Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP
Tel: 01748 818155 email:

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 5 March 2015

Present:CllrsA Guest, ChairmanM Barber

D DempseyJ Coventry

A Hunter

The Clerk

Cllr I Threlfall

Cllr C Les

In attendance: Mrs T Clark – Village Society

1.Apologies for absence: PCSO Jordan Wallace

2.Open Forum: The temporary traffic lights on Station Road were discussed. The traffic lights turn to red allowing for the safe movement of vehicles from the construction site turning onto Station Road. It was decided to ask A1L2B why the lights changed to red when no construction vehicles were needing to turn onto the road and when no contractors were working on the site.

Action – The Clerk

3.Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 January 2015 were approved

Proposed:Cllr DempseySeconded:Cllr Barber

4.Matters Arising

Cllr Richard Haynes has informed the Chairman of his intention to resign from the Parish Council with immediate effect. Mrs Ann Hunter contacted the Chairman regarding vacancies for Parish Councillors. Mrs Hunter had previously been Clerk of another Parish elsewhere in the county and was interested in becoming a Councillor for Brompton-on-Swale. The Chairman proposed to co-opt Mrs Hunter onto the Parish Council. This was agreed by all Councillors.

Broken Bench Gatherley Road - The Chairman noted that the broken bench had been removed.

Carlite Caravans – Cllr Barber mentioned that no vehicles had been seen parked on the cobbles on the junction of Gatherley Road and Station Road. Cllr Threlfall noted that Carlite Caravans have vacated the site. A car sales company are taking over the lease and are in favour of the proposed landscaping. The original planning approval is still in place in terms of landscaping.

Grass Verges along Gatherley Road - Cllr Coventry mentioned cutting of the grass verges and wanted to confirm that Gatherley Road grass verges would be cut to meet safety standards. Cllr Les confirmed that if it is a road safety issue the verges would be cut. Cllr Les will discuss with Highways to confirm whether the grass verges will be cut.

Action – Cllr Les/The Clerk

Augustus Gardens – Cllr Dempsey mentioned grass cutting. He asked whether the estate had been adopted. Cllr Les confirmed the roads had been adopted. Cllr Threlfall mentioned an earlier discussion which confirmed that Persimmon Homes were still cutting the grass areas on the estate. Cllr Dempsey mentioned that although Persimmon were cutting some grass areas others were somewhat neglected.

Catterick Racecourse Briefing Event - (Item 9.1 – Minutes of 15 January) - Cllr Dempsey was unable to attend the briefing event on 2 February 2015.

A1L2B Key Liaison Meeting - (Item 9.2 Minutes 15 January 2015) – Cllr Barber attended the meeting and informed the Councillors that the work was progressing well although the high winds had caused some delay.


5.1 Report from Cllr Carl Les

Cllr Les confirmed NYCC will increase the council tax by 1.99% for 2015/2016. NYCC still have to find savings of £76m over the next 4 years.

Cllr Les confirmed that work on the Bedale bypass has started.

Cllr mentioned ‘Community Speed Watch’ which was launched by the Police Commissioner. Initially 4 pilot schemes were due to run although Cllr Les mentioned that 12 are currently running. Cllr Les has asked where these schemes are running, why there are now 12 schemes running instead of 4 and what criteria is being used to identify where Speed watch should be set up.

Action – Cllr Les

5.2 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall

Cllr Threlfall has confirmed that RDC has taken the government freeze therefore there will be no increase in council tax for the year 2015/2016.

6.Current Issues

6.1Parish Website –Councillor Barber noted that it has been over 12 months since the website was relaunched. He mentioned that the website is being accessed on a regular basis with an increase in usage over the months. Links to various clubs and organisations are on the website. The Chairman said that it was a much needed facility and thanked Mrs Barber for keeping the website up to date.

6.2Dog Fouling/Waste Bins – Cllr Coventry mentioned an increase in dog fouling along the footpath of Gatherley Road between Holly Villa and the entrance/exit of the A1. Councillors agreed to ask RDC for a dog waste bin to be placed along the east side of the footpath between the two points mentioned. Cllr Coventry also mentioned the excellent pack on dog fouling sent by RDC.

There are currently nine dog waste bins situated in the village and various other waste bins throughout the village.

It was decided to mention dog fouling in the next village newsletter.

Contained in the information pack from RDC we were asked for details of any ‘Hot Spots’ which are areas that perpetually suffer from dog fouling. RDC target these areas with patrols in order to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to offenders. The ‘Hot Spot’ list is updated constantly. It was decided to list various ‘Hot Spots’ around the village.

The Parish Council will request 2 ‘Dog Signs’ which will be placed at both entrances to the sports field.

Action – The Clerk

6.3Open Event at the Community Sports Hall – Wine has been purchased. Cllr Dempsey has confirmed that he will purchase additional wine and arrange to borrow glasses from Tesco if possible and purchase cheese for the event. Squash will be provided. Tracey Clark will buy crisps, crackers, plates and cocktail sticks.

Bowls will have one mat laid out in the main hall. Zumba will take place in the hall. A raffle has been organised and prizes have been arranged.

It has been confirmed that Bowls, Zumba and North Yorkshire Youth will be attending. Tracey Clark has been trying to contact scouts but has not received confirmation they can attend. Cllr Dempsey has contacted CFR and is awaiting a response. The local cricket club will send a representative. The Parish Councillors will attend. Cllr Dempsey will ask Natalie Kirby from the Allotments Association to attend. The Chairman will contact the Ladies Choir. The Yorkshire Countrywomen have been contacted and Crafty Sew n’ Sews will be asked if they would like to attend. The Vicar will be contacted to ask if she would like to attend. The Clerk will display the play park plans. Help to set up for the event has been offered by various Councillors. Help will be needed from onwards.

Information regarding the 200 club will be displayed to try to increase membership. There are currently 158 members. Details of the Duck Race will be displayed.

Posters have been produced which will be put up around the village two weeks before the event.

Action – The Councillors, The Clerk, Tracey Clark

Tracey Clark mentioned various enquiries had been made for hiring the hall in the evenings. Interest needs to be generated for daytime activities.

7.Parish Finances– The periodic financial accounts which were circulated prior to the meeting were read out. No questions were raised.

Proposed:Cllr CoventrySeconded: Cllr Dempsey


No correspondence had been received.

9.Planning Applications

No planning applications have been received.

The Clerk mentioned full planning permission for Erection of Dwelling on the Land Adjacent to 77 Richmond Road has been granted.

10.Minor Matters

10.1The Chairman mentioned he and the Clerk had met with A1L2B on 20th January to discuss plans for the play park in Brompton Park and the allotment site. The Chairman outlined how A1L2B could help with preparation of both areas. It is understood that A1L2B are compiling a register. The deadline for submitting an application to the COF had been missed. It was decided that we should get quotes for the allotment site from local contractors for necessary works which would to enable the Parish Council to apply for a grant towards the cost. The Chairman asked for confirmation that the Allotments Association is up and running.

10.2Cllr Threlfall discussed an informal set of plans from North Yorkshire Timber. NYT have lost a considerable amount of land due to the A1 upgrade. The Councillors noted there would be no objection in principle although they would want to see landscaping on the front and landscaping going back in between the site and the adjacent site.

10.3Cllr Les invited Mr David Sharpe to the meeting to observe how the Parish Council works. Mr Sharpe would like to consider joining the Parish Council in the future. The Chairman explained the responsibilities of the Parish Council.

11.Date of next meeting – Thursday 16 April 2015 at 1900hrs.

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : ……………………………………………………………