Nomination Form and Criteria

Integrity is defined as a moral soundness, uprightness, and honesty. The District 5370 Capital Region Rotary clubs annually present Integrity Awards to promote high ethical standards and raise awareness of Rotary ideals. The purpose of these awards is to honour adult, non-Rotarian members of the community for their integrity as citizens. Each participating club recognizes one such individual at an annual Dinner.

Criteria for Selection:

·  A non-Rotarian adult resident of Alberta.

·  One whose lifestyle is consistent with the Four Way Test.

·  Someone whose life shows purpose and expresses principles widely accepted in the community.

·  One who, regardless of circumstances, takes a stand without concern for personal loss or reputation.

·  A person who may not necessarily have a high public profile, and

·  One who has made a personal contribution to the region, which would warrant special recognition.

Procedures for Selection (within the participating Club):

·  Nominations are solicited from members of the participating Rotary Club and should be accompanied by information about the nominee that reflects the criteria, and

·  Nominations should be received by the Club’s Integrity Award committee no later than March 14, 2009.

·  The Club’s Integrity Award Committee will select the winner from all nominees and announce the winner to the membership during March.

·  Prior to finalizing the selection, the Nominator and a representative of the Club Selection Committee should meet with the selected Nominee, as an independent confirmation of the Nominee and of his / her understanding of the award and what would be expected of them.

·  The name of the eventual selection must be provided to the Capital Region Organizing Committee, complete with a current ‘head-shot’ photograph in J-PEG (.jpg) format, no later than February 29, 2012

·  All Integrity Award Winners will be recognized at the Capital Region Gala Dinner, April 26, 2012.

The Award Winner Receives :

·  Recognition as your club’s guest of honour at the Capital Region Rotary Integrity Awards Gala Dinner.

·  Recognition in the Edmonton Journal on the day of the Awards Dinner.

·  A donation to the recipient’s charity of choice (provided by the nominating Rotary Club).

·  A commemorative engraved Integrity Award sculpture.

·  A certificate of recognition from the District 5370 Governor.

Club Application Deadline: February 7, 2012

Regional submission Deadline: February 29, 2012

Integrity Awards Gala Dinner: April 25, 2012

2012 Integrity Award Nomination Form

Name of Nominee :

Home Address : ______

Home Phone: Work Phone : Fax:

(if different)

Occupation: Employer :

(if applicable) (if applicable)

Work Address (if different from home) :

Please provide as much detail as possible to assist the Selection Committee (attach additional sheets if required).

Provide a brief biographical sketch of the nominee:

Please provide specific examples of how this individual has made a personal contribution to the community or business to help in some way to make the region a better place in which to work, play, and live.

Please give examples of how this individuals deportment / character and contributions to the community or business life meets the Rotary Four Way Test:


Nominators Name:

Address: PC

Home Phone: Work Phone:


NB: NOMINATION DEADLINE – February 7, 2012 Your Signature:

Please present this completed form to your Rotary Club’s Integrity Awards Representative prior to the nomination deadline

2009 Rotary integrity nomination form.doc