services Agreement - Well House and Wastewater Pump Station Upgrades (Project). Motion carried 5-0.

10. Purchase Orders - none

11. Approval of Checks and Invoices: Trustee Torkilson moved, Trustee Ewers seconded to approve payment of checks and invoices as follows: General Fund $173,778.49 and Water/Sewer $28,744.27. Motion carried 5-0.

12. Approval of Invoices for Project C-17-1: Trustee Bushue moved, Trustee Torkilsonseconded to approve the invoice from Batterman’s in the amount of $3,140.70. Motion carried 5-0.

13. Media Questions – none

14. Closed Session – none

15. Adjournment – Trustee Bushue moved, Trustee Roman seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.

Respectfully Submitted by

Pam Franseen, Clerk/Treasurer